Move over kimk! I now hijack your thread! Muwahahaha...
<Begin Rant>
My teacher has this crazy idea that this cd she has contains material (homework or test type material) that matches what is in the book. After first seeing this material, I was obliged to tell her otherwise. It contains things that are not evin in the friggin book!!! Not to mention in a totaly screwed up order!
Fortunately the disc got lost. yay. perhaps I get the correct worksheets now?
They found the disc
I have just done about 85% of "chapters 3 and 4 worksheets" (the rest is not in the book -_-) What it really was was chapter 3 and whatever else they wanted to ask me about. Fortunately I know my history pretty well. I have not read chapter 4. But I still have to. Before tomarow.
Its a really long chapter.
And I still have my spanish to do
Excuse me while my head explodes in anger *feels more rant coming on* because I TOLD HER that it was the WRONK F'N STUFF!!!!! *breaks things*
<End Rant>