Warning: immersing your hard drive in vinegar and syrup may have adverse effects on performance
tell me that was your sig.
as for on topic, i was expecting several thousand-word essays debating the existence of teh supernaturl, maybe not.
as for me, i think that the 'spirits' you talk of may work somewhat like a hologram, but seen only under certain circumstances. like freak pictures with someone/thing that wasn't there when the picture was taken.
eg(true story, i swear!)
at school, we had a project to build this 'cat cafe' thingo for the cats that prowled around school. after finishing (it was only a small project) we took a picture of it, and a cat, and the makers behind. when it was developed, behold, the right-most person was accompanied by a horse just next to his right shoulder!
in depth research into the history of the school compounds revealed that indeed a horse lived on the compounds years ago. i'm not clear of the details as i didn't conduct the research itself. but apparently it's made a comeback without having let anyone see it. man i got goosebumps all over me now
EDIT: my theory is that these spirits may be 'imaginary particles' like imaginary numbers that rec was telling me about.
Edited by - kimk on 2/14/2004 8:08:14 AM