mixing philosophy and physics .....one of my greatest acheivements......
of course a little theology thrown in for flavor, as well as polotics......but we don't talk about that stuff here , no we don't , no sir , no way, no how.........
anyway....what I was going to bring up about the alternate realities,and all time existing simultaneously, it would seem to me that somewhere in the great web of reality there would possibly be a version of myself at a point in the future and possibly along a different timeline, that had somehow managed to become omnipotent, being infinite possibilities and infinite time this may be possible, however if this were so then obviously this omnipotent me would be the only true me, and every lesser version would just be a manifestation of the greater one since the omnipotent version would be able to move through any of the timelines at his leisure and in any direction he would want to, this of course would create a serious paradox if I existed at the same time and place as myself. Now of course this leads me to one of two conclusions, either Space/time doesn't simultaneously exist, or omnipotence is not possible, meaning that reality doesn't have infinite possibilities, and once agian ruining this theory.....So I'm gonna have to go with linear time/space for the "time" being.
I hope that was suitably confusing for ya
this second edit aught to show you just how boring my job is at this shift.....
I have just came up with a theory that might be able to allow for the existance of two me's at the same point in time but at different points in space. Perhaps if this wholey unpresidented event ever happened, the two me's would sort of merge, as in share sensory input and memory, esentially becoming one mind in two bodies. This of course would get into something a tad more metaphysical than what I had intended but......meh no ones really responding much to it anyway so.......
Good?....Bad?......I'm the guy with the gun.
Edited by - Doom_Lancer on 1/12/2004 6:24:41 PM
Edited by - Doom_Lancer on 1/12/2004 11:24:13 PM