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Video Cards - Now What?

This is where you can ask questions and get and give help about hardware related issues. This Forum will be moderated by Taw with help from some other experts. So feel free to ask any questions you may have about computers.

Post Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:06 pm

Video Cards - Now What?

So I've been strategizing on how much I absolutely would have to spend to get myself a cutting edge PCI-Express video card.

And, of course, I've realized that going after a 7800GT or *drools* 7800 GTX board is just too expensive as are those X1800 whatchamacallits .... so that I was hunting for a best value 6800 Ultra board when .... And I learn that, already in 2006, it looks like both nVidia and ATi are going to be coming out with dual proc gpu's ... *sighs* which means that the current batch of 7800 wonders are destined to come down in price rather significantly if I wait a little longer which, of course, is exactly what I didn't want to think of doing ....

So I just wanted to share my frustrations with you.

*walks off*

Post Fri Dec 16, 2005 6:48 pm

Dual core gpu's? I'll have to wait before I buy my computer for 'college' I guess.

Post Fri Dec 16, 2005 8:19 pm

That's nuthin'. They's already bin using them dool-core CPU thangs in SLI mode, and even now be werkin' on developing them quad-core cards (and in SLI).

Post Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:52 am

there's never really any good time, there's always something else better just in the offing. just get the best you can afford right now, otherwise you won't get anything. with the pittance Mrs Ed gives you to spend, I have an S3 Virge 4mb PCi that will suit you just fine!

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