Post Thu Jan 15, 2004 3:32 am

what generation must i be then?

I think that makes you Generation Beta mate

I know I've ranted about spoilt kids before, but I think I'm gonna do it again anyway. It really p*sses me off when I hear stuff like "my parents are so sh*t they won't even fork out a grand for a computer for me". I spent most of my early teens working my @rse off so that I could afford to buy a machine myself...granted it was an acorn archimedes at the time, but it was still one of the most expensive machines available (£1200 in '88). I know this must sound like a "when I were a lad we had to work for a livin down pit" story, but I'm only 29 goddamn wasn't that long ago. I worked part-time in a library, part-time as a tour guide at t'Wigan Pier and I was sound engineering professionally by the time I was 16....there is absolutely no need to rely on your parents to fork out huge sums of money....and you CAN actually enjoy working - its not a myth. I was lucky in that my parents saw how much effort I was putting in, and when I reached £900 they coppered up everything they had and found the extra £300 that I needed to by the Acorn. They couldn't afford it at all, but they wanted to show me that my efforts hadn't gone unnoticed.

I'm in a bad mood today, but I really do hate spoilt moaning brats.