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Encounter Problems

This is where you can ask for help and post your knowledge on error messages from using the various tools that describe error messages in MODs such as DataStorm the Freelancer MOD Scanner the server console and FLSpit.

Post Wed Apr 05, 2006 6:40 pm

sorry ive not replied for a while...appearntly skipping school isint good if i wanna keep the net ...but ill take a look at the files again and see what i find

Post Sat May 13, 2006 7:13 am

ive descided to start over with the heres what i have now

nickname = fc_xfs_enterprise_d1-19
loadout = fc_xfs_enterprise_loadout1
level = d19
ship_archetype = enterprise_E
pilot = freighter_med
state_graph = FIGHTER
npc_class = lawful, class_freighter, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, d10, d11, d12, d13, d14, d15, d16, d17, d18, d19

nickname = fc_xfs_enterprise_loadout1
archetype = enterprise_E
equip = ge_gf1_engine_01
equip = infinite_power
equip = ge_s_scanner_01
equip = ge_s_tractor_01
equip = ge_s_thruster_01, HpThruster01
equip = li_gun01_mark01, HpWeapon01
equip = li_gun01_mark01, HpWeapon02

affiliation = fc_xfs_grp
legality = lawful
nickname_plurality = singular
msg_id_prefix = ignore
jump_preference = any
npc_ship = fc_xfs_enterprise_d1-19
npc_ship = fc_xfs_voyager_d1-19
npc_ship = fc_xfs_birdofp_d1-19
npc_ship = fc_xfs_defiant_d1-19
npc_ship = fc_xfs_warbird_d1-19
npc_ship = fc_xfs_deltaflyer_d1-19
npc_ship = fc_xfs_NX01_d1-19
;voice = pilot_f_leg_m01
;voice = pilot_f_leg_f01
mc_costume = mc_fc
space_costume = li_captain_head, li_male_elite_body, comm_ge_generic2
firstname_male = 245184, 245243
firstname_female = 245244, 245303
lastname = 245303, 245399
rank_desig = 197065, 197066, 197067, 4, 8/b
formation_desig = 197821, 197828
large_ship_desig = 196995
large_ship_names = 462000, 462016
formation = fighters, fighter_basic
formation = freighters, freighter_liberty
formation = freighters2, freighter2_liberty
formation = transports, transport_liberty
formation = transports2, transport2_liberty
scan_for_cargo = commodity_alien_artifacts, 1
scan_for_cargo = commodity_cardamine, 2
scan_for_cargo = commodity_gold, 2
scan_for_cargo = commodity_diamonds, 2
scan_for_cargo = commodity_silver, 2
scan_announce = true
scan_chance = 0.300000

nickname = Zone_IW07_pop_ambient_01
pos = -34638, 0, -10406
rotate = 0, 0, 0
shape = SPHERE
size = 12361
comment = Ambient Pop
sort = 51
toughness = 15
density = 10
repop_time = 5
max_battle_size = 10
pop_type = Background
relief_time = 5
population_additive = false
faction_weight = fc_xfs_grp, 20
encounter = area_defend, 15, 0.330000
faction = fc_xfs_grp, 1.000000
encounter = area_trade_freighter, 15, 0.330000
faction = fc_xfs_grp, 1.000000
encounter = area_trade_trader, 15, 0.330000
faction = fc_xfs_grp, 1.000000

it looks fine to me....and the game doesnt crash when i launch to space from the planet like it used to....but the NPCs dont ever show up.

I also wasnt sure which group they would be i put those in there

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