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Odd Freelancer error messages. Find help or give assistance
This is where you can ask for help and post your knowledge on error messages from using the various tools that describe error messages in MODs such as DataStorm the Freelancer MOD Scanner the server console and FLSpit.
I also got some error codes, which I don't know how to get rid of. I searched the forums for quite a while, but couldn't find something (I think one thing I saw a long time ago, but I didn't find the thread).
So, here it goes. At first FLServer error log:
1. E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\gf\pubGF.cpp(120) : *** ERROR: Cannot find bodypart
I get this one five times and I think I even get this with an unmodded FL. I checked the bodyparts.ini, but couldn't find something.
2. E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\Archetype.cpp(60) : *** ERROR: ArchDB::Get(2837983242) failed
CRCTool gave me that "2837983242" is the "rm_space_freeport01" in
C:\Spiele\Freelancer\Data\SOLAR\SolarArch.ini, however I cannot find a mistake in the code, here it is:
nickname = rm_space_freeport01
ids_name = 329689
ids_info = 329689
DA_archetype = solar\dockable\space_freeport01.cmp
material_library = solar\solar_mat_tink.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
LODranges = 0, 2000, 15000
mass = 10000.000000
solar_radius = 600
shape_name = NAV_depot
explosion_arch = explosion_space_mod_base
destructible = true
hit_pts = 4800
fuse = fuse_space_mining01, 0.000000, 1
3. E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\Archetype.cpp(60) : *** ERROR: ArchDB::Get(3098097218) failed
CRCTool gave me that "3098097218" is the "wplatform" in C:\Spiele\Freelancer\Data\SOLAR\SolarArch.ini, however again I cannot find a mistake in this code here:
nickname = wplatform
LODranges = 0, 200, 400, 4000
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
DA_archetype = solar\misc\weapons_platform_lod.cmp
material_library = solar\solar_mat_dockable03.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
mass = 10000.000000
loadout = weapon_platform
solar_radius = 300
shape_name = NAV_weaponplatform
destructible = true
explosion_arch = explosion_wplatform
hit_pts = 6000
Then FLSpew also has some errors:
1. WARNING:General:set_gamma_function() called outside of create_buffers/destroy_buffers
I think this one is normal, as some friends of mine also have this, however, if this is a problem, which can be solved, please tell me what I could try to do.
2. ERROR: Cannot find bodypart
I think this is the same as in FLServer error log, as I also get it five times here. What can it be?
3. WARNING: Failed to get start location
I did not change the location, where players start (they still start at Planet Manhattan. So, what does this mean and how to solve it?
4. ERROR: Thorn_Psys: Failed to find [VisEffect ge_nf_engine_01
I'm not totally sure about this, because I edited some thn files to make the traffic on some bases to Nomad ships I created. When I had to specify the engine of the ships I put the Nomad fighter engine in, however I seem to need to put in an vis_effect. So can this be solved by just changing the "ge_nf_engine_01" in the thn to lets say "gf_no_smallengine01_fire"?
5. ERROR:b 0x83ae446 is dockable, but doesn't have a valid base or system to go to
I know, why this error appears, but I'm not sure how to get rid of it. "0x83ae446" is a base I created. It is a Nomad city, which can be docked via a dockingring. Now, the archetype of the city has the entry "type = STATION", but you can only dock via a dockingring. As it is a station, the game probably thinks that it can be docked directly and as I only have a "base =" entry in the code of the station (in the systems ini file) it searches for a "dockwith = " entry. However for this I use the dockingring.
In my opinion the error should be away, if I change the "type" of the Nomad city to "PLANET", because planets work with dockingrings. The only question is, if the base will still work right, if I change the type to PLANET, because it is not really a planet and might not work with this type entry. Is it possible to change the type to PLANET, or is there any other way to get rid of this error?
6. WARNING: Failed to load ids: 11731504
I get this error twice and don't know what it means. I get the same error for the ids "332638". Can it be that I have a typo in an "ids_name = " or an "ids_info = " entry?
7. WARNING: invalid MSG id (2684724226) for voice profile (0xb02cfbc0)
I get this and a similar error. "2684724226" I cannot find with CRCTool and therefore do not know what it is. "0xb02cfbc0" is the "atc_leg_f01a" a voice for a female station welcoming person (the one that says you are clear to dock). So, what can the problem be and how to solve it?
8. WARNING: Voice message 2213849798 is invalid for voice 3073825485
I cannot find out, what the first number is with CRCTool and the second is the "NNVoice" in "C:\Spiele\Freelancer\Data\AUDIO\voices_recognizable.ini", but I don't know what this does. Therefore have no clue whats the problem and how to solve it.
9. WARNING: get_zone(38) failed
I don't know where to search for a problem and can therefore not solve anything. I also get this with 39 instead of 38 and both times I get the error four times.
10. ERROR: Voice profile 0x8047fd4d (8047fd4d) does not support message gcs_fm_D06aG_fc_merc_grp
"0x8047fd4d" is the "rvp511" a female voice and "fc_merc_grp" is a new faction I created. One of the NPCs from this faction (he is in the bar on their base) does probably produce this error, but I don't know how to solve it. I get the same error for the voice "rvp111" and "rvp131".
11. WARNING: Disconnecting equipment with FATE_UNKNOWN, using FATE_DISAPPEAR
I know that a similar error appears, when player looting is enabled, however I don't have player looting in my mod and therefore it has to be something else. What exactly mean these errors and how to get rid of them (I get it four times)?
12. WARNING: EqObj::use_item() couldn't find target item on Client request.
I get this error way too often. I know that it is a problem with NPC bots and bats usage activated (Strail wrote something about this). However my question, did anyone find a real solution (Strail only had a thing to avoid it, but you also wasted the bot and bat usage of NPCs with this nearly) for this errors. Because NPCs using Countermeasures works quite well and maybe we can try to get it to work with bats and bots the same way. So, does anyone have a solution?
That's it. You see that I have many errors, which I need to solve. So please, if you know about any error, post here and help me solving them!
Many thanks for your help!
Black Eagle
I also got some error codes, which I don't know how to get rid of. I searched the forums for quite a while, but couldn't find something (I think one thing I saw a long time ago, but I didn't find the thread).
So, here it goes. At first FLServer error log:
1. E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\gf\pubGF.cpp(120) : *** ERROR: Cannot find bodypart
I get this one five times and I think I even get this with an unmodded FL. I checked the bodyparts.ini, but couldn't find something.
2. E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\Archetype.cpp(60) : *** ERROR: ArchDB::Get(2837983242) failed
CRCTool gave me that "2837983242" is the "rm_space_freeport01" in
C:\Spiele\Freelancer\Data\SOLAR\SolarArch.ini, however I cannot find a mistake in the code, here it is:
nickname = rm_space_freeport01
ids_name = 329689
ids_info = 329689
DA_archetype = solar\dockable\space_freeport01.cmp
material_library = solar\solar_mat_tink.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
LODranges = 0, 2000, 15000
mass = 10000.000000
solar_radius = 600
shape_name = NAV_depot
explosion_arch = explosion_space_mod_base
destructible = true
hit_pts = 4800
fuse = fuse_space_mining01, 0.000000, 1
3. E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\Archetype.cpp(60) : *** ERROR: ArchDB::Get(3098097218) failed
CRCTool gave me that "3098097218" is the "wplatform" in C:\Spiele\Freelancer\Data\SOLAR\SolarArch.ini, however again I cannot find a mistake in this code here:
nickname = wplatform
LODranges = 0, 200, 400, 4000
ids_name = 261164
ids_info = 66171
DA_archetype = solar\misc\weapons_platform_lod.cmp
material_library = solar\solar_mat_dockable03.mat
material_library = fx\envmapbasic.mat
envmap_material = envmapbasic
mass = 10000.000000
loadout = weapon_platform
solar_radius = 300
shape_name = NAV_weaponplatform
destructible = true
explosion_arch = explosion_wplatform
hit_pts = 6000
Then FLSpew also has some errors:
1. WARNING:General:set_gamma_function() called outside of create_buffers/destroy_buffers
I think this one is normal, as some friends of mine also have this, however, if this is a problem, which can be solved, please tell me what I could try to do.
2. ERROR: Cannot find bodypart
I think this is the same as in FLServer error log, as I also get it five times here. What can it be?
3. WARNING: Failed to get start location
I did not change the location, where players start (they still start at Planet Manhattan. So, what does this mean and how to solve it?
4. ERROR: Thorn_Psys: Failed to find [VisEffect ge_nf_engine_01
I'm not totally sure about this, because I edited some thn files to make the traffic on some bases to Nomad ships I created. When I had to specify the engine of the ships I put the Nomad fighter engine in, however I seem to need to put in an vis_effect. So can this be solved by just changing the "ge_nf_engine_01" in the thn to lets say "gf_no_smallengine01_fire"?
5. ERROR:b 0x83ae446 is dockable, but doesn't have a valid base or system to go to
I know, why this error appears, but I'm not sure how to get rid of it. "0x83ae446" is a base I created. It is a Nomad city, which can be docked via a dockingring. Now, the archetype of the city has the entry "type = STATION", but you can only dock via a dockingring. As it is a station, the game probably thinks that it can be docked directly and as I only have a "base =" entry in the code of the station (in the systems ini file) it searches for a "dockwith = " entry. However for this I use the dockingring.
In my opinion the error should be away, if I change the "type" of the Nomad city to "PLANET", because planets work with dockingrings. The only question is, if the base will still work right, if I change the type to PLANET, because it is not really a planet and might not work with this type entry. Is it possible to change the type to PLANET, or is there any other way to get rid of this error?
6. WARNING: Failed to load ids: 11731504
I get this error twice and don't know what it means. I get the same error for the ids "332638". Can it be that I have a typo in an "ids_name = " or an "ids_info = " entry?
7. WARNING: invalid MSG id (2684724226) for voice profile (0xb02cfbc0)
I get this and a similar error. "2684724226" I cannot find with CRCTool and therefore do not know what it is. "0xb02cfbc0" is the "atc_leg_f01a" a voice for a female station welcoming person (the one that says you are clear to dock). So, what can the problem be and how to solve it?
8. WARNING: Voice message 2213849798 is invalid for voice 3073825485
I cannot find out, what the first number is with CRCTool and the second is the "NNVoice" in "C:\Spiele\Freelancer\Data\AUDIO\voices_recognizable.ini", but I don't know what this does. Therefore have no clue whats the problem and how to solve it.
9. WARNING: get_zone(38) failed
I don't know where to search for a problem and can therefore not solve anything. I also get this with 39 instead of 38 and both times I get the error four times.
10. ERROR: Voice profile 0x8047fd4d (8047fd4d) does not support message gcs_fm_D06aG_fc_merc_grp
"0x8047fd4d" is the "rvp511" a female voice and "fc_merc_grp" is a new faction I created. One of the NPCs from this faction (he is in the bar on their base) does probably produce this error, but I don't know how to solve it. I get the same error for the voice "rvp111" and "rvp131".
11. WARNING: Disconnecting equipment with FATE_UNKNOWN, using FATE_DISAPPEAR
I know that a similar error appears, when player looting is enabled, however I don't have player looting in my mod and therefore it has to be something else. What exactly mean these errors and how to get rid of them (I get it four times)?
12. WARNING: EqObj::use_item() couldn't find target item on Client request.
I get this error way too often. I know that it is a problem with NPC bots and bats usage activated (Strail wrote something about this). However my question, did anyone find a real solution (Strail only had a thing to avoid it, but you also wasted the bot and bat usage of NPCs with this nearly) for this errors. Because NPCs using Countermeasures works quite well and maybe we can try to get it to work with bats and bots the same way. So, does anyone have a solution?
That's it. You see that I have many errors, which I need to solve. So please, if you know about any error, post here and help me solving them!
Many thanks for your help!
Black Eagle
Sorry I cant help here.. is this a mod or something else.. ? more detail may be handy..
Black Eagle,
A couple of these are covered earlier in the thread.. but I'll help where I can..
1. > If these relate to robot traders, then this error is found in unmodded FL, Buck Danny worked out a fix for it but I cant tell you what it was.. Btw.. it rarely crashes servers unless there are several instances at once in different systems
2. > I checked your code against the code in our mod (that does not throw errors relating to this) and the code seems fine.. the problem probably lies elsewhere
3. > The weapons platforms and several others throw errors in both modded and unmodded Fl the error occurs mainly on destroy bases/installation/space station.. and can be fixed by moving the offending items into the shiparch.ini.. see Chip's post on this earlier in this thread.
1. > No idea.. would like to know the answer to this myself
2. > see above..
3. > Present in standard FL.. dont think there is a cure.. maybe there is, if so see 1.
4. > There is a problem with the .thn file - check the code
5. > No idea
6. > No idea
7 & 8 > Some voice message errors are present in un modded fl.. this is another annoying one that may be fixable .. however since the voice messages are such a pain to play with.....
9, 10 & 11 > no idea .. lol
12. > relates to battery/bott use by npc's the only fix I know is to remove them.. this is covered (more or less) a couple of threads up..
Also some of this may well be covered in chips thread "find answers to crashes"
Hopefully some other who are far better at this stuff will lend a hand..I'm not a system man .. tho I do a lot of testing for Epsilon Mod so I see a lot of errors..
Edited by - harrier on 10/11/2005 10:43:11 PM
Sorry I cant help here.. is this a mod or something else.. ? more detail may be handy..
Black Eagle,
A couple of these are covered earlier in the thread.. but I'll help where I can..
1. > If these relate to robot traders, then this error is found in unmodded FL, Buck Danny worked out a fix for it but I cant tell you what it was.. Btw.. it rarely crashes servers unless there are several instances at once in different systems
2. > I checked your code against the code in our mod (that does not throw errors relating to this) and the code seems fine.. the problem probably lies elsewhere
3. > The weapons platforms and several others throw errors in both modded and unmodded Fl the error occurs mainly on destroy bases/installation/space station.. and can be fixed by moving the offending items into the shiparch.ini.. see Chip's post on this earlier in this thread.
1. > No idea.. would like to know the answer to this myself
2. > see above..
3. > Present in standard FL.. dont think there is a cure.. maybe there is, if so see 1.
4. > There is a problem with the .thn file - check the code
5. > No idea
6. > No idea
7 & 8 > Some voice message errors are present in un modded fl.. this is another annoying one that may be fixable .. however since the voice messages are such a pain to play with.....
9, 10 & 11 > no idea .. lol
12. > relates to battery/bott use by npc's the only fix I know is to remove them.. this is covered (more or less) a couple of threads up..
Also some of this may well be covered in chips thread "find answers to crashes"
Hopefully some other who are far better at this stuff will lend a hand..I'm not a system man .. tho I do a lot of testing for Epsilon Mod so I see a lot of errors..

Edited by - harrier on 10/11/2005 10:43:11 PM
A few answers:
This error is "normal", and happens when your video card is able to apply Gamma changes in DDRAW operations during buffer creation. IOW... it's an error that's going to occur with most modern video cards, unless they're letting the game control all gamma. Non-fatal, ignore.
You're calling a bad Bodypart in a custom character at one of your Bases. Sorry, but this is one that will require a scientific approach to resolve- take your characters out and replace them with bug-free defaults, and then put them in and visit each System, until the error starts showing up again, and work your way to the bug. If you keep accurate records, you can even see which System has the error (and thus narrow things down really fast) by looking at FLSpit after visiting each Base in a System. Strongly suggest you mod your Cruise to "insanely fast" so that you can get this done quickly
You're using OpenSP. If you don't want to see this bug... integrate my Alternative OpenSP into your mod... or a variant thereof. Basically, FL's getting peeved because it's trying to call a start location right off the bat in the Mission code, but is being directed elsewhere. All of that said... this is an almost completely harmless Spew.
In essence, yes. I don't know whether that specific ALE is going to work or not, and I dunno whether you've called the PSYS event correctly in your THN, but yeah... you've got it.
Yes, you can use Planet with other types. But... um... why don't you just use Berth? It seems like an easier way around this... minor CMP modifications and removal of the animation calls in docking instructions within the Solararch entries can make just about *anything* that's a valid CMP/3DB dockable. Planet entries also require that you put your entries in your Systems correctly- it's a little less straightforward than just making your object a normal Base.
If you're doing DLL entries the old-fashioned way... well, this is why I use XML wherever it's practical
That said... what I'd have to guess is that you have an IDS reference that's either missing or written incorrectly (i.e., you have an XML error). Use Anton's CRC Tool to look up the offending DLL reference.
I don't know what this one is, either, and I'd like to see it go bye-bye. Suggest that it's a bad NNVOICE reference, but I dunno. It doesn't appear to be fatal.
This kind of thing is very annoying to fix, but basically you have a typo for a Zone, probably one of ones left in the Zones from the SDK 1.5. I think that some of these may be fatal, and I've been trying to hunt them down for Toolkit. Only way to do so is by hand, by carefully counting down the Zones until you get to 38, etc., and seeing what's wrong with it.
New Factions (whether in Faction_Prop or in Mbases) should NOT BE ASSIGNED VOICES OF ANY KIND. Sorry, but until we somehow rebuild NNVOICES to be more accessible and let modders make up new NNVOICE stuff, it's just going to cause problems.
I have figured out what's causing this error. Basically, Lights cannot be assigned a Fate upon Disconnect events (i.e., destruction of Root is called in the Death Fuse). The cause in your mod may be some other piece of Equipment that doesn't have a Fate event properly assigned, or you have a Fuse that's calling for random Hardpoints to break off of the ship's CMP, causing Lights to be detached. I've solved this in the next version of Toolkit by getting rid of Lights. Contrails, which are properly-defined Equipment, don't have this problem- if they break off, they are not loot-able, and therefore don't cause this problem.
I don't think there is one. DA, for whatever mysterious reasons, didn't make the AI's control over bot/batt use very flexible, and it's buggy. Sorry, but I just don't think there will ever be a solution. Therefore, consider other tools for increasing the AI's performance... like the custom AIs that come with my Toolkit Mod series.
Edited by - Argh on 10/12/2005 10:10:26 PM
1. WARNING:General:set_gamma_function() called outside of create_buffers/destroy_buffers
This error is "normal", and happens when your video card is able to apply Gamma changes in DDRAW operations during buffer creation. IOW... it's an error that's going to occur with most modern video cards, unless they're letting the game control all gamma. Non-fatal, ignore.
2. ERROR: Cannot find bodypart
You're calling a bad Bodypart in a custom character at one of your Bases. Sorry, but this is one that will require a scientific approach to resolve- take your characters out and replace them with bug-free defaults, and then put them in and visit each System, until the error starts showing up again, and work your way to the bug. If you keep accurate records, you can even see which System has the error (and thus narrow things down really fast) by looking at FLSpit after visiting each Base in a System. Strongly suggest you mod your Cruise to "insanely fast" so that you can get this done quickly

3. WARNING: Failed to get start location
You're using OpenSP. If you don't want to see this bug... integrate my Alternative OpenSP into your mod... or a variant thereof. Basically, FL's getting peeved because it's trying to call a start location right off the bat in the Mission code, but is being directed elsewhere. All of that said... this is an almost completely harmless Spew.
4. ERROR: Thorn_Psys: Failed to find [VisEffect ge_nf_engine_01
So can this be solved by just changing the "ge_nf_engine_01" in the thn to lets say "gf_no_smallengine01_fire"?
In essence, yes. I don't know whether that specific ALE is going to work or not, and I dunno whether you've called the PSYS event correctly in your THN, but yeah... you've got it.
5. ERROR:b 0x83ae446 is dockable, but doesn't have a valid base or system to go to I know, why this error appears, but I'm not sure how to get rid of it. "0x83ae446" is a base I created. It is a Nomad city, which can be docked via a dockingring. Now, the archetype of the city has the entry "type = STATION", but you can only dock via a dockingring. As it is a station, the game probably thinks that it can be docked directly and as I only have a "base =" entry in the code of the station (in the systems ini file) it searches for a "dockwith = " entry. However for this I use the dockingring.
In my opinion the error should be away, if I change the "type" of the Nomad city to "PLANET", because planets work with dockingrings. The only question is, if the base will still work right, if I change the type to PLANET, because it is not really a planet and might not work with this type entry. Is it possible to change the type to PLANET, or is there any other way to get rid of this error?
Yes, you can use Planet with other types. But... um... why don't you just use Berth? It seems like an easier way around this... minor CMP modifications and removal of the animation calls in docking instructions within the Solararch entries can make just about *anything* that's a valid CMP/3DB dockable. Planet entries also require that you put your entries in your Systems correctly- it's a little less straightforward than just making your object a normal Base.
6. WARNING: Failed to load ids: 11731504
I get this error twice and don't know what it means. I get the same error for the ids "332638". Can it be that I have a typo in an "ids_name = " or an "ids_info = " entry?
If you're doing DLL entries the old-fashioned way... well, this is why I use XML wherever it's practical

7. WARNING: invalid MSG id (2684724226) for voice profile (0xb02cfbc0)
I get this and a similar error. "2684724226" I cannot find with CRCTool and therefore do not know what it is. "0xb02cfbc0" is the "atc_leg_f01a" a voice for a female station welcoming person (the one that says you are clear to dock). So, what can the problem be and how to solve it?
I don't know what this one is, either, and I'd like to see it go bye-bye. Suggest that it's a bad NNVOICE reference, but I dunno. It doesn't appear to be fatal.
9. WARNING: get_zone(38) failed
I don't know where to search for a problem and can therefore not solve anything. I also get this with 39 instead of 38 and both times I get the error four times.
This kind of thing is very annoying to fix, but basically you have a typo for a Zone, probably one of ones left in the Zones from the SDK 1.5. I think that some of these may be fatal, and I've been trying to hunt them down for Toolkit. Only way to do so is by hand, by carefully counting down the Zones until you get to 38, etc., and seeing what's wrong with it.
10. ERROR: Voice profile 0x8047fd4d (8047fd4d) does not support message gcs_fm_D06aG_fc_merc_grp
"0x8047fd4d" is the "rvp511" a female voice and "fc_merc_grp" is a new faction I created. One of the NPCs from this faction (he is in the bar on their base) does probably produce this error, but I don't know how to solve it. I get the same error for the voice "rvp111" and "rvp131".
New Factions (whether in Faction_Prop or in Mbases) should NOT BE ASSIGNED VOICES OF ANY KIND. Sorry, but until we somehow rebuild NNVOICES to be more accessible and let modders make up new NNVOICE stuff, it's just going to cause problems.
11. WARNING: Disconnecting equipment with FATE_UNKNOWN, using FATE_DISAPPEAR
I know that a similar error appears, when player looting is enabled, however I don't have player looting in my mod and therefore it has to be something else. What exactly mean these errors and how to get rid of them (I get it four times)?
I have figured out what's causing this error. Basically, Lights cannot be assigned a Fate upon Disconnect events (i.e., destruction of Root is called in the Death Fuse). The cause in your mod may be some other piece of Equipment that doesn't have a Fate event properly assigned, or you have a Fuse that's calling for random Hardpoints to break off of the ship's CMP, causing Lights to be detached. I've solved this in the next version of Toolkit by getting rid of Lights. Contrails, which are properly-defined Equipment, don't have this problem- if they break off, they are not loot-able, and therefore don't cause this problem.
12. WARNING: EqObj::use_item() couldn't find target item on Client request.
I get this error way too often. I know that it is a problem with NPC bots and bats usage activated (Strail wrote something about this). However my question, did anyone find a real solution (Strail only had a thing to avoid it, but you also wasted the bot and bat usage of NPCs with this nearly) for this errors. Because NPCs using Countermeasures works quite well and maybe we can try to get it to work with bats and bots the same way. So, does anyone have a solution?
I don't think there is one. DA, for whatever mysterious reasons, didn't make the AI's control over bot/batt use very flexible, and it's buggy. Sorry, but I just don't think there will ever be a solution. Therefore, consider other tools for increasing the AI's performance... like the custom AIs that come with my Toolkit Mod series.
Edited by - Argh on 10/12/2005 10:10:26 PM
At first many thanks for your help!
harrier: So your code for the rm_freeport is the same. Can I maybe also just move this solar to the shiparch.ini? If the errors get solved for weaponplatforms this way, maybe this Randommission station can also be moved to the shiparch.ini.
When I move the weaponplatforms to the shiparch.ini, are they still [Solar, or do I have to change it to [Ship (don't think so)?
Argh: My Nomad city still has it's shield on and I don't want to remove it. So, docking in a normal way would be a bit difficult and I also want to dock with a dockingring (it fits better for me). You wrote "Planet entries also require that you put your entries in your Systems correctly". What exactly did you mean? All my planets work quite well, however I'm not sure what you mean.
The Failed to load ids things are strange, because I checked all my inis (yes, I needed hours) and I do not have such an ids_name or ids_info anywhere in the mod files (I checked every system file, solararch.ini, the whole equipment and ships folder and so on. Just everything). When I enter the ids in FLEd-ids I get nothing, but just plain unused entries in the Infocards.dll. So I cannot imagine, why the game wants to load these ids, because I did not declare them anywhere.
About the voices for new factions: Do these errors (I got quite alot of them) cause server lag? I'm currently trying to get rid of all these errors to reduce server lag and therefore need to know, which ones will help most with this.
The Fate_Unknown error. So, as this is cause by Lights, will it go away, when I remove all the lights from my ships?
So, again many thanks for your help. I will try to do what you said and will then report back.
Black Eagle, creator of Monkey Universe
At first many thanks for your help!
harrier: So your code for the rm_freeport is the same. Can I maybe also just move this solar to the shiparch.ini? If the errors get solved for weaponplatforms this way, maybe this Randommission station can also be moved to the shiparch.ini.
When I move the weaponplatforms to the shiparch.ini, are they still [Solar, or do I have to change it to [Ship (don't think so)?
Argh: My Nomad city still has it's shield on and I don't want to remove it. So, docking in a normal way would be a bit difficult and I also want to dock with a dockingring (it fits better for me). You wrote "Planet entries also require that you put your entries in your Systems correctly". What exactly did you mean? All my planets work quite well, however I'm not sure what you mean.
The Failed to load ids things are strange, because I checked all my inis (yes, I needed hours) and I do not have such an ids_name or ids_info anywhere in the mod files (I checked every system file, solararch.ini, the whole equipment and ships folder and so on. Just everything). When I enter the ids in FLEd-ids I get nothing, but just plain unused entries in the Infocards.dll. So I cannot imagine, why the game wants to load these ids, because I did not declare them anywhere.
About the voices for new factions: Do these errors (I got quite alot of them) cause server lag? I'm currently trying to get rid of all these errors to reduce server lag and therefore need to know, which ones will help most with this.
The Fate_Unknown error. So, as this is cause by Lights, will it go away, when I remove all the lights from my ships?
So, again many thanks for your help. I will try to do what you said and will then report back.
Black Eagle, creator of Monkey Universe
Black Eagle,
Its not been moved in our mod which suggests that the problem for you lies elsewhere.. however its worth a shot.. As to the renaming - yeah they change from [solar to [ship (with the closing brackets natch)...
As to the rest.. I have no idea.. sorry.. but why would you need to remove all lights.. ?
Its not been moved in our mod which suggests that the problem for you lies elsewhere.. however its worth a shot.. As to the renaming - yeah they change from [solar to [ship (with the closing brackets natch)...

As to the rest.. I have no idea.. sorry.. but why would you need to remove all lights.. ?
Hi, it's me again.
Just some reports:
1. I moved the "wplatform" to the shiparch.ini as you said, but I think this wasn't a good idea. Before I did this I got one error of the ones mentioned above (Failed to get ArchD
. After I moved it, I got the same error again, however about 20 times or so. So I think that this is maybe not the right thing, or I did it the wrong way (because I don't think you are talking crap
So, how exactly should I do it?
2. Again for the bodypart errors: I now tried one thing. I activated the mod, then started FL. The main menu popped up and I did not do anything than just push the quit button again (So I only had the main menu on and that's it). However after this I looke in the FLSpew file and the bodypart error was there, without starting a game! This is so ridicolous! Why does it appear, when I do not start a game? Does FL load the bodies of every NPC, when starting the main menu? I don't think so. And, I also get this error in vanilla FL, without mods. So I think that this is a mod in the original game, which I cannot solve, because I did not do anything wrong and can also not find the error in the original files (Harrier: This is not the Robot error!). However, thanks for your help with this.
3. Again a Thorn error (I got rid of the errors with the visual effect "ge_nf_engine_01"
: I got now a new error of this:
ERROR: Thorn_Psys: Failed to find [VisEffect ring
I searched all the new thns I made, but none of it has such a effect (I searched them for ring, but did not find anything). And this error also appears when I only satrt the main menu and quit immediatly. So, could this also be a vanilla FL error, or what else could it be?
4. The Failed to load ids errors still occur and I neither can find out what these numbers are with CRCTool (It just says not found, although it has all the data of my mod in it), nor can FLEd-ids give me what these ids are, as they seem to be unused entries in the Infocards.ini. And I can also not find a file in my mod, in which such a ids is written. So, does this error really mean that I have this number as an ids, or is this number somehow a sign to the real ids that cannot be loaded (like the CRCs)?
5. About the Failed to get zone errors. Argh, you said I should just count the zones down to the number. Do you mean, going to the systems ini file and then count the zones down to the number? Because then I get to zones that are totally working (such as vignettes and so). So what do these numbers say and how can I find out, which zone is giving me the error?
(By the way: I do not add for example "population_additive" to any of my zones, because I don't need this and the game seems to interpret it as false, if it is not there. Can this cause such errors?)
6. And again for the Fate Unknown thing. Argh, what exactly did you do to get rid of these errors? I'm sorry, but I did not understand you fully, as I'm not a native speaker.
Okay and some new errors:
1. WARNING:General:invalid light detected: atten all zero
I think this is reffering to a light on a base (cityscape) or on a ship. However the things I checked looked okay. What does it mean? Is the light wrong, or is there a light written, which does not exist?
2. WARNING: alloc_equip: Archetype[0x86dd08ca not supported/equippable!
"0x86dd08ca" is the "ge_s_tractor_02", my Advanced tractor beam, you can buy and mount on your ship. I have this also on many NPC encounters. So, what is wrong with it? Here is the code:
nickname = ge_s_tractor_02
ids_name = 263745
ids_info = 264745
volume = 0.000000
mass = 10
DA_archetype = equipment\models\hardware\ge_heavy_tractor_beam.3db
material_library = equipment\models\hardware.mat
max_length = 4000
reach_speed = 4000
color = 255, 70, 70
operating_effect = tractor_beam
tractor_complete_snd = tractor_complete
lootable = true
nickname = ge_s_tractor_02
equipment = ge_s_tractor_02
category = equipment
ids_name = 263745
ids_info = 264745
price = 6000
combinable = False
item_icon = equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\equipicon_weaponupgrade.3db
shop_archetype = equipment\models\hardware\ge_heavy_tractor_beam.3db
material_library = equipment\models\hardware.mat
3. ERROR: ArchDB::Get(0) failed
I don't know what this should be. Just a zero?
4. ERROR: No valid archetype for prop $terrain_tiny
I also get this with "terrain_sml", "terrain_mdm" and "terrain_lrg" (small, medium and large probably
However, what does it mean? Can it be that there is a mistake in a cityscape of a base, or the planetscape of a planet (in the thn files)?
Many thanks again for your help! I already got rid of some errors, which was just because of your help!
Black Eagle
Just some reports:
1. I moved the "wplatform" to the shiparch.ini as you said, but I think this wasn't a good idea. Before I did this I got one error of the ones mentioned above (Failed to get ArchD


So, how exactly should I do it?
2. Again for the bodypart errors: I now tried one thing. I activated the mod, then started FL. The main menu popped up and I did not do anything than just push the quit button again (So I only had the main menu on and that's it). However after this I looke in the FLSpew file and the bodypart error was there, without starting a game! This is so ridicolous! Why does it appear, when I do not start a game? Does FL load the bodies of every NPC, when starting the main menu? I don't think so. And, I also get this error in vanilla FL, without mods. So I think that this is a mod in the original game, which I cannot solve, because I did not do anything wrong and can also not find the error in the original files (Harrier: This is not the Robot error!). However, thanks for your help with this.
3. Again a Thorn error (I got rid of the errors with the visual effect "ge_nf_engine_01"

ERROR: Thorn_Psys: Failed to find [VisEffect ring
I searched all the new thns I made, but none of it has such a effect (I searched them for ring, but did not find anything). And this error also appears when I only satrt the main menu and quit immediatly. So, could this also be a vanilla FL error, or what else could it be?
4. The Failed to load ids errors still occur and I neither can find out what these numbers are with CRCTool (It just says not found, although it has all the data of my mod in it), nor can FLEd-ids give me what these ids are, as they seem to be unused entries in the Infocards.ini. And I can also not find a file in my mod, in which such a ids is written. So, does this error really mean that I have this number as an ids, or is this number somehow a sign to the real ids that cannot be loaded (like the CRCs)?
5. About the Failed to get zone errors. Argh, you said I should just count the zones down to the number. Do you mean, going to the systems ini file and then count the zones down to the number? Because then I get to zones that are totally working (such as vignettes and so). So what do these numbers say and how can I find out, which zone is giving me the error?
(By the way: I do not add for example "population_additive" to any of my zones, because I don't need this and the game seems to interpret it as false, if it is not there. Can this cause such errors?)
6. And again for the Fate Unknown thing. Argh, what exactly did you do to get rid of these errors? I'm sorry, but I did not understand you fully, as I'm not a native speaker.
Okay and some new errors:
1. WARNING:General:invalid light detected: atten all zero
I think this is reffering to a light on a base (cityscape) or on a ship. However the things I checked looked okay. What does it mean? Is the light wrong, or is there a light written, which does not exist?
2. WARNING: alloc_equip: Archetype[0x86dd08ca not supported/equippable!
"0x86dd08ca" is the "ge_s_tractor_02", my Advanced tractor beam, you can buy and mount on your ship. I have this also on many NPC encounters. So, what is wrong with it? Here is the code:
nickname = ge_s_tractor_02
ids_name = 263745
ids_info = 264745
volume = 0.000000
mass = 10
DA_archetype = equipment\models\hardware\ge_heavy_tractor_beam.3db
material_library = equipment\models\hardware.mat
max_length = 4000
reach_speed = 4000
color = 255, 70, 70
operating_effect = tractor_beam
tractor_complete_snd = tractor_complete
lootable = true
nickname = ge_s_tractor_02
equipment = ge_s_tractor_02
category = equipment
ids_name = 263745
ids_info = 264745
price = 6000
combinable = False
item_icon = equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\equipicon_weaponupgrade.3db
shop_archetype = equipment\models\hardware\ge_heavy_tractor_beam.3db
material_library = equipment\models\hardware.mat
3. ERROR: ArchDB::Get(0) failed
I don't know what this should be. Just a zero?
4. ERROR: No valid archetype for prop $terrain_tiny
I also get this with "terrain_sml", "terrain_mdm" and "terrain_lrg" (small, medium and large probably

However, what does it mean? Can it be that there is a mistake in a cityscape of a base, or the planetscape of a planet (in the thn files)?
Many thanks again for your help! I already got rid of some errors, which was just because of your help!
Black Eagle
Black Eagle,
Sorry I'm not more help here.. I'm not exactly sure what you need to do .. as it was done finally by Buck Danny who codes for Epsilon, he had a little trouble at first but worked it out using "Chip's method" ...
It would be nice if some of the more knowledgable about these things would look and answer.. but you just have to hope that someone sees the questions and knows the answers and can help out here.. these errors can be frustrating in the extreme to find..
One thing i can help with..
your code is incorrect...
nickname = ge_s_tractor_02
ids_name = 263745
ids_info = 264745
volume = 0.000000
mass = 10
DA_archetype = equipment\models\hardware\ge_heavy_tractor_beam.3db - <<DONT NEED THIS.....>>
material_library = equipment\models\hardware.mat - << OR THIS >>
max_length = 4000
reach_speed = 4000
color = 255, 70, 70
operating_effect = tractor_beam
tractor_complete_snd = tractor_complete
lootable = true
nickname = ge_s_tractor_02
ids_name = 459692
ids_info = 471692
volume = 0.000000
mass = 10
max_length = 3500
reach_speed = 4000
color = 86, 86, 211
operating_effect = tractor_beam
tractor_complete_snd = tractor_complete
lootable = false
Your Misc_good.ini:
nickname = ge_s_tractor_02
equipment = ge_s_tractor_02
category = equipment
ids_name = 263745
ids_info = 264745
price = 6000
combinable = False
item_icon = equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\equipicon_weaponupgrade.3db
shop_archetype = equipment\models\hardware\ge_heavy_tractor_beam.3db
material_library = equipment\models\hardware.mat - << YOU DONT NEED THIS >>
More like:
[Good;Improved Tractor Beam
nickname = ge_s_tractor_02
equipment = ge_s_tractor_02
category = equipment
price = 6000
combinable = False
ids_name = 459692
ids_info = 471692
item_icon = equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\electronics.3db
shop_archetype = equipment\models\commodities\crates\crate_grey.3db
The models are not important - unless they dont exist ot there is a typo in them.. These are copied from epsilon mod and DO NOT throw errors
Can I suggest also.. that you run Accushots FLScan.. it is really one of the best for finding mod errors..
Bluecats FLIA is also useful..
LancerIniCleaner is also very good.. but be careful using it..
They are all here but you may have to search for them..
Sorry I'm not more help here.. I'm not exactly sure what you need to do .. as it was done finally by Buck Danny who codes for Epsilon, he had a little trouble at first but worked it out using "Chip's method" ...
It would be nice if some of the more knowledgable about these things would look and answer.. but you just have to hope that someone sees the questions and knows the answers and can help out here.. these errors can be frustrating in the extreme to find..
One thing i can help with..
your code is incorrect...
nickname = ge_s_tractor_02
ids_name = 263745
ids_info = 264745
volume = 0.000000
mass = 10
DA_archetype = equipment\models\hardware\ge_heavy_tractor_beam.3db - <<DONT NEED THIS.....>>
material_library = equipment\models\hardware.mat - << OR THIS >>
max_length = 4000
reach_speed = 4000
color = 255, 70, 70
operating_effect = tractor_beam
tractor_complete_snd = tractor_complete
lootable = true
nickname = ge_s_tractor_02
ids_name = 459692
ids_info = 471692
volume = 0.000000
mass = 10
max_length = 3500
reach_speed = 4000
color = 86, 86, 211
operating_effect = tractor_beam
tractor_complete_snd = tractor_complete
lootable = false
Your Misc_good.ini:
nickname = ge_s_tractor_02
equipment = ge_s_tractor_02
category = equipment
ids_name = 263745
ids_info = 264745
price = 6000
combinable = False
item_icon = equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\equipicon_weaponupgrade.3db
shop_archetype = equipment\models\hardware\ge_heavy_tractor_beam.3db
material_library = equipment\models\hardware.mat - << YOU DONT NEED THIS >>
More like:
[Good;Improved Tractor Beam
nickname = ge_s_tractor_02
equipment = ge_s_tractor_02
category = equipment
price = 6000
combinable = False
ids_name = 459692
ids_info = 471692
item_icon = equipment\models\commodities\nn_icons\electronics.3db
shop_archetype = equipment\models\commodities\crates\crate_grey.3db
The models are not important - unless they dont exist ot there is a typo in them.. These are copied from epsilon mod and DO NOT throw errors
Can I suggest also.. that you run Accushots FLScan.. it is really one of the best for finding mod errors..
Bluecats FLIA is also useful..
LancerIniCleaner is also very good.. but be careful using it..
They are all here but you may have to search for them..
@ Black Eagle concerning bodypart errors, Freelancer reads all the space_costume entries from faction_props.ini at start up. maybe youve got a typo in there
Personally I get this because the robots dont have seperate heads and bodies
*** ERROR: Cannot find bodypart robot_body_a E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\gf\pubGF.cpp(120)
*** ERROR: Cannot find bodypart robot_body_b E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\gf\pubGF.cpp(120)
*** ERROR: Cannot find bodypart robot_body_c E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\gf\pubGF.cpp(120)
*** ERROR: Cannot find bodypart robot_body_d E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\gf\pubGF.cpp(120)
*** ERROR: Cannot find bodypart robot_body_e E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\gf\pubGF.cpp(120)
has anyone found a work around for this?
Also what is this? If I visit an asteroid field I get hundreds of these lines
*** WARNING: ShapeDB: unable to find shape '' cmn\ShapeDB.h(242)
Personally I get this because the robots dont have seperate heads and bodies
*** ERROR: Cannot find bodypart robot_body_a E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\gf\pubGF.cpp(120)
*** ERROR: Cannot find bodypart robot_body_b E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\gf\pubGF.cpp(120)
*** ERROR: Cannot find bodypart robot_body_c E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\gf\pubGF.cpp(120)
*** ERROR: Cannot find bodypart robot_body_d E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\gf\pubGF.cpp(120)
*** ERROR: Cannot find bodypart robot_body_e E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Server\gf\pubGF.cpp(120)
has anyone found a work around for this?
Also what is this? If I visit an asteroid field I get hundreds of these lines
*** WARNING: ShapeDB: unable to find shape '' cmn\ShapeDB.h(242)
Harrier: For the tractor beams. I got errors in FLSpew before, when I did not had the entries you highlited. I also thought that I did not need them, however I got FLSpew errors (something like cannot find archtype or so) and when I added these entries (DA_Archetype, etc.) to the tractor beam these errors were gone. So I think that these are necessary.
I've run FLScan and FLIA several times before I went on to the FLSpew file and have hunted down all the bugs these two programs showed me. Now both are telling me "no more bugs". However, I think that I already got rid of some bugs and I will also try to get some more. Many thanks again for all your help!!!
Thaddeus: Thanks for the hint, I will have a look into my factionprop.ini.
For the Robot errors: I'm not sure, if I got the same error, however I had some errors about the robots and fixed them by doing the following:
In the bodyparts.ini file you have the following entries:
nickname = robot_body_a
nickname = robot_body_b
and so on. Add one file to each of them:
nickname = robot_body_a
mesh = characters\bodies\robot_body_a.dfm
nickname = robot_body_b
mesh = characters\bodies\robot_body_b.dfm
and you will get rid of some errors (I hope it's the errors you got
Be sure that you do it twice for every robot body, as they are listed once nder the body section and again under the head section!
So, hope this helps!
Black Eagle
Harrier: For the tractor beams. I got errors in FLSpew before, when I did not had the entries you highlited. I also thought that I did not need them, however I got FLSpew errors (something like cannot find archtype or so) and when I added these entries (DA_Archetype, etc.) to the tractor beam these errors were gone. So I think that these are necessary.
I've run FLScan and FLIA several times before I went on to the FLSpew file and have hunted down all the bugs these two programs showed me. Now both are telling me "no more bugs". However, I think that I already got rid of some bugs and I will also try to get some more. Many thanks again for all your help!!!
Thaddeus: Thanks for the hint, I will have a look into my factionprop.ini.
For the Robot errors: I'm not sure, if I got the same error, however I had some errors about the robots and fixed them by doing the following:
In the bodyparts.ini file you have the following entries:
nickname = robot_body_a
nickname = robot_body_b
and so on. Add one file to each of them:
nickname = robot_body_a
mesh = characters\bodies\robot_body_a.dfm
nickname = robot_body_b
mesh = characters\bodies\robot_body_b.dfm
and you will get rid of some errors (I hope it's the errors you got

Be sure that you do it twice for every robot body, as they are listed once nder the body section and again under the head section!
So, hope this helps!
Black Eagle
Hi, I am a new modder and in an effort to not become a pest in the community I have been trying to teach myself via tutorials and editing forums
First I'd like to thank B.P. who was good enough send me an email that pointed me back to shipscripter to solve the problem of ship integration
but as with many things in life solving one problem seems to have created two more
the trouble I'm having is this, although I have been able to install a ship in a mod of my own I've only been able to install one not two or more
also even when my shipscripter ship shows up in manhatten it isnt showing up in FL Explorer ship lists. I have no previous background in coding
and I am having trouble with the translation in the following section of shipscripter tutorial
on page 15 of the tutorial it says
if all that is done, check it one last time and then click on 'ready' the starting location for ships built with this
tool is Planet Manhattan in the New York System.
If you like to change that manual just remove this part
<data file="DATA\Equipment\market_ships.ini" method="sectionreplace">
base = Li01_01_base
marketgood = lf_package, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
marketgood = MyMod_package, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
when the script is ready and use only
marketgood = MyMod_package, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
this entry and replace one on a planet u like, where it is in the ending with the number ......,-1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
cause this define if a ship is buyable or not
Here we are at the end of the Goods.ini part which is done, and we now flip over to the Infocard - Tab,
Can anybody please expand on this a bit as Noted previously I have no coding background and I dont know
what I should be putting back in ? all the <section> <section> <dest> <dest> <source> <source> </data> , part's (full or empty?)
and with what tool do I find what planets end with the number......,-1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
also does this have anything to do with why I cant see the ship in my lists in FL Explorer?
should I be creating my mod in FL Explorer and adding shipscripter ship, or create the mod by the method described in shipscripter and
modifying it for systems in FL Explorer afterwards? does it make a difference? I have had inconsistent results !
Finally in a related question I have been trying to integrate SDK1.3Full into my mod should I be creating a Data folder and installing
SDK into the Data folder or should I be using the SDK Data folder as the main data folder of My mod ?
Please Help I am alone and Ignorant but desire to become enlightened !
immediate thanks to any who respond
Dolph ZztunGunn
Edited by - Dolph ZztunGunn on 12/4/2005 9:07:06 AM
First I'd like to thank B.P. who was good enough send me an email that pointed me back to shipscripter to solve the problem of ship integration
but as with many things in life solving one problem seems to have created two more
the trouble I'm having is this, although I have been able to install a ship in a mod of my own I've only been able to install one not two or more
also even when my shipscripter ship shows up in manhatten it isnt showing up in FL Explorer ship lists. I have no previous background in coding
and I am having trouble with the translation in the following section of shipscripter tutorial
on page 15 of the tutorial it says
if all that is done, check it one last time and then click on 'ready' the starting location for ships built with this
tool is Planet Manhattan in the New York System.
If you like to change that manual just remove this part
<data file="DATA\Equipment\market_ships.ini" method="sectionreplace">
base = Li01_01_base
marketgood = lf_package, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
marketgood = MyMod_package, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
when the script is ready and use only
marketgood = MyMod_package, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
this entry and replace one on a planet u like, where it is in the ending with the number ......,-1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
cause this define if a ship is buyable or not
Here we are at the end of the Goods.ini part which is done, and we now flip over to the Infocard - Tab,
Can anybody please expand on this a bit as Noted previously I have no coding background and I dont know
what I should be putting back in ? all the <section> <section> <dest> <dest> <source> <source> </data> , part's (full or empty?)
and with what tool do I find what planets end with the number......,-1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1
also does this have anything to do with why I cant see the ship in my lists in FL Explorer?
should I be creating my mod in FL Explorer and adding shipscripter ship, or create the mod by the method described in shipscripter and
modifying it for systems in FL Explorer afterwards? does it make a difference? I have had inconsistent results !
Finally in a related question I have been trying to integrate SDK1.3Full into my mod should I be creating a Data folder and installing
SDK into the Data folder or should I be using the SDK Data folder as the main data folder of My mod ?
Please Help I am alone and Ignorant but desire to become enlightened !
immediate thanks to any who respond
Dolph ZztunGunn
Edited by - Dolph ZztunGunn on 12/4/2005 9:07:06 AM