Getting the Rogues/ Outlaw Ships
you must complete some story missions.
In order to complete these missions, you must kill a ton of Pirates, Liberty Rogues, etc.
In order to balance out the utter hatred the Rogues have for you....
Do I have to kill a ton of Police, Innocent shippers, etc?
Is there somewhere to go in the New York System to pay a bribe to get friendly with the Rogues so I can land on there base?
Is there a way to realistically make $150,000 fairly quickly so I am not playing all week to earn credits for my first ship upgrade?
This will be my THIRD time trying this game and each time I start it hoping for the "OPEN-ENDED"experience, but each time I feel I get caught in ONE BIG CATCH-22.
1) To buy better ships you must advance levels
2) To advance levels you MUST complete story missions
3) To complete story missions you MUST KILL pirates, rogues, other "bad guys"
4) In order to buy the "Pirate ships" which have better stats and look cooler, you must be friendly with Rogues , Pirates and bad guys
5) To become friendly with Pirates you must pay bribe
6) To pay for bribe quickly you must take missions
7) To complete missions you must kill bad guys...WHERE IS THE OPEN-ENDEDNESS????
Now some people will say you can trade goods to make cash quicker...First, then I would have to buy a cargo ship....which is more than the pirate ship i really want.
Then I have to do I million cargo runs which is BORING AND NOT FUN...
Then I get attacked by pirates, who I have to kill and risk being less friendly.
Its a shame that Freelancer is the best Deep Space Flight Sim to come out in years...I already beat Darkstar One, and the old classics wont run on my will give Freelancer another chance....
I appreciate any help to avoic the frustrating cycle described above!