Also on cap ships the battleships my be to big, or not workable in SP as some have said. But could you fix it to where they dock on the outside of a planet, or station, then maybe they would work. However Gunboats or along that size is plenty big, leave the Cap ships like BB's, and Cruisers to the house Militaries.
Also make things like Cardimine, and Artifacts 2xtheir worth, because if you are taking the risk of being a drug runner, or banned artifacts, shouldn't you be paid good for them?
P.S. On ship prices again. It only takes me about 30 minutes max to be able to buy the best ship in the mod, so please make the ships more credits, the lowest keep the same price to the best say 10x the amount, and work on a scale according to the ship. As always just some thoughts.
Also when is Tie Universe 2.2 coming out????????????
Is it going to have BB encounters advanced in all systems????
As Always great mod I have over 6000 kills, and counting!