I have an idea but want to ask you guys before trying it.
On my Hammerhead, there are two hardpoints that seem to be in odd locations. The thruster, on the side, and the turret, on the back. I was looking through my shiparch.ini file at the bh_elite2 and started wondering about the shield, turret, booster, and torpedo hardpoints.
shield_link = bh_elite_shield01, HpMount, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_1, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_thruster, HpThruster01
hp_type = hp_turret_special_1, HpTurret01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_1, HpTorpedo01
Would the game have a conniption if I moved the thruster to the HpTurret01 location (so I can have the thruster centered above the engines) and the turret to the HpTorpedo01 location (so I can have the turret facing front again) and the torpedo to the HpThruster01 location on the side (doesn't hurt the torpedo, since it will still fire forward and anything I am firing a torpedo/cruise disrupter at will likely be very far ahead of me.
I wanted to ask you guys opinions before doing it.
I am awesomer than you.