I should note, for the record, that setting up a Cruise of zero is not a good idea. I found all of this out whilst making Warriors of the Sky, where this created a number of issues- basically, it'll cause the AI to sit around a lot, and not respond to situational issues.
Instead, if one wants to nerf Cruise, one should set the charging time to something really high (I set it to 50000 in WOS), and get rid of the charging sounds, so that (to all appearances anyhow) Cruise never comes on. This will also allow the AI, which is programmed to enter Cruise if the location it's flying to (whether a Tradelane, DockPoint, Mount, whatever) to enter combat if attacked, because the AI
will not exit Cruise and attack. Basically, please look at the way that I implemented things in WOS B1 for guidance on these issues, if you want to build a mod where some things have Cruise, but most do not...
Also, while I'm thinking about it... um, what variables are being altered for the Tradelane speed increase? As I've said before, in game-play testing over here, I got Tradelane speeds to increase, but I have pretty severe problems with over-shooting when the AI interrupts Tradelane travel- I generally travel > 6K away from the point where the interruption occurs, at a vector that seems to be semi-random. Thankfully, for whatever reasons... the code that checks for collisions is still off during that, so I don't just exit the Tradelanes in an asteroid field and die, but it's not
quite what I'd prefer, heh...
Lastly... Alcander, I'd like to torture-test your Cruise mod code before release this time, if you wouldn't mind terribly... I've done more work with customized and odd Cruise configurations than anybody else around here, and if I can't make it break, nobody else is likely to