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FireFly MOD

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Post Wed Feb 08, 2006 5:19 pm

To answer the question above. No not mannally landing on plannets, that is imposible in FL. What i was talking about is when you were flying around in sapce, if u were to slow down untill u were not moveing anymore..Speed = 0 then i wanted the engines to turn facing down, to look like u were hovering. But after searching for ages on the subject i've found that, that also is imposible in FL. Or if it is possible then no one knows how to do it. It would have been cool though. Oh well.

Also thanks for that sort comodity list above, any chance of somone doing a more complete one. It would really help me out.


Post Wed Feb 15, 2006 2:43 pm

Commodities I remember
Medical Supplies (taken from a Train and a Medical Base)
River was smuggled
A supposed Dead Body was not smuggled but transported home as a mission
I would imagine if the series kept up other things would have been
and unique passengers

Most other missions involved Theft

This is great that you are doing this, I only wish I had the expertise to help you out.
Good Luck and I will spread the word and continue to visit

Gentelmen, we are dabating in a Vacuum, Let's go get some answers

Post Wed Feb 15, 2006 5:38 pm

*rubs hands together greedily*

Don't think I can do too much, actually. Oh well, I'll be looking forward to seeing this done.

Post Fri Feb 17, 2006 12:36 am

It's going to get done faster now because they've actually got a coder. GodZero, I need my mod access now!

Meh. Anyway. Any more help we can get would be appreciated.

Creator of Freelancer Complete Balance Mod, New Australia, and had a hand in Freeworlds.

Edited by - Hobbie on 2/17/2006 12:38:20 AM

Post Fri Feb 17, 2006 6:18 am

Reavers! You gotta put Reavers in!
They could be a faction that you can't become friendly with or be neuteral with. And there could be reaver territorys you have to go through to get some to a planet.
And a commidity could be Companions.

Post Fri Feb 17, 2006 6:00 pm

There will be reavers, but u will be able to get neutral with them, cause i want you to be able to buy there ships. But to get neutral with them you will have to covinse them that you are a reaver, by makeing enemys with everyone else.
So it wont be easy to come to good from that. Also yes there will be a companion/whore comodity...and lots of other goodies.

Post Fri Feb 17, 2006 11:23 pm

and "wobly headed gaycha dolls" as a commdite, cause they once traded that in FF, alothough you don't see it.

Post Sat Feb 18, 2006 1:55 am

The planets should more realistic, as in bigger. I can do 3D modeling and animation in blender and I dan do some VFX in Adobe after effects and photoshop. I can't do skinning though.

Post Sat Feb 18, 2006 1:48 pm

What about hiding? In the game right now, people once they see yah they just blow the heck out of yah. I think it would be a good idea to have once you stop moving and turn off all your weapons and stuff you disspear off radar. This would be much funner cause you could Hide from the police and you hope they don't get too close cause if they do then they might spot yah. It would be freeky too, knowing that you have to powerdown what little weapons you had to hide.

Right now all the freelancer games have once you pop in near someone they AUTO DECTECT yah and you can't lose em. (what freighter really has a good chance at outrunning a have decent attack ship?)

Also I can help with any non codeing that you need work on.
-realism of the worlds
-backgrounds on planets, peoples, ect.
just whatever to help get this mod up.

Edited by - glitchen on 2/18/2006 1:53:54 PM

Post Sun Feb 19, 2006 4:54 pm

Glitchen, can u send me an email.

[email protected]

I think that the mod could really use someone with your skill set.

Also i would love for the radar thing to be possible, but its not. The only way to hide from an enemy is to detect them first on your sensors, and if they are a threat, then run.

Since different ships, will have different sensor ranges, and different speeds. And some wont have cruise.

Post Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:45 am

Maybe you could make it so that instead of going where ever you are facing, your engines are always cut, so you have to use either cruise/starburst or thrusters to go in a certain direction. but that might be hard to cope with (especially in battles).

I found a list of planets, here, so you could use that for referencing. You could probably use the rest of the site as well.

Post Thu Mar 09, 2006 3:17 pm

Thx for the info, but i've got a better list of plannets...its from the serenity RPG board game. Ever plannet ever mentioned in FF with great descriptions. But there might be some copyright issues....???

Post Wed Mar 15, 2006 5:53 am

i'l love to play this on freelancer are you nearly ready i hop you are you can email me at [email protected]

Post Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:25 pm

So I ran into this thread looking for people who were doing Firefly/Serenity mods for... well, frankly, anything. And looking over the ideas you have so far and the replies, the only one which took me a bit to figure out was why you wanted one big system rather than using multiple. Until I remembered that you can only to inter-system travel in Freelancer via Jump Gates/Holes. Which... aren't in the Firefly universe. Right-o.

I'm new at Freelancer and its modding structure, but having reverse-engineered games for years now has given me a little bit of insight. Are you still having problems with getting that "big system" working? You may have already thought of this, but here goes.

I noticed that camera position is a variable for all ships. And as far as I can tell, system size is constant. Sure, there are small systems, but that just means that there's more "empty space" to fly into. Considering these two things, what if you turned your idea in reverse? Rather than having larger suns and planets, why not make everything smaller?

For instance. Decrease the size of all ships and decrease their speed (but, if possible, keep the "indicated speed" higher). Get the camera closer to the ship so that it appears bigger. Decreasing the size of system objects at the same scale as the ship reduction would allow for the illusion of a bigger system.

But as I think about it, that would cause a bit of a problem when landing and when you're in a dock... can you make cityscapes and people smaller too? I don't think so... and there's no camera setting for cities, is there... hmm... it'd be a bit of a problem when your character's bigger than the ship...

Hmm. Well, it was worth a shot. I would absolutely love to see this mod come into fruition, as I got hooked on the series as soon as someone forced me to watch Serenity. Now I know why everybody loves it so much! Damn you, Fox Network!

I'm not sure what I could do, but if you have any questions or ideas to toss around, I'd love to hear them. Just drop me a line.

Good luck, make it shiny!

EDIT: And then I checked the tutorials only to discover that it is, in fact, possible to edit all of the functions related to planet/station intros and rooms and everything. So ignore what I said about that. It just might work...

"Define interesting."
"Oh God, oh God, we're all gonna die?"

Edited by - Nomake Wan on 3/16/2006 10:41:30 PM

Post Sat Mar 18, 2006 11:49 pm

thats an interesting IDEA, and if we encounter Some major problems, with having our one big system idea, i could be willing to try several of the suggestions mentioned here, But atm im a devote "Single System" beleaver and nothing will change my mind. I never saw anything in the series/or the movie to suggest otherwise to the single system.

Also i might add, that i think when it is finnally finished and released, everyones expectations will be met, and then some... It will be truely awsome.

Im still on the look out for more help, so if you've got what it takes, maybe i've got a position for you.


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