I live in Ohio, but my family is pure Alabamian. Referring back to the Civil War point, I don't like being called a Yank. The reason I call people British or Australians instead of anything else is that it seems that these days everyone is out to get the US and that I don't want to spark an international dispute.
This can be summed up by one line fromt he movie Independence Day:
"Police are warning Los Angelinos to not fire their guns at the visitor spacecraft. You man inadvertently start and Interstellar war."
If any of you have gone to
Click here Then you know that the part such as "United States" or "People's Republic" for example is just a prefix. Therefore, the United States of America is just the long name for a country that could be referred to as it's root name - America. Just like we don't call China the "People's Republic of China" or Mexico the "United States of Mexico". Yes that is Mexico's long name.
This has been another SpamSightful post by Eh_Steve.
Every 4 Seconds someone in the world opens a can of Spam. I just post it.