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Post Tue Apr 29, 2003 1:30 pm

For all I know, you can increase your fleet building capability by buildinh hangar add-ons or (if you've reached the limit) decomission the ships you don't need and build those you do need.
I also use scouts to take the minelayers out.

I'm not sad - I'm sober[[[!

Post Wed Apr 30, 2003 1:50 am

Whats the ghost ship? what mission? i have Homeworld and H:C, but that was years ago...great game. Counting down to august when Homeworld 2 comes out.

Post Wed Apr 30, 2003 11:01 am

I passed homeworld 1, but my remembrance of it is too vague, I play Homeworld: Cataclysm alot though, i recently escorted the convoy getting chased by Beast Cruise Missiles. I do have a unstoppable strategy, 2 words, Hive Frigates, ya know, those big ol ships that launch 6 automated drones aside from their normal ones, those are truly incredible in multiplayer, unstoppable by anything, can wittle down a mothership in 3 minutes flat, just build HF's and nothing else u should be fine, but in those n00b games online where we play for fun, i usually just pump out research until i get the dreaded......Archangel Dreadnought, i usually build 3, 1 as escort, and 2 as offense, by then i usually have enough RP to hyperspace them directly next to a enemy mothership, this way, they are COMPLETELY and UTTERLY unstoppable, with their 2 Heavy Ion Cannons, 6 Heavy Turrets, and firing salvos of 8 missiles that home in, plus the strongest armor next to the main ship, and the Repulse upgrade and dont plan on surviving.

A good strategy against em is always to build 2-3 Ramming Frigates, so you can push em away from your main in case they get a little too close, and btw, dont underestimate the power of those little sentinel sattelites, after you research level 3 shielding, it is EXTREMELY powerful, at one time i lost 7 sattelites but my mothership survived a direct hit from a siege cannon (they always survive, but mine was in-tact, usually it wipes out 5-6 chunks of it) just some strategies u might wanna use, btw, if you play cataclysm multiplayer, tell me, i would love to play and i have some very very very very good maps to play on against computers or people, but mostly computers, unlike most games, they are a sufficient challenge, ever fought a HARD computer? a battle to survive i tell ya, and if you do survive, try 2 maybe? or, if your crazy suicidal, try 7, anyway, like i said, LOVE the game, love the feedback you get from pilots (set in audio options) and they tell u about stuff like "outcome of battle unknown" or "we will be victories, seek and destroy stragglers" or my favorite "were getting our asses kicked here!" this all in real time, much fun, especially selecting a fighter and pressing Shift-P to live the battle in his eyes, last time i almost pissed my pants watching a acolyte fighting, and the cool thing? you can fly it, just pick targets or special abilities, the ship flies itself, i understand why, it is a RTS, ok, enough, i gotta stop, im gonna go play now, enjoy the game, its the best

PS: im starting to get a rep of being able to kill a whole mothership in a single sweep using 280 + acolytes with missiles

Edited by - Comont54 on 30-04-2003 12:02:07

Post Wed Apr 30, 2003 11:18 am

dude.. no need to spoil things for me.. i'm sticking with homeworld 1 rite now.. not H.C. but it sounds nice.. though a bit un-balanced if you can build what you mentioned.. and take out a mummy ship under 3 mins.. well, actually, i can take one out under 2 mins if i can actually cramp up get the max numbers of the capital class ships other than the carrier. i set the advanced to RU injections.. and just keep building.

This is currently registered with the FAA as a glider, and according to FAA records, it has no engine - which is technically true, if you ignore that large rocket in back.

Post Wed Apr 30, 2003 9:33 pm

i really like homeworld coz it has fuel capacity.. it limits fighter movement which shold be implemented in cataclysm uuhhh...

bombers in that ghost mission..
do we have aquired bombers at that time? and btw how do you get your bombers to strike the ghost ship without the missile cruiser interfere coz as far as i know they'll be shredded to pieces before the bombing runs UNLESS you destroyed the missile cruiser....

argh.. im never gonna get paid.. gooby a million credits..

Post Thu May 01, 2003 12:47 pm

if you are talking about what i did, you can build attack bombers. well, i went in with a whole bunch of interceptors, scouts, and attack bombers, and another wing of 23 multi-gun corvettes. they all survived the onslaught though not too many didn't need to dock. the other fighters all got chewed up. but they are cheap.

p.s. is it true that each of the guns on the multi-gun corvette do 29 units of damage (or whatever that's written down as its specs) and hence it does loads of damage ? thats what my frend said.. i'm wandering if its true.. then each of the guns on a heavy cruise does 981 damage?
p.s.s. how much damage does a mothership do? i know it shoots stuff. i went in with 15 fighters once in a skirmish and none survived the encounter with a bare mothership.

This is currently registered with the FAA as a glider, and according to FAA records, it has no engine - which is technically true, if you ignore that large rocket in back.

Post Thu May 01, 2003 1:45 pm

multi-gun corvette do 29 units of damage
I dunno bout that and i careless bout it.. id rather buy heavy cruiser and fighters.. im not into covettes anyway... they can esily be chewed by heavy frigates... lol

argh.. im never gonna get paid.. gooby a million credits..


Post Thu May 01, 2003 2:20 pm

I'll take a German-English (or whatever) dictionary and try to look at the manual - then I'll tell ya. Never been too interested in that. Anyway, somehow i think this number shoul indicate overall damage rather than one gun damage.

I'm not sad - I'm sober[[[!

Post Fri May 02, 2003 11:40 am

overall damage per what? per salvo? then.. 6 guns on a multi-gun corvette combined does only 29 damage? man. thats insane. that little? if its per second.. that could be cool. heavy cruisers don't last 20 seconds against my fleet.

This is currently registered with the FAA as a glider, and according to FAA records, it has no engine - which is technically true, if you ignore that large rocket in back.

Post Fri May 02, 2003 4:34 pm

i just got past the hyperspace inhibitor thing surrounded by elite ion cannons.
i only have my uber fleet left-everything else got wiped clean.
for reference purposes, my uber fleet consists of; 3 heavy cruisers, 3 destroyers, 2 missile destroyers.
and i left off with about 1200 bucks when i retired my carrier along with 4 support frigates.
now-the ruthless conquerers have been informed of my presence, a mere fraction of an exile faction has arrived to challenge the almighty invaders that had once defeated my homeworld. the thing is. all that the mighty conquerer's are bothered to do is chuck a piece of rock at me? there is a catch to this right? come on. a piece of rock to beat an exile? maybe we are only worth that much to them. but still. a piece of rock?

This is currently registered with the FAA as a glider, and according to FAA records, it has no engine - which is technically true, if you ignore that large rocket in back.

Post Fri May 02, 2003 6:07 pm

tell me.. did you honestly survive the frickin rock? coz my first few experience didnt do quite well as i have given everything ive got at that damn rock but after punching through the rock like hell i've managed to reduce the damage inflicted to my mothership... damn.. there wasnt even any resouces there...

argh.. im never gonna get paid.. goodbye a million credits..

Post Fri May 02, 2003 6:52 pm

Actually, im kinda just being real cocky, alot of those strategies are quite easy to stop, 6 Multi-Cannon Frigates, their basically like multi-gun corvettes, but instead got ion cannons, 6 of those will chew up my whole line of acolytes without a problem (dont go crazy just yet, those have only LIGHT ions on em, only good for fighters and other frigs), the sentinel shield is useful, but once you research acolytes EMP Charge it knock down the whole barrir with 5-6 fighters, Hive Frigs? you build a lot of those, 1 Archangel will knock the whole wing out, and besides, their easy pickins for Ramming Frigates and Acolyte Missiles. btw, not sure how much damage the MotherShip does in HW1, but in Homeworld 2, it has like 4 gun upgrades, no matter how far you go wth upgrades, your main is INCREDBILE against fighters, i mean, start of game i had em fighting off whole strike teams without a scratch, the HW1 could only supplement damage, not very powerful at all, besides, in HC it has a Energy Cannon upgrade, which makes it good against frigates.

Many a time im not afraid to lead a head on assault with my mothership right behind em, i dont know if you know, but in HC, you can build upgrades on to your mothership, the final one is called a Siege Cannon, which lets you fire a giant, ship mounted cannon anywhere on the map, long recharge, but it knocks out literally every fighter, and either kills or heavily damages anything else depending how close they were to the blast, its very hard to aim though aswell, your whole mothership has to move to get in trajectory, then theres a 10 second charge and the actual projectile is very slow. But anyway, you should definetly check out HC, its a terrific addition to homeworld, a LOT of fun, pilots view still delivers a thrill when i do it (especially when my whole squadron is fighting another sqaudron of fighters, or attacking a capship). Im not spoiling anything for ya, hehe, im just scratching the surface, i havent even gone INTO the new race The Beast, which have ALL the old ships, can take over new ships and build em, and even have some of the bandit ships, plus some of the ships you see in The Gardens Of Kadesh in HW1.

TIP: In the Audio Options menu, turn your chatter up all the way, this way you can hear how pilots coordinate their attacks, hear various battle reports and casualties, taken and recieved during battle, it gives the game a immersion like no other.

TIP 2: ALWAYS keep your Mothership on the move, with all other craft in Military Parade behind it, this confuses the ai so they can barely ever attack you, and provides a test of patience to other players as they never seem to be able to find ya, but make sure you dont be dumb and head flying right by an enemy mothership.

PS: (this is the last one.........really) In HC theres a ship called a LEECH, which can spy on ships, damage them and turn their HP into damage, or vent the inside ship parts out into space, destroying it slowly, many a time i have claimed a mothership by sticking 12 leeches on in start game, but if they notice, even 1 acolyte and all your leeches are gone.

Post Sat May 03, 2003 11:00 am

dude.. its homeworld. not catalysm. i'm gonna edit a bit...

This is currently registered with the FAA as a glider, and according to FAA records, it has no engine - which is technically true, if you ignore that large rocket in back.

Post Sat May 03, 2003 8:09 pm


@ zlo, i practically swept past the last mission.. it was one of the biggest overkill's i have in the entire game. i mean.. i took down 2 super cruisers under a minute. (i built to the max with everything) i had only built about 20% of my 'big' fleet (i.e. capital and frigate class ships) the rest was salvaged. i took the enemy mother down in like.. a minute.. all fast and painless.

@ ajim, the rock? first try, like i always do, i scouted it with one of my fighters, and had a few shots at it, then brought in one of my destroyers (all part of my routine) then i restarted, b4 it hit my mummy.
then i restarted, and got a few more support frigates (4 in total) and gave it everything i got.. it didn't blow.. so i just let it crash.. and i have like 2/10's of my mummy's hull left, and i jumped it.

my experiences in the last mission: before i jumped in, i figured it might be tough, seeing as zlo had problems. so i got ready, and harvested as much as possible prior to the mission and cracked up a frigate fleet (some 5 assault frigates, 3 ions) and about 20 fighters left over from the last mission (all cloakers) then when i jump in.. i watch the radar for a while, thinking i'd just scout to get the feel and restart the mission, like i always do, to figure out my stradegy. but this time.. i saw a thing coming down at my fleet, i thought it was the trader. then it turns out to be a carrier. i send out my salvage teams (5) to get it.. then i find its excorted and i noticed fleets coming in all directions. i dispatch all of my fleet to take them out.. that was hard.. i was practically sweating. thanks to my 4 support frigates.. i lived it through even when i had 4 missile destrpyers, 4 destroyers pummelling my mummy. the health indicator stayed at a low red, not going down. the frigate seems to be quite useful. i get breathing space once i take down the first wave. then i chase the enemy mothership, hoping to capture it. en route back to my mothership after i caught it, my salvage team gets intercepted by 4 ions. i lost 3 salvagers, and i quit the salvaging. i take those out, and come the grand fleet of the taiidan. jumping in everywhere.. things started to look grim..i decided to take down as much as i could.. rushed everything at them.. turns out to be that much of the jumpers are Elson's guys.. nice suprise there.. kinda relieved. the forces he turned over to me was good. i took the rest out in about 5 mins.. my mother ship was still bleeding when they hit.. so the support frigates had one hell of a job. then i braced for myself for more attacks.. none came. i started to gather resources. it was a slow process with only one. i set about on building a much greater fleet and a flagship of my own (a heavy cruiser) as it turns out, i didn't lost a single ship from frigate classes and over. my fighters took a beating, but much of them lived. soon, i had 2 ru collectors, and later, i salvaged another one. with the increased flow of cash, i got my fleet. then being greedy for a little overkill, (i was assuming a much greater fleet awaited my arrival as i watched Elson's team go in and get thrashed). i built to the max with everything. then working out the formations (damn, the capital class ships are down right stupid.) i go in.. once in range, i cloak up. then the main fleet starts to digest the enemy. the heavy cruiser with 2 support frigates behind it all go down in my first salvo. (i had about 70 fightersincluding corvettes) all in all, i took everything en route to the enemy's mothership without losing so much as an assault frigate. my fighter count dropped by about 9 - not much considering the things i took out with the rest. i was kinda thrilled when i saw the mothership. so long since i got a crack at one of them. i got my capital class ships to crush it. from since the first heavy cruiser encounter en route to my goal, it was so clear that it'd be an overkill, i wasn't sure how much at that point. now, it became pretty clear they sent everything at me at first. there was nothing at all guarding the mothership except 2 missile destroyers which went down in seconds. the mothership launched 10 fighter (interceptors) which all went down b4 they shot anything. the mothership cracked up before it launched its 11th fighter. the ions are really cool.. thats all i can say.

p.s. i wander who read all that.

so everyone.. congratulate me !!

This is currently registered with the FAA as a glider, and according to FAA records, it has no engine - which is technically true, if you ignore that large rocket in back.

Post Mon May 05, 2003 2:36 am

I read it...interesting stuff. WEll, i loved those salvage corvettes to death, so in the garden of kadesh missions, i stole 13 of those multi gun corvettes (made that asteroid mission simple, and i won on my first try.) On the mission where you have to destoy that thing that is surrounded by like 100 frigates, i stole a couple of those, and all the frigates that chased my salvage corvettes that were in the process of stealing, got blown by my fleet of 24 frigates (soon to be 29 with my stolen property) Then i hyperspaced a 2 hvy cruisers, 2 destroyers and 1 missile destroyer. The rest of my fleet fended off the attacking frigates. I never won that mission as the taiidan, but i restarted the campaign and became the kushan. Thats the campaign where i got the big fleet and eventually won.

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