First the Shiparch.ini
Change - LODranges = 0, 40, 60, 140, 300, 1000 to LODranges = 0, 99999 or it will disappear after the 40 LOD
Change - DA_archetype = data\ships\NEW_WORLD\GALILEO\galileo.cmp to DA_archetype = ships\NEW_WORLD\GALILEO\galileo.cmp
Change - material_library = data\ships\NEW_WORLD\HPS.mat to material_library = ships\NEW_WORLD\GALILEO\galileo.cmp as you've added the mat to the cmp and the "data" isn't needed
your ship is classed as a light fighter with a l-Fighter shield link but youve given it HF\VHF shield hardpoints.
Now for you script
<data file="DATA\EQUIPMENT\market_ships.ini" method="sectionappend" numTimes="0">
Marketgood = gal_package, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
your adding this to every base but the max number of ships you can have for sale in one base is 3, and because of your script some now have 4 which causes the CTD on the FL Logo screen ( bad market files always crash the game here).
Your ship is next
A poly count(triangles) of 18176 is far to high for FL as this will cause a lot of frames to be dropped on most low end machines and cause a hell of a lot of LAG on servers, and don't give it to NPC's to fly as that will make it worse. Poly counts of 3000 - 5000 are usual for FL and most people and servers can handle several of them on screen at once.
Your textures cannot be bmp format FL only uses tga or dds so you will have to convert your textures then redo the mat or in this case the combined cmp, this will also reduce it from the almost 13Mb that it currently at.
**shuffles of with a new headache**