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--==/ ALL MOD REQUESTS /==--

The general place to discuss MOD''ing Freelancer!

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:15 am

--==/ ALL MOD REQUESTS /==--


1) My mod request is to fly Nomad Ships (Fighter/Battleship)

2) Stealth/Cloaking Mod

3) Owning Planets ;-) (For Clans) Like claim your own planet or buy your own planet.

Those are 3 of my requests that I would like to see.

Edited by - Bargib on 05-03-2003 12:14:56

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:34 am

Being able to spawn a raid party of a faction , example Scenario:

Player A & B have reached Rank 38 and are bored. So they head out to the New York system and lay waste at the Planet Manhattan sector. While this doesn't interrupt the other players gaming experience (IF they dont kill them that is) it is just wrong that 2 players are able to block a whole sector without any haste.

Admin notices this and with a couple command tab entries spawns a "Liberty Police Commando" team which is formed of (f.E.) 4 Rank 30 Titans and 1 small battleship at a desired location. The Setup of these planes can be edited from an ini file so the admin can choose what kind of raid he wants to send on the players.

What is needed for this ?

a- Being able to configure planes and save these in a ini file
b- Being able to spawn a group of planes at once
c- Putting these in a team/formation so they don't fly in different directions
d- Making it so that these planes come out of hyperspace (for example) and not just drop from the sky
e- Being able to enter a destination. To do this though the admin must know the exact location of those players as well
f- Being able to make these planes kos (kill on sight) to the players that are intruding the airspace around the zone (should be easy since they switch to enemy anyway as soon as they approach)

Lots of work but it would certainly add a LOT of depth to the gaming experience of players and add some fun to admining a server.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 3:51 am

1. i like the idea of owning your own planet/base, but along with this, you should be able to upgrade its defenses... don't know how many of you played tradewars, but i like the idea of being able to buy/build/take over a base or planet and use it as a base.. this would most likely be used as a clan thing, since 1 person would be hard pressed to afford it and defend it. you could limit affecting new players being messed up by only not allowing bases in the owned sectors to be taken over, ie, if you wanted to take over new york and you started to attack it, liberty forces would show up with a force that can't be destroyed and defends new york. but the bases owned by pirates/terrorists could be taken over (though very hard to do so).
2. also, it would be nice to be able to have more than 1 ship and take over ships instead of just destroying them. you would have to be able to disable the ship all the way (which would be nearly dead) and then tractor back to a base. there you should be able to sell it or repair it and use it. this could go along with having your own base/planet. if you take over ships, you could then repair them somewhere, and take them back to your own base, and put them up for sale (at whatever price u wanted.. so u could undercut the computer's prices..)
3. as part of your base upgrades, you should be able to add a repair dealer, ship dealer, commodity trader, etc, and start generating resources on your own from this. you should be able to set how you want your base to accept people.. ie, always accept everyone, always deny everyone (except for your clanmates), or base their dock acceptance on a reputation with you/your clan.
4. finally, one of the last things your base upgrades should be the ability to build ships.. both regular game ships, some custom ships (nothing unrealistic), and hopefully capital ships, say to help take over bases! a capital ship would have trouble killing a fighter b/c of a slow fire rate and slow projectile velocity. also, your own fighters would be able to dock and replinish there, as long as requiring more than one person to pilot and use the gun turrets (ie, 1 person for pilot, and a person for 1 or a group of guns.)

with these mods, i think the multiplayer part of the game would be very very exciting. if you got bored of just building your person up, u build a base. when u get bored building a base, you attack other bases.

of course, all of these mods would be nearly a complete remake of the game, but it would make the game mad fun, imho.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:35 am

I like these ideas a lot.. what I'd also like to see is a sort of continuation of the multiple ships - perhaps being able to hire on AI pilots to serve as your wingmen or to serve as a defense force when you're not logged on. Should be fairly easy to put an ai ship into your space.. similar to a patrol sort of thing:

Buy/steal 2nd ship, purchase a "pilot" from the base and then set a patrol route for that pilot/ship and have him allied to you (or your faction/clan).

Also, why not roving bases? like a battlehsip that can serve as your base.. and possible have some way of homing in on it when you log out and come back in.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 6:13 am

i'd really like to be able to pilot a huge ship. Something about half as big as a planet or so.... It would need to be able to have an engine which could go faster (to compensate for the tradelanes). It would be cool if you could have fighter bays which you could launch fighters from (have it create friendly fighters). It would be incredibly hard to shoot things though. Maybe have some turrets which auto fire.

Hahahaha I'm Smarter Than You.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 7:53 am

The largest ships in the game is the 'battleship' class, witch actually has a docking bay, but cant be launched from a planet, i am going to try making one buyable from a spacestation and see if that works...


Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 11:41 am

well after seeing all the Mods that are popping up would it not be a good idea to form a [ Modding alliance , get everyone together and all work on one [ god mod if you like with all the stuff mentioned above put in the mod. i think you would find if every one worked to gether and did an overall mod it would be great considering the variety in talent on these forums. Just my two cents.

as for what i would like in a mod it would be the follwing.
to add new ships the ones in there are not varied enough for me
upgradable ship mounts/hull armour/speed/cruisespeed/maneuverabilty i think if you could by these from the equipment dock it would be great.
cloak/jamming it's been mention already but i think this would be great, i think it would need to be like the thruster and actually have a limited amount of time before your ship would decloak, otherwise you could fly around cloaked for ever.
change the amount of loot left after attacking a hauler/cargo ship/ or bring back the option to order them to drop their cargo i like being a pirate.
i would really love a roll option for the ships it just makes battle much more fun when you can barrel roll through the middle of a dog fight.
black holes/singularities i think these should be put back in and have them actually cause trouble. like when around a black hole you cant use cruise speed making them a good place for ambushes.
more variety in random missions a must i think the simply hunt and kill gets tiresome.
actual universal AI not sure if this is possible but i would factions in the AI to change, rg liberty have gone to war with kusari which means if your travelling through their space you will likely be caught up in an engagment, or leeds wants to leave the bretonia faction and so its space becomes hostile with militia.
missile trails just something i think would look good.
mining resources brought back like in the beta i think it should be made more perilous so your at risk from bandits.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 11:52 am

Thats what I'm trying to do, organize the talent. most of the talent here is coders though, but thats good, because thats the main thing in mods.

PS. I coulda swore missiles had trails...atleast mine do.


Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 1:04 pm

thats cool then, i'm a modeller though not a coder, really wouldnt know where to start with coding but i'm good with graphics and i am fairly decent at modelling, you should check out the custom ships that were made for star;ancer to see just how many good modellers we have here, theres more than a few.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 1:13 pm

i think a forum totally decicated to this "god mod" ( i like that name ) would be needed. this is getting a bit messy

my own idea's/ idea's i like:

- walking around on planets
- look around in cockpit/ship
- trade system tottaly changed / improved (more dynamic)
- buying stuff with not ONLY money, but also with goods

now lets get organized!

"Yes, it's the right planet, all right, " he said again. "Right planet, wrong universe. " Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:44 pm

how many f**king time keep peoplke opening thread with the same topics

there like 4 or 5 threads with this topic od mod requests just READ THEM!

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 2:45 pm


i love all ideas here and some of them are what i thought to be great in FL i.e. overtaking ships etc. great work

i wonder why DA didnt have that ideas -> perhaps you can get some official support??

but as i dont really be skilled in coding or modelling i just can sit here and watch you guys working

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:21 pm

I like the idea of having your own base etc.

Perhaps to expand on it though you could restrict base ownership to an actual player faction containing 5 people or more . This means of course that the game will have to allow the creation of player factions which are similar to NPC factions.. i.e. reputations, trading alliances etc.

The nice thing with having a player based faction owning a base is that each individual contributes to the maintenance of said base. For example, on completion of a mission/trading run, 10% of each player's earnings automatically gets assigned to faction use. The faction leader/s can then use these funds to hire mercs for base defence(which will come in handy when most members are offline), general repair, base upgrades, buying better ships for fellow members etc. This would encourage people to work together and give them something to do with their hard earned money (other than buying a bigger gun/ship).

What i do feel though, is that should the base come under attack, one shouldn't be able to destroy it, but just in fact completely disable it, forcing the owners to get enough money together to fully repair it again.

I mean, imagine being in a pirate group and you have an old and probably illegally obtained battleship as your base. Sure it might be a bit dilapidated at first, but at least you can move it to a new location every now and then, upgrade it every chance you get and keep the vigilanties/cops on their toes. The possibilities are quite endless.

But, this is all probably just a pipe-dream. Without the SDK i don't think most of this is possible. Maybe we'll get lucky and see an expansion including something similar one day...... i can dream can't i ?

Edited by - calisza on 05-03-2003 16:22:47

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:29 pm

Its been mentioned b4 but I thought I would add it to this thread so its all in 1 place....

Trader missions: They would have to give better rewards than the proffit you would make for trading normaly. Maybe have special rewards for missions, new equipment/ships that cant be purchased only received via missions.

Post Wed Mar 05, 2003 6:07 pm

Heavy Freighters - Like the large transports you see flying around. Not really capital ships, but still big, slow, and bulky with a very large cargo hold.

Sensor Upgrades - The current sensor only has a range of 2.5 KM, and has problems in some zones. I'd like to see extended range sensors, and sensors that work better in those low sensor zones.

Engine/Thruster Upgrades - It just doesn't make sense to have all ships travel at the same speed. Thruster upgrades won't just take less energy, they'll also let you go faster using them.

Armor Upgrades - Stronger hulls of course. These should get really expensive, to the point where players would have to decide if they want to spring for the armor upgrade or just get a stronger ship.

Cargo Hold Upgrades - Expand the cargo hold of your ship; also very expensive.

Fighter Differences - Light fighters should be more agile, and heavy fighters should be less agile. Just a few little tweaks here and there should make a good light fighter be able to compete with an Eagle.

Cloaking - Uses thruster energy, and stops if you attack. Also, when cloaking is deactivated your shields go down (just like when you eject cargo), so you're pretty vulnerable for a short time.

AI Changes - If the AI is in a fight and the player comes along, the AI won't break off to attack the player. Enemies of the faction the player is fighting will help the player, unless they hate the player too. Pirate factions won't show up around police bases as much. Hostile AI won't hit the player with a cruise disruptor as soon as they fire up their engines.

Swarm Missiles - Like Freespace; a bunch of low-damage missiles fired together.

New Mission Types:
-Escort : Escort a capship to a base along with a wing of support fighters.
-Blockade Run : Deliver supplies to a planet desperate due to an enemy blockade that's stopping supply routes. You'd be paid at least triple what the goods normally sell for, and would have to fight/run through some ships trying to stop you.
-Drug Smuggling : Pirate factions only; deliver illegal drugs to a base, risking being caught by police.

"Twink" Balancing - The way I'd want to do this is to remove all the Very Heavy Fighters (Eagle/Sabre/Titan) and level 10 weapons/shields/misc. equipment. Without those things, the ships and equipment you'd buy would actually matter instead of just everyone running to get neutral with the pirates and getting those ships.

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