You know, it's not even the radar I care about, but I like how it has some form of inside-the-cockpit feel. As it is, the current cockpit view is just boring, with nothing to look at. These screens, on the other hand, have cool little monitors and stuff that can give you info on enemy ships, their hull integrity, etc. I dunno, I just feel that the HUD in Freelancer, while streamlined, simple, and easy to use, is lacking. Perhaps if they just had little options to turn on/off extraneous doodads I would be happy. For example: hull/outside/enemy temperature, a speedometer bar (as opposed to just a number), the enemy's speed, weapon/hull integrity (portrayed as varying shades of green, yellow, and red), and a various buttons that serve no purpose other than to look pretty. In other words, I wish they made it a real cockpit! As it stands, anyone that fights in FL from the viewpoint of the cockpit is at a disadvantage, so maybe those little screens and bits of helpful info and stuff could even it out a bit if you could only see them from inside the ship. I don't know, now I'm just ranting about how things should have been done differently. I'm so ungrateful sometimes.