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Odd Freelancer error messages. Find help or give assistance

This is where you can ask for help and post your knowledge on error messages from using the various tools that describe error messages in MODs such as DataStorm the Freelancer MOD Scanner the server console and FLSpit.

Post Wed Jan 05, 2005 5:07 pm

This is a fix for the invisible gun problem. I have been working with Harrier on this for many moons now, and we've finally figured out a solution. This solution should solve the flspew errors that look something like this:

E:\FL\Scratch\libs\include\IMaterialImpl.h(575) : NOTICE:General:texture verify failed: nomad surface: NomadRGB1_NomadAlpha1

Those errors occur when you use a nomad cmp for your guns. Nomad cmps are used for when you need invisible guns. The only problem is that when they aren't used on Nomad ships, the game isnt able to find the textures and throws this error at you. The Nomad .cmp is textured in a way that is unique (or at least very unusual) to Freelancer. It is kind of like making a ship, assigning a .mat file, then deleting the .mat from the directory. The game will look for it, and not find it. To fix this problem, follow these simple instructions.

First, go into weapon_equip.ini and locate your gun that uses the Nomad .cmp. Look under the gun tab at the model. The gun shouldnt need a .mat file but needs the following lines copied in after the line that designates the cmp (it doesnt need to be there, but is good for the sake of organization and simplicity).

material_library = ships\nomad\nomad_fx.txm
nomad = true

Paste those lines after the .cmp line. It should eliminate any such errors with that weapon. Note that you will need to do this to any of your guns that use Nomad cmps for it to be 100% effective.


Working with Harrier, we've recently discovered that some weapons still throw nomad errors even after making the changes i mentioned before. In the rare case that it does, here is a backup plan.

First off, delete the nomad = true line from your weapon. Highlight the Model and Material Library entries and paste this over them:

DA_archetype = equipment\models\turret\li_cruiser_gun01.cmp
material_library = equipment\models\li_turret.mat

That should eliminate any nomad errors since it isnt related to nomad textures at all.

- para

Edited by - parabolix on 1/14/2005 3:33:44 PM

Post Sat Mar 19, 2005 10:28 am

Sorry to drag this back up but... did anyone find the solution to this one from the original post?

E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\ExclusionZoneMgr.cpp(368) : *** ERROR: DATA ERROR: edge fraction must be added to exclusion zone 2676050435 inorder for transitions to work
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\ExclusionZoneMgr.cpp(368) : *** ERROR: DATA ERROR: edge fraction must be added to exclusion zone 3212916227 inorder for transitions to work
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Common\ExclusionZoneMgr.cpp(368) : *** ERROR: DATA ERROR: edge fraction must be added to exclusion zone 2676040195 inorder for transitions to work

It seems to be sigma 13 but i've put in extra edge fraction entries and it still comes up. It's bugging (groan) me.

Edit : These as well
WARNING:General:Joint Root<->barrier not found!
WARNING:General:Joint Root<->cloudcaps not found!
WARNING:General:Joint Root<->dirt_soot_ring not found!
WARNING:General:Joint Root<->edinburgh not found!

Edited by - Anton on 3/19/2005 10:59:28 AM

Post Sat Mar 19, 2005 1:04 pm


Where did you put those edge fraction lines, I mean in which zones?
They should go in


Edited by - Buck Danny on 3/19/2005 1:08:26 PM

Edited by - Buck Danny on 3/19/2005 1:11:15 PM

Post Sat Mar 19, 2005 4:03 pm

Ah... i put them in jump hole zones... i was checking for zones marked as exclusion, referenced from asteroid files and having the same property flags... I don't think i lookded at nebula (cringes due to own stupidity). Thanks Buck

Now - any thoughts on the Joint Root thing? This has been seen in a few original systems and in guangxi from evo 1.28. It occurs as i'm typing that that system uses a bretonia starsphere... ambles off to peer at files...

Post Sat Mar 19, 2005 4:09 pm

From the sound of it they must come from a planetscape/cityscape thn file.
Planetscape and the starspehere and other environmentals things do not fit with eachother.

Post Sat Mar 19, 2005 4:57 pm

lol got it its the starsphere_dark.cmp - I'm using Evo 1.28 as a base for my mod... Its got all the original internal names but the part names are missing from the Cmpnd section of the cmp.

Post Fri Jun 03, 2005 12:19 am

I am having problems figuring out this error.

ERROR: ArchDB::Get(3092071043) failed
ERROR: Thorn_Psys: Failed to find [VisEffect ring.

If I can get help with this great. This is really starting to annoy me. Also, is there a way to figure out what the ArchDB code mean?




Post Fri Jun 03, 2005 5:08 am

This may be one of the reversed CRC codes. Going to work on CRCTool to generate and search for these...

Post Sat Jun 25, 2005 7:57 am

Whoooo - no search function = crap.

3092071043 = generic_pilot

This is the one I am after... any takers or anyone with a clue. I know I have seen it before, but I cannot find a relevent thread on the forum

related link: here

bah, remembered I sorted my problem ages ago I forgot to implement 1.30 code into 1.29

Edited by - Chips on 6/25/2005 10:12:06 AM

Post Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:29 am

I have some fun new ones for you guys.

E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Client\Gf\MirrorDatabase.h(264) : *** WARNING: Synchronization failed

E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Client\cmn\EngineLight.cpp(577) : WARNING:General:invalid light detected: atten all zero

E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Client\space\Effect.cpp(892) : *** WARNING: ParticleEffect::start_effect: archetype invalid (null archetype passed specified)

Also can anyone remind me where to find the source of these buggers?

C:\work\builds\dalibs\dalibs-build\build\Src\RendComp\RenderMgr.cpp(191) : NOTICE:General:RenderMgr: dtor: Archetype 130652560 has dangling render data
C:\work\builds\dalibs\dalibs-build\build\Src\RendComp\RenderMgr.cpp(191) : NOTICE:General:RenderMgr: dtor: Archetype 130652960 has dangling render data
C:\work\builds\dalibs\dalibs-build\build\Src\RendComp\RenderMgr.cpp(191) : NOTICE:General:RenderMgr: dtor: Archetype 130653864 has dangling render data
C:\work\builds\dalibs\dalibs-build\build\Src\RendComp\RenderMgr.cpp(191) : NOTICE:General:RenderMgr: dtor: Archetype 130653976 has dangling render data
C:\work\builds\dalibs\dalibs-build\build\Src\RendComp\RenderMgr.cpp(191) : NOTICE:General:RenderMgr: dtor: Archetype 130654688 has dangling render data

All of these errors are from a mod based on Evolution 1.28.02

Post Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:35 pm

I've also encountered some seemingly impossible to track down messages as well.

"Voice message 2351700488 is invalid for voice 3073825485"
"Voice message 2279119488 is invalid for voice 3073825485"
"Voice message 2213849798 is invalid for voice 3073825485"

I know that 3073825485 = NNVoice.

Also, but not as occuring is the following:

"NOTICE:General: VMESH: couldnt find material 163618903"

Other than that, I've gotten rid of most all error/warning messages in the game (excepting FATE_UNKNOWN of course, still working on that.)

Post Sat Sep 24, 2005 11:31 am

This thread is now stickied for this forum. This should be the main place for posting error messages that you need help with.

Post Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:00 pm

Re the 396 error.

Forget who posted this, think it was Harrier. I've been getting this. I've narrowed it down to bots and bats. If you've enabled you're npc's to use them, you get this error when they run out of bats and bots and haven't died yet. So FL is looking for bots and bats for the relevant npc's to use but obviously they've run out so FL can't find any. Not sure of the fix but working on it

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 7:10 am

Fubi open sp mod

I just down loaded this mod i am having a few problems.
First, i cant be part of the LPI, there is an error in the log saying that there is a problem creating the rep.
Second, i cant get the cavalier lightfighter, something says that there is a problem with creating the ship.

If someone could help me out, that would be great!


The dark side gives you true power!

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:32 am

Well I'm having a certain problem where I blow up gryphons, including myself sometimes(when im in a gryphon), and the game crashes. but this is very inconsistent, sometimes I blow up two or more and then ctd. They have the startrek photon torps mounted, could this be the _joint? I have no clue but each time the last few lines in spew are something like this:

E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Client\space\Effect.cpp(892) : *** WARNING: ParticleEffect::start_effect: archetype invalid (null archetype passed specified)
C:\work\builds\dalibs\dalibs-build\build\Src\EngBase\Engine\engine.cpp(1897) : WARNING:General:Engine: destroy_joint: Failing to disconnect -1 <- 140895240, not connected.

E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Client\Space\HUD_Comm.cpp(792) : *** WARNING: invalid MSG id (2609881600) for voice profile (0x9fd7b047)
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Client\space\Effect.cpp(892) : *** WARNING: ParticleEffect::start_effect: archetype invalid (null archetype passed specified)
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Client\space\Effect.cpp(892) : *** WARNING: ParticleEffect::start_effect: archetype invalid (null archetype passed specified)
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Client\space\Effect.cpp(892) : *** WARNING: ParticleEffect::start_effect: archetype invalid (null archetype passed specified)
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Client\space\Effect.cpp(892) : *** WARNING: ParticleEffect::start_effect: archetype invalid (null archetype passed specified)
C:\work\builds\dalibs\dalibs-build\build\Src\EngBase\Engine\engine.cpp(1897) : WARNING:General:Engine: destroy_joint: Failing to disconnect -1 <- 92103560, not connected.
E:\FL\Scratch\Source\Client\space\IClientS.cpp(380) : *** WARNING: LootCreate - CObject not found.

The ParticleEffect line appears quite abit. I,ve also seen line like: couldn't find vmesh object? Anyone know what this means?

Anyone here? I always seem to post at the and of a thread, hope this one aint closed?

Edited by - aden on 10/6/2005 3:42:39 AM

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