Mon May 17, 2004 4:39 pm by zacam
I did a search on "Strafe" and "Rolling" and got alot of posts from some time back. In short, you edit keymap.ini and keylist.ini in the data/interface folder. The commands are USER_ROTATE_X and USER_UNROTATE_X.
However, the "rolling" _only_ works in the cockpit view, no other view, even if you assign a key to disable Auto Leveling, so it's _really_ pointless unless you ONLY fly in the cockpit view. Which, you could, but that'd be silly.
As for vertical strafe, same files to edit. I bound mine to "W" and "S" since I have a scroll mouse, I control thrust with that instead, but I did back up accelerate/decellerate to the Up and Down arrows respectively.