This better not have been triggered by the fact that your comp can't run HW2
. If it is, I waited for eons for that game to come out. When it did I went out and payed top dolar for it since it was new only to find out that my computer couldn't run it because my folks bought what was on the shelf. I was pissed let me tell you but it isn't close to that bad.
As for the other stuff, grades... if it's colege I might care more. Up to the end of high school grades are nice, but nothing to kill yourself (literaly or no) over. I (if I do say so myself) have good grades
but I am seriously considering joining the navy out of High School.
Money? Again, are you self suporting? If not, don't complain! Food, warmth, and a roof over your head. Sounds pretty good to me.
Now, having said all that... if you ARE in fact a starving college student,...........
...your normal...
And so, I guess I'm just saying that it can't really ba all that bad