E:\FL\Scratch\libs\include\IMaterialImpl.h(575) : NOTICE:General:texture verify failed: nomad surface: NomadRGB1_NomadAlpha1
Those errors occur when you use a nomad cmp for your guns. Nomad cmps are used for when you need invisible guns. The only problem is that when they aren't used on Nomad ships, the game isnt able to find the textures and throws this error at you. The Nomad .cmp is textured in a way that is unique (or at least very unusual) to Freelancer. It is kind of like making a ship, assigning a .mat file, then deleting the .mat from the directory. The game will look for it, and not find it. To fix this problem, follow these simple instructions.
First, go into weapon_equip.ini and locate your gun that uses the Nomad .cmp. Look under the gun tab at the model. The gun shouldnt need a .mat file but needs the following lines copied in after the line that designates the cmp (it doesnt need to be there, but is good for the sake of organization and simplicity).
material_library = ships\nomad\nomad_fx.txm
nomad = true
Paste those lines after the .cmp line. It should eliminate any such errors with that weapon. Note that you will need to do this to any of your guns that use Nomad cmps for it to be 100% effective.
Working with Harrier, we've recently discovered that some weapons still throw nomad errors even after making the changes i mentioned before. In the rare case that it does, here is a backup plan.
First off, delete the nomad = true line from your weapon. Highlight the Model and Material Library entries and paste this over them:
DA_archetype = equipment\models\turret\li_cruiser_gun01.cmp
material_library = equipment\models\li_turret.mat
That should eliminate any nomad errors since it isnt related to nomad textures at all.
- para
Edited by - parabolix on 1/14/2005 3:33:44 PM