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The sw Chronicles : The Golden Star!

Tell us about your adventures, amazing stories, wow us with your wit...use your imagination, tell us some of the greatest moments in your life.

Post Sun Sep 12, 2004 8:44 am

I want both please I'll put in an oreder for all your stories, dont have to ask me in the future, of course I want all of them

Post Mon Sep 13, 2004 4:45 pm

I realized he was the one who wrote the note and probably went through my room, but who went through my things on the boat? This bothered me a little, but, not as much as trying to figure a solution to the current situation. They had us at a disadvantage. I moved closer to the star so I could get a better look. Then I began digging and unearthed the object. It was a large shield. One with a gold star on it. Cleaned up, it would show as all gold, worth a fortune in its weight or as a relic of an historical time period. Either way, it would not be his.

Eraser moved out onto the ledge so more of his people could crowd in. There were about a dozen now. They all looked to armed, were as we, were not. I moved over toward the star and sat down next to it. Eraser looked straight at me, as if gauging what I would do. I slowly drew my knife and threw it. Straight at the rope tied on my side, slicing it in two. As it fell away, he laughed. “Is that the best you can do?” he paused as if thinking of what I had done, “ I can always just shoot you and throw another rope across and take the treasure for myself.”

I turned to face Mustang and ff. “Light two torches and throw them over here to me.” I called out. Mustang took two and lit them and threw them near me. I picked them up and set as a stake on both sides of the treasure, the Star. Now it showed more, the dirt I had rubbed away, revealed the object a bit more clearly. Eraser whistled. I nodded in acknowledgment. Answer me this, and depending on your answer, I will come over there and hand you this item.” Mustang sat back in disbelief, ff did not know what to make of it, while final was deep in thought.

“What is your question and I will answer it” he said boldly. I had my question on my mind, posed to reply.

“A two part question, first, what is it” I paused before finishing, “And what will you do with it?” This had even Mustang scratching his head. I would be willing to bet he did not have a clue as to what I would do. I moved the item a little closer to the light, wiping it with a cloth, it’s brilliance shining even more. It reflected the light of the torches and bathed me in a golden light. I almost could not believe th find, for it was treasure indeed, though not in the way others would look at it.

Eraser, shaking his head in a muse. “The first part, is it is a shield with a star on it.” Then shifting his weight and almost laughing, he continue, “The second part, is it is going to make me very rich.” and then he did laugh. I just shook my head. “Now, give me my prize” he demanded.

I finished wiping all the dirt off of it. It now gleamed in the light. A shield, bold and mighty, a star on it or more precise, The Star of David. “Wrong on the first part” I shouted back “ it is a shield from Israel, one that was made for the temple.” I spoke with conviction. “They were looted and replaced with ordinary ones, and it is worth much in the history it confirms” I answered.

His face clouded up til it turned angry. He pulled his gun and aimed it at me. “You will give me the prize, no matter what it is, or I will shoot you and take it myself. “ He blustered. I held the shield up, by the strap behind it and moved to the pits edge. I looked defiantly at him, and shook my head. He fired a shot which glanced off the shield. Then a second and a third. Till all the bullets were gone. Not had touched me. He reloaded his gun and fired all the rounds again. All bounced harmlessly off the shield.

His men began to leave. Some were heard saying it is a power they can not fight. Soon, it was just him and us. “Come now, what could you possible do with it yourself, hmm?” He continued, “I know many who would pay a fortune for it, regardless of where it came from.” looking her in the eye, “Surely, you must have a price, what is it, I can get it for you”. His way of buying time to formulate another plan. He moved toward the rope heading down.

The it dawned on him. He knew he could not win. This fight and prize were to be denied to him. He cut the ropes. “I will leave you to think about it, while you die here with it, a fitting end, to become a piece of history yourself.” Shaking his head, he turned to leave, but not before adding the comments, “There will be another day, you know, Our paths will cross again. “

I breathed a sigh of relief. Mustang gathered a rope and tossed it to me and I tied it off and strapped the shield on to me and began to cross. I had not realized how heavy it was. I reached the other side and removed it and put it at my feet. This prize would have another place of honor. Now, to get us out of this cave. We had two ropes left and one chance to get out. It was up to ff to get the rope secured some how, so we could climb out. He never let us down as he looped it over a rock formation and tied it off. Our things were piled up, we would take only what we needed.

When we arrived back at Finals house, the shield was wrapped and ready for travel. I would be seeking passage to Israel, to give this back to whom it rightfully belonged. I turned to face a pistol. It was cocked and pointed right at my face. “You will give it to me, Now.”Viator was on the other end of the gun. “I will have this great power, it will protect me no matter where I go”.

I looked him in the eye, and said, “No, you can’t have it, it isn’t a power to use for you own wants” he did not seem to hear me.

“I saw you protected from the bullets, none hurt you, and I want this power”. He replied a strange expression growing on his face. “It’s going to be mine, now, hand it to me or I will shoot you”.

“You, you were the one on the ship, it was you that went through my things” I said, “what were you looking for?”

“Some clues as to why you were here, what you wanted to find here” he said, gun never wavering, “Eraser would have payed well for the information, but now, I will have the treasure for myself, now, give it here.”

Mustang had been watching this the whole time and had worked his way around Viator until he was directly behind him . He reached at that moment and grabbed the gun hand, pulling it up and away from me. It fired one shot and then Viator was disarmed and knocked out. It turns out, he was the one who had gone through my things on the ship. But he found nothing and did not know what I was here for.

Mustang said he and ff would take care of viator and take him to town and the law. I breathed a sigh of relief again. No more, please!

After all was stowed on the ship, I again said my goodbyes. This time though, Final stayed around to say good bye. I thanked everyone for there help and would send then a picture of the shield when it is handed over, to remember the adventure. I turned to Mustang ”Well, you certainly delivered on your promise, this was a grand adventure”. Then I laughed.

The sails were hoisted, the plank retracted, the Captain at the wheel. He headed out of port, into history........

Journal Closed!

Edited by - Finalday on 9/13/2004 7:21:43 PM

Post Mon Sep 13, 2004 6:06 pm

Nice going. Just a smidge hurried, I think. The Viator piece could have been stretched out a bit more. But nice all the same.

Post Mon Sep 13, 2004 6:09 pm

I may do a modification of that part. In after thought, it could have gone a little longer and modifed, but, as he was one charictar(sp) only, it seemed harder to stretch it out more.

edit - It has been up dated as much as I could on this one. Eraser was added a little more as well.

Edited by - Finalday on 9/13/2004 7:22:47 PM

Post Wed Sep 15, 2004 11:47 am

why did you move it again?

Post Wed Sep 15, 2004 3:16 pm

I didn't, Bp moved all my stories. Use the 1 year look back and the others will show up.

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