*phew* already the second ship modder I save today... =D
Oooook, adding an all new ship with the defender graphics is highly impractical (though I can tell you how to do that too, but no need...) therefore we'll take the easier way and just boost up the already-present defender to make it class10-compatible, mmmmmkay?
First go and get the ini decompressor from the utilities section of this site if you dont have it already. Then go to the shiparch.ini and look for _this_ section (its the defender stats, the easiest way to track it down is the 237033, its name ID):
ids_name = 237033
ids_info = 66567
ids_info1 = 66568
ids_info2 = 66608
ids_info3 = 66569
ship_class = 1
nickname = li_elite
msg_id_prefix = gcs_refer_shiparch_Libhf
mission_property = can_use_berths
LODranges = 0, 75, 150, 1300
type = FIGHTER
DA_archetype = ships\liberty\li_elite\li_elite.cmp
material_library = ships\liberty\li_playerships.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
cockpit = cockpits\liberty\l_elite.ini
pilot_mesh = generic_pilot
nanobot_limit = 14
shield_battery_limit = 14
mass = 150.000000
hold_size = 30
linear_drag = 1.000000
fuse = intermed_damage_smallship01, 0.000000, 400
fuse = intermed_damage_smallship02, 0.000000, 200
fuse = intermed_damage_smallship03, 0.000000, 133
max_bank_angle = 30
camera_offset = 8, 34
camera_angular_acceleration = 0.050000
camera_horizontal_turn_angle = 17
camera_vertical_turn_up_angle = 5
camera_vertical_turn_down_angle = 25
camera_turn_look_ahead_slerp_amount = 1.000000
hit_pts = 1600
explosion_arch = explosion_li_elite
surface_hit_effects = 0, small_hull_hit_light01, small_hull_hit_light02, small_hull_hit_light03
surface_hit_effects = 150, small_hull_hit_medium01, small_hull_hit_medium02, small_hull_hit_medium03
surface_hit_effects = 300, small_hull_hit_heavy01, small_hull_hit_heavy02, small_hull_hit_heavy03
steering_torque = 50000.000000, 50000.000000, 230000.000000
angular_drag = 40000.000000, 40000.000000, 141000.000000
rotation_inertia = 8400.000000, 8400.000000, 8400.000000
nudge_force = 30000.000000
strafe_force = 20000
strafe_power_usage = 2
bay_door_anim = Sc_open baydoor
bay_doors_open_snd = cargo_doors_open
bay_doors_close_snd = cargo_doors_close
HP_bay_surface = HpBayDoor01
HP_bay_external = HpBayDoor02
HP_tractor_source = HpTractor_Source
num_exhaust_nozzles = 2
shield_link = l_elite_shield01, HpMount, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_gun_special_4, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02
hp_type = hp_gun_special_3, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05
hp_type = hp_gun_special_2, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05
hp_type = hp_gun_special_1, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_4, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_3, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_2, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_elite_shield_special_1, HpShield01
hp_type = hp_thruster, HpThruster01
hp_type = hp_mine_dropper, HpMine01
hp_type = hp_countermeasure_dropper, HpCM01
hp_type = hp_turret_special_4, HpTurret01
hp_type = hp_turret_special_3, HpTurret01
hp_type = hp_turret_special_2, HpTurret01
hp_type = hp_turret_special_1, HpTurret01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_1, HpTorpedo01
hp_type = hp_torpedo_special_2, HpTorpedo01
See all those "hp_type =" lines? These are the hardpoint stats of the bird.
hp_type = hp_gun_special_2, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05
means, in words, that
"class2 weaponry (hp_gun_special_2)
can be mounted in the following hardpoints: 1,2,3,4,5" (the HpWeapon1,2... and so on strings)
So if you want the defender to eat c9 weapons in all five gun hardpoints, just add this line in there:
hp_type = hp_gun_special_9, HpWeapon01, HpWeapon02, HpWeapon03, HpWeapon04, HpWeapon05
Understood the system? If you want it to just have 4 weapon slots instead of five, just remove the "HpWeapon5" from all gun class declarations. Don't forget to up the shields class capability too. If you want it to be a light fighter instead of a heavy one (although that change is rather cosmetical imho) change
ship_class 1
ship_class 0
(0=light fighter, 1=heavy/veryheavy fighter, 2=freighter). Now, since this is the "normal" defender, just go to the Liberty system and buy it where it can be bought. (on that battleship... forgot its name.
That should take care of it.
" Infinity? Nah, been there. " +++ =)