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** MOD PACK ** Reynen''s Cleint / Server Ship & Equipmen

Here you can announce your own Freelancer MOD and find information about the different available packages!

Post Mon May 05, 2003 2:28 pm

Woohoo, cant wait for the next beta to come out. The mod just keeps getting better and better.

Thx all for the hard work.

Post Mon May 05, 2003 2:48 pm


I recently discovered Freelancer and after finishing the sp game, my brother and i went on a mp trial. But we found it a bit too similar to sp so after some research we found the reynen's, and it is a really really great mod.

As we play the ver 2.0 beta 4 i thought you deserve a little reaction. So i've got a few reactions, reports and questions.

- It is really hard, 5 to 10 minutes to blast a squad of 8 ennemies fighter, it changes from sp.

- I didn't get a thing, in a mission i had to destroy a few weapons platforms and an unarmed outpost and after taking out those platform, the defenceless outpost made my hull decreasing constantly without me seing a single shot. I was just feeling like in a radioactive nebula (very radioactive).

- I currently fly a tie defender i guess (3 wings) and the data card by the vendor was'nt as complete as the other's ships one. I guess you knew it .(by the way those models are just great, really, maybe using x/a/b/y...- wings for balance would be nice, just one this is no SW mod))

- On the planet curacao, the ship dealer has no ships, the window of the shop just opens and closes in less than one second.

- I tried the gunships for fun, and i wasn't able to use trade lanes, more, cruising in meteorites or scrap zones is almost impossible. At cruise speed, the view of the ship did'nt stop bouncing just like if it wanted to show more af the ship but wasn't able to (like in console third person game when the camera is stuck by a wall).

- I liked the idea of very high refire rate guns like starbeams ones, but after engaging the ennemy, it is getting really hard to see what you are shooting at.

- Last one, when the 2.0 will be out, will my servers characters, ships, and loads bfrom the beta be still useable ? Or will i have to do it again.

Sorry for my english but as it is not my first language...

Alpha 1 dash 1 entering atmosphere.....pshhhhht

Post Mon May 05, 2003 3:58 pm

Reynen....if u have not looked for it i have found the info card for the TIE on a armed forces crusader...i was out zig zagin on a mission and hooked up with them and scanned the shipnext to me and it brought up the defender card. just thought i would share that with ya.BTW

Battleship's?...ya we got that

Post Mon May 05, 2003 8:38 pm


P/-/3@R D@ D@\/\/G F00lZ

Check out what I'm doing for Reynen's Mod @ my website[!

Post Mon May 05, 2003 9:49 pm

Thanks for all the responses. I will also work on these additional issues also.

Part of the Freelancer SDK Team
Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more.

Post Tue May 06, 2003 1:39 am

AAAAAAA! I hit the clear fields button! WHAT A STUPID BUTTON!!! GAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Ok, here goes again:

I've been trying to add the countermeasure effect to guns, but all i can get is the white gobe in the center to appear. no aura or sparkly explosion. I can't use all the cm parameters or it crashes, probably cuz it's going "What the.... cm params in a gun... how do I do that.... it can't do that..... I'm confused.... exec crash routine...." or something.

anyhoo, the globs dissabpear at the end of their distance limmit.... no pretty explosion.....

I'm gonna get bak to Alaska as well. To do:

Add more stations and stuff.... of course I'm using real Alaskan cities and stuff, in keeping with the FL naming conventions....
Perhaps I'll make the green nebula smaller.... I don't really like the entire place being a nebula.. /me needs open space
Add in mineable zones where ya can mine for Ion Cannon ammo... and gold and stuff......
add intra and extra-system jumpholes.. intra so ya can get around easier, and extra so ya can go to other areas quickly... nothing like being on the other side of the universe when you friend starts a new character in NY... lol
I'll need to do this anyhoo, just to make it useful to go to Alaska if I can't get the mission system working...
I'll also need to do it if I can't get tradelanes to work.... I think there's a program to make tradelanes tho... i hope so..... 50 tradelane rings is a lot of code.......

Um, as for general bug infos, the rogue base in California or NY, Buffalo Base I think, doesn't have ships for sale. It's got a ship guy button, but no ships....

I'm also gonna try and add CapShip (TM) encounters. If anyone has any suggestions I'm ope. I'll be using the ecounter tutorial on the forums probably as a starting point.........

ALSO: I sent Rey the new version or spawn's screen. gj on the screens spawn! I still aven't heard from Moby's people as to if I can use his stuff or not...

P/-/3@R D@ D@\/\/G F00lZ

Check out what I'm doing for Reynen's Mod @ my website[!

Edited by - BobTheDog on 06-05-2003 02:42:24

Post Tue May 06, 2003 2:02 am

Tanks. i jsut hope they dont puff the dowload upt oo much. It is sorta cool to put a face on the mod. Now if i could only find out how to customize the menus.

Post Tue May 06, 2003 7:09 pm

Ah.... the menu stuff is in model files i think. just look around in the interface folder.....


ehehehehehe..... I'm well on my way to adding CapShips (TM) to Alaska. I've done all the stuff Nephilim said to do in the first part of the tut, amd am fixing to try it out... (prepares for crash) but I hope for the best. If this works, I may have a little surprise for you guys

I've resent the files again to the other address u gave me. I'ts a 6.3 ish meg zip file. hope it works this time...
P/-/3@R D@ D@\/\/G F00lZ

Check out what I'm doing for Reynen's Mod @ my website[!

Edited by - BobTheDog on 07-05-2003 04:58:12

Edited by - BobTheDog on 07-05-2003 05:14:07

Post Wed May 07, 2003 4:22 am


The file may be to big for me to get in the attachment. Do you have a server you can put it on and I can download it from there?

I have tried to replace the files myself and everytime the game starts it just skips the logo screen. Does it work for you?

All that is left to do is to do some more testing and replace the starting screen then I can release BETA 5.

Part of the Freelancer SDK Team
Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more.

Post Wed May 07, 2003 4:24 am

Erm... ok..... check in a bit to see if ya got it.... I tell ya if it sends it bak to me.... bah......

On another note:

I got the capships working! Great kudos to Nephilim. The Liberty Dreadnoughts and cruisers are patroling around Manhattan, and even crashing into it
Tomorrow: add enemy Rheinlanders.... ehehe..... and then incorporate it into Rey's Mod.....

GOT IT! The Rheinland cruisers are in the area around Manhattan! And I got the Liberty Navy to hate em! Just need to iron out a few bugs and make them not part of the Rheinland Police, lol..... I'd like to know the name of the Bundusch or Red Hessians. I can;t tell from the Rh_p_grp, etc.

Rey: I'll have to get my other site up and upload it to ya, it's too big for that mail account... bah

P/-/3@R D@ D@\/\/G F00lZ

Check out what I'm doing for Reynen's Mod @ my website[!

Edited by - BobTheDog on 07-05-2003 06:07:11

Post Wed May 07, 2003 6:24 am

Ok np, sounds like your doing a really cool job adding systems. WOuld anyone have an idea on how to increase the trade lane ring size? I have been working with it, but I can't increase the size and I don't have any utility that can change the way it looks.

Any help is greatly appreciated. When I release beta 5 I will start a new thread since this one has gotten to big already hehe.

Part of the Freelancer SDK Team
Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more.

Post Wed May 07, 2003 6:19 pm

Um, u meant the actual size of the tradelane ring, or the length of the tradelane string? Size of tradelane would be the 3db or cmp files, whereas lenght would be in the system's ini file. If you're trying to do this for a really ig ship or something, you could delete the sur file for the tradelane ring, but that would make it impossible to disable the tradelane, as it would have no solidity. And you'd have to take off the gunz on it, because the are solid too. I'f ya have to, you could just use intra system jumpholes for big ships...

I'm sendig the files to ya in separate emails. I can't use my website, because it doesn't have download ability, and my 50megs one has a filesize limit of 500Kb. no enuf... so I'm gonna have to wait untill I get back from my trip on Monday to upload them if I can't get the m to ya in email... If anyone has a website that can hold a 7 meg file and an email service that will take a 7 meg file, then by all means, tell me. At this point,t ho I can't really do anything...

ehehehe.... the first 2 got to ya, I *think* but they also filled up your mailbox.. empty it and I'll resend the others
P/-/3@R D@ D@\/\/G F00lZ

Check out what I'm doing for Reynen's Mod @ my website[!

Edited by - BobTheDog on 07-05-2003 19:22:43

Post Wed May 07, 2003 6:44 pm


I've sent an email to [email protected] or whatever your email is in your profile. It has instruction on how to download the zip from an online storage site.

i've got a pic of the battleships around Manhattan up here go check it out!

P/-/3@R D@ D@\/\/G F00lZ

Check out what I'm doing for Reynen's Mod @ my website[!

Edited by - BobTheDog on 07-05-2003 19:51:49

Post Wed May 07, 2003 9:37 pm

/me falls over into floor laughing

I forgot to rename one of the files i sent ya Rey! Just rename 1280screen.bmp to startupscreen_1280_16.bmp

and remember, put them in data\interface\intro\images


o well, gotta b a spaz sometimes i guess....

P/-/3@R D@ D@\/\/G F00lZ

Check out what I'm doing for Reynen's Mod @ my website[!

Edited by - BobTheDog on 07-05-2003 22:37:30

Post Wed May 07, 2003 9:58 pm

Just wanted to say what a great job you guys are doing.

Also, should I download the beta4 or just wait until beta5 is out?

Thanks again.

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