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Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 10:26 am


From: The Office of His Celestial Glory Sultan Fear Factor IV

To: All loyal commanders of His Celestial Glory's front-line units currently on stand-down, especially mechanized divisions of the 1st Draconian Measures, 72nd Bear Maulers and armor division 51st Dragon Slayers (aka St George's Iron Paladins), and tactical fighter/bomber wings 101st Clarity of Thought.


As you all know, loyal sons of Factorovia, we are currently in a stand-down status, 10 days after your initial deployments to the borders of our realm, in preparation of our brewing PDRNS and to support our brothers and sisters in Mustantopia, and to liberate the paper-bagged women under the oppression of Tawakalna. I know that you all are optimistic about the New Year peace talks, but celebrations or peace will have to wait. After careful studies of recent events, I am recalling the stand-down orders and cancelling all leaves. All units are to upgrade to highest defense condition, although weapons are still tight.

This is the situation:

roughly six hours ago, a group of elite special forces of unknown origin and allegiance took control of one of our nuclear silos, previously believed to be secret and safe well behind the borders, killing 41 security and science personnels stationed there. Fortunately our launch operatives managed to put the lockdown procedures in place, securing the silos and themselves in their reinforced bunkers. However, the intruders appeared to have the codes and hacking skills necessary to unlock the firing mechanisms, apparently trying to aim our missiles against major cities of PDRNS.

Our reaction was swift and deadly. O-Niwaban special forces was mobilized and quickly entered and regained dominance over the site, however no further informations are acquired since those not killed by our warriors took their own lives to keep their identities secret.

Our Hive Intelligence Tanks, after careful analysis of this event, combined with the orbital photographies, and confessions of the captured spies, concluded that there is a 76% possibility that the splinter-nation of DUSK is behind this. Behind their false pretenses of neutrality and volunteering to host the peace talks, they actually intend to escalate the conflicts between Mustantopia-Factorovia Alliance and PDRNS and her allies - driving to make us the scapegoats in this conflict. The belligerency previously displayed by DUSK's leader freighter fighter (aka ff, not to be confused with ME, that's FF with capitals) while still a lapdog of PDRNS is not compatible with his current peace-loving stance.

Satellite shots demonstrate a hostile convoy of armored and mechanized infantries heading towards the peace talks location. I am ordering our envoys to evacuate, and this is where you boys come in. Your orders:

1. Bear Maulers and Dragon Slayers are to swing round and enter the DUSK borders by force. Crush all opponents using the pincer attacks on objectives Able, Baker, and Dog.

2. Once in position, dig in and send out a patrol to meet our evacuating envoys and escort them back to safety.

3. Once orders 1 and 2 are met, wait reinforcements. I am currently activating our reserve air and infantry assets to watch your flanks. Before they arrive, you can only hope for Clarity's close air supports.

4. As for the 1st Draconian Measures, maintain defensive positions around PDRNS borders, should they be foolish enough to try and take advantage of the Maulers' and the Slayers' absence. As the only elite-rated division on the frontline, you are the only ones able to prevent that, either through fear and reputation or by absolute combat ruthlessness.

5. Clarity of Thought fighters and bombers are to maintain CAS to both fronts until reinforcements arrive.

Possible scenarios:
Although we do not know yet what is Tawakalna's intentions in the whole scheme, we conclude that he is also a victim of his own former servant, ff, since those intruders DID try to level Tawakalnian cities. We shall know the truth when ff's thugs reach the peace talks locations and if they capture Taw's envoys. HOWEVER, if proven otherwise, our generals and Mustang's generals have devised Operation Blue Spoon, aimed at launching one final strike at him and reduce his status to dust. The Measures are to march and link up with Lord Mustang's 2nd and 6th Armies, and get the job done.

May His Celestial Glory's immortal wisdom guide you.

Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 10:33 am

DUSK news network, January 1st 2004:

Work has ended on a missile defence screen that is 100% effective against all missile attacks, and as a precaution all personell and citizens are being vaccinated against chemical and organic attacks.

It is further announced that the head of the DUSk environment ministry has put forward a proposal to the diplomatic department regarding talks with the PDRNS and other world powers regarding arms limitation treaties, specifically the new 'organic explosives' being developed by several nations.

Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 10:37 am

Defend the Revolution! Protect the Motherland (and me!) "Operation Blue Spoon" is the long-standing plan to destroy the Dear Leader's TLR account and password! Without it the Armies of the People's Republic will be unable to communicate with the Central Command Council and the Politburo!

At last the enemy's plan is made clear. The Mustantopian attack on our Motherland was paving the way for the Dark Tyranny of FF-ism.

Rest assured that i myself will peronally lead the defence of our people from the safety of a hardened NBC shelter that is coincidentally well out of harm's way.

Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 10:44 am

Dusk diplomatic broadcast 01 january 2004:

We have recived reports of an infiltration by unknown parties into fractovia, with intentions to launch an attack on PDRNS. We congratulate the fractovian forces on there swift and decisive action, saving many lives, not just in the PDRNS, but every nation.

We also extend our sympathies to the families in fractovia who lost loved ones in this unprovoked attack. We will work together with Fractovia to discover the party responsible for this atrocity, and we request any information reguarding and needs they may have in the coming talks, and as a sign of good faith, chairman ben has announced he will attend without bodyguards.

To who ever commited this cowardly attack, be assured if you attack us we shall respond with ALL force that we see fit.

We have also heard rumours of allegations leveled towards myself with regards towards attempted leveling of several cities in the PDRNS, i can tell you with 999% certanty that it wasnt us.

Space and Technology broadcast 01 january 2004:

A 12 man team has blasted off from a launch site at Cape Dover, the mission is to land on mars around 3 years from now, and another 12 man team will land on the moon to start a research facility for new materials and medicines.

Edited by - freighter fighter on 1/1/2004 10:49:41 AM

Edited by - freighter fighter on 1/1/2004 10:54:50 AM

Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 12:37 pm

To: Tawakalna
Subject: Our operations

While I will be the first to admit my first battlefield skirmish did not go as planned,(see a few pages back) I am beginning to wonder why I stay. My men grow weary with constant drills and training operations. We respectfully ask that we be rotated into a more active position in order to better serve the great republic.

Commander of Revolutionary Guard Shock Tank Army

Self improvement is masturbation ---Tyler Durden (Fight Club)

Edit: lol, ff is the second 'Butt' Admiral

Edited by - Aceaz on 1/1/2004 12:47:59 PM

Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 2:40 pm

Operation: Blue Spoon has long been the planned action against the Red threat of the PDRNS. It has been formulated by the Knighthood of the Moderaytior, a mystic and ancient society of which both Sultan Fear Factor IV and myself are members of. For centuries (by that I mean a couple of years) the Moderaytior have held a deathly vice-like grip on the Forumlands of Utopia, and have used thier powers to control her financial and political movements for thier own gain.

We have allowed the rise of Comrade Tawakalna to power as his aggresive political and war like stance has allowed all countries of Utopia to enter into armed conflict. This inturn, with the production of weapons of war, has dragged the economy into a new golden age. The Knighthood of the Maderaytior has advantaged by this by buying heavily into companies producing weapons of war and has further strengthened it's stance within Utopian society.

However Comrade Tawakalna has now served his purpose and he is no longer required by the Moderaytior. Therefore the enabling of Operation: Blue Spoon will ensure his termination from leadership and will allow us to install a new puppet government with-in the lands currently held by the PDRNS.

Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 3:35 pm

<kicks cat in petulant frustration>

Soldiers of the Revolution! Loyal Cadres of Tawakalna! Your Motherland (and me) is in imminent danger! Beset on all sides by our enemies, despite our sincerest efforts to live in socialist fraternity, we face total annihilation! I hereby authorise all forces to ENGAGE THE ENEMY with all force immediately, before the FF-ists and mustantopians can bring their dreaded *click* weapons to bear!

Marshal Locutov, repeat your heroic defence of the chip shop! Stand firm, let no invader set foot upon our sacred soil (well my sacred soil I've just got me turf as I want it)
Commissar Indinsky, mobilise civil defence battalions and mobilise support amongst all citizens. Shoot anyone who resists. Get me out of this!
General Orilliosk, send all your reserves into battle. Crush the enemy with err.. suicidal frontal assaults against technologically superior forces! then destroy everything afterwards so the enemy can't use it
Comrade Aceaz, your Revolutionary Guard battalions are to show no mercy and annihilate enemy forces with whatever means available. Fight to the last man and the last bullet! Now! Throw yourselves into battle with revolutionary zeal! yes, that's it..

(hmmm remarkably inspiring orders so far if i say so myself...)

Comrade Scientist Esquilov, I sincerely hope my secret weapons are ready! the Motherland desperately needs an anti-click defence system and a modyerator neutraliser! like yesterday..
Comrade dark_reaper, as Commissar for Military Intelligence I want the enemy's weaknesses unearthed and exploited immediately.
Comrade Griffon_26, as Commissar for Special Actions you must defend myself and the Politburo from harm from the enemy AT WHATEVER COST.

Comrade zeratural remains deep undercover and i am unable to inform him of his mission. Oh s*d it, he'll figure it out.

No matter what may come upon you, defend the Revolution to the bitter end! Remember, the Revolution is the Will of the People, the Will of the people is manifest in the Party, and I am the Party. Once again you are called upon to sacrifice yourselves for the defence of my errr OUR Utopia, and to pay the ultimate sacrifice if necessary.

the glorious Armed forces and Citizens of the Revolution march off to war, while myself and Commissar Indy prepare for the defence of the Motherland, in which of course we will be removing ourselves to a place of safety. probably Cuba.

I leave you with a final inspirational scene, of myself and Commissar indy reviewing our brave troops as they march off to the front, while we plan the security of the Revolution...

Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 3:49 pm

Comrad Taw, you again have misspelt my rank, It's Commisar Locutov Commander-in-Chief of the republican Forces under the revered Leader.

And Yes, I shall again March for the Glory of the Motherland
*Ol' Sovjet anthem plays in the background*

Comrad Soldiers, It is once again time to march on to war, for the glory and preservation of our combined motherlands.

Show no Mercy to the Mustantopian warmongers and obliterate, The Sultan, Fear Factor, Who has sought a coward alliance with our common enemie The imperialist Dog Mustang

Obliterate their Defenses, Like you did on the Utopian War, Then March on to The imperialists palace, Crush it And bring me that hound Mustang so his justice will be served,

And while you are on the way, Completely annihilate that dog Sultan Fear Factor IV,

My Comrads, ONWARDS, To VICTORY!!!!
*People of The provinve of Borgia Cheer while the army marches out, all 1,000.000.000 of them*

Comrad Tawakalna Your troops are on the move I await my commands.

Oh, dear, How sad, Never mind!!-Battery Sergeant Major Williams
Plus the newest addition!!-

Edited by - Locutus on 1/1/2004 3:52:05 PM

Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 3:54 pm

Fire at Will, Marshal!

(not fire at Will cos thats Arcon who is not involved in this conflict, i mean fire when ready; as your guns bear.) Military matters are your concern, Marshal of the Armed Forces. i hereby give you authority to conduct the campaign as you see fit.

Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 3:55 pm

Version: 8.0.1

To: Great Leader Tawakalna
From: Ministry of Science, Technology & Weapons Development
Subject: Top Secret

Hail Most Gracious Leader! As you are aware, the security of my Ministry has been compromised. The PGP Keys stored on our servers were leaked to DUSK, which has apparently allowed them to create countermeasures to "Project Xi". I have fully investigated the ministry, and have discovered the informant. He appears to have been swayed by the propaganda prepared by DUSK, and under extensive "persuasion" has cast serious doubts as to the performance of the "missile shield" that we have heard about. In fact, it would appear the the missile shield is currently only in its experimental stages, and will not be operational until after the peace summit. The spy has an astonishing amount of information for a simple field operative, and further questioning is recommended in order to establish his true identity.

Regarding the new stealth missiles designated "Project Phi", payloads have been configured to bear maximum payloads, and the target has been set. The missiles should be effective despite the supposedly fully operational "missile shield" possessed by DUSK, as they are completely undetectable. They have also been configured to be to activate in all weather condictions, and the new ION-based propellant will remove the threat of heat-seeking missile defences.

This email has been upgraded to the newest version of PGP, and is now using new public and private keys. All staff in the Ministry have been screened, and a few "examples" have been made to insure their full cooperation. There is no need to fear another security breach, as the families of all staff have been removed to secure bunkers for their protection.

Death to the Capitalists!


Head of Ministry of Science, Technology & Weapons Development.


Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 4:02 pm


Great Leader, the time for secrecy is past! All long-range stealth missile safeties have been removed and the countdown has commenced. Fireworks should begin shortly.

All hail the Motherland! Onward to victory!


Head of Ministry of Science, Technology & Weapons Development.

Note: My previous email was delayed due to Information warfare being conducted by the decadent Mustantopians.


Edited by - esquilax on 1/1/2004 4:02:27 PM

Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 4:08 pm

(Internal dusk memo: The bananas are ripe for juicing!)

Ministry of Endgames letter 0000001.

I have destabilized the moon from its orbit, and it is now falling towards earth!, soon there will be nothing left of any of us, call off the attacks on fravtiovia and mustantopia and ourselves and i shall halt the moon, any attempts at infiltration will accelerate the moons fall. if you think i am joking, take a look at mount rilms, i obliterated it with a pea sized ammount of organic super explosive, just imagine what a moonsized ammount will do.

Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 4:24 pm

that's no moon; it's a space station.

Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 4:30 pm

no, i think you will find it is the moon, i told you earlier we have been around for a long time....

Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 4:40 pm

Aha! our pacifistic ff now shows his true nature. But I think you are bluffing. Crashing the moon to Earth will result in total MAD, killing everyone including yourself.

News from the front: Both divisions sent to conquer DUSK have accomplished their objectives, but suffering over 70% casualties (no, not KIA, but rather got sent to the army shrinks for mental breakdown. Apparently killing human wave attacks employed by the Tawakalnian Revolutionary Guards was too much to handle for our peace-loving warriors) To alleviate this problem, we had to use a much less personal method of killing, using airstrikes by Clarity bomber wings.

Believe me my loyal sons and daughters, I share your tears! bear with this burden, and you will all soon go back to your families.

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