About the FL AI
After playing the demo for FL I fell in love and bought the game at http://gogamer.com
I have an observation about the AI of FL vs. DS1, and am curious if I'm wrong or right, etc.
In the DS1 demo, I noticed the enemies tend to try get behind me and try to avoid getting hit. In FL, they seem to just sorta fly around randomly.
For example, if I am tailing an enemy in DS1 really well, often he'll turn around and try to go over me or turn around and try to fire at me straight at -- nearly ramming my front-side. In FL they just seem to float about and attempt to fly away from me. They seem much more aggressive in DS1 - in FL if I fly away at a certain distance the enemy just gives up, where in DS1 they keep chasing me non-stop. Also in DS1 they seem to attempt to protect each other, where in FL it's every enemy to himself.
Are my observations correct, or is it that the FL ships react better, faster, and are just more capable than in DS1 (at least in the demo) and the AI is fairly identical?
Thank you.