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The sw Chronicles : The Golden Star!

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Post Fri Sep 10, 2004 7:08 pm

The sw Chronicles : The Golden Star!

The adventures of sw, continued. As always, no offence intended. Enjoy!

Post Fri Sep 10, 2004 7:08 pm

Prologue , I returned to my routine when I was finally able to return home. The adventure tired me more than I knew. But, I wouldn’t trade the adventure for anything. Indy and Gowserpaul kept to their word and wrote regularly. I was glad for making friends there. But, it also put a stirring in me. A hunger for more. Then the letter arrived. Five years to the date of the adventure I had wrote of. A mystery to be solved, a journey to begun and adventure to be had.

Journal entry one : the letter lay before me. The candle light flickered and sputtered. I pulled a chair up and sat, pondering the invitation that lay before me. This adventure, well, lets say it would have a different outcome. I laughed within. So strange to hear from Mustang now. I had written him a couple of letters, but heard nothing back. I had thanked him for the hospitality he had provided and for all that he did. Then nothing for five years, till now.

Catch what ever type transport you can. Meet me at the port that you left from. I have information that will surprise you and I hope, lead to a grand adventure. Come as soon as you can, I will be waiting. This was the message. Nothing more, no clue as to what it was about. Well, I thought about it over night, but by morning, I had decided to go and take him up on the offer. I wired a cable that I was on my way, by ship this time.

I packed according to the terrain this time, and I felt I would be better prepared for whatever lay ahead. This time, I would be ready. I even have my walking stick. I had smoothed the wood and engraved it with pictures of the other trip. It brought back laughs and good memories. It would be one of the main things I pack.

The ship was ready to leave when I arrived. They got my luggage stowed and I carried my pack myself. The cabin I was put in had a couple of others, though they were still on deck. I stowed my things and lay down for a bit. I wanted to try and figure out what this adventure could be about. But, try as I might, I could not come to any conclusions. Still, any adventure was better than boredom a home. I would return to the university when this was done and over. Some time off would help me decide where I wanted to focus my studies.

The morning arrival was in a fog bank. I could hear the sea birds and in the distance, the breakers. The captain of the ship knew his course and stayed true to it. Soon the dock loomed into site. And there he was, Mustang. He waved and I returned the gesture. I went below and gathered my things together. But some thing seemed strange. It looked as if someone had gone through my pack. I check it all, but nothing was missing. I would try to figure it out latter. I grabbed my walking stick and headed topside. The gang plank was being moved into place so passengers could disembark the ship.

Mustang had men to help with my bags. He gave me that (what in the world have you brought) look. I just shook my head and followed him up the street to the hotel. He said he had booked me a room there for the night and we could get a clean start in the morning. I asked where I could get something to eat. Mustang took me to an establishment that I had not seen before on the other trip. But the smell of food drifted my way and awaken my stomach even more. Upon entering, the semi crowded room was a buzz with noise and conversation. Men and women sitting in groups, drinks and cards abounding. Near the front were a rough group of men, ones that looked as if they had been out back too long. I steered clear of them and the smell that seemed to carry over the room.

I aimed for an empty table and sat with my back to the wall. It gave me a fair view of the room. After the situation of my pack being searched, I wanted to keep and eye on people now. I had told Mustang about it, but he just shrugged it off. I guess, he must have thought I was seeing things. But I had a hunch more was going on than even he would let on. The bar maid came over and asked what I wanted. I gave her my order and she left for the back.

I had ordered a steak and water. She had given me an unusual look at that. But, I was thirsty. Mustang ambled over with some one in tow. After pulling out his chair, Mustang turned to the man and said to have a seat. It was ff. I smiled at seeing him again. He nodded my way and turned to mustang as if expecting something, and boy was he not disappointed. “We are going in search of treasure, and not just any ordinary kind” he spoke, pausing to let it sink in.

One man near the middle group, Zlo, Mustang had said his name was, was getting a bit loud. From the sounds of it, he was bragging about something he found. Another near him told him to just shut up and sit down. The other man, Eraser, was a young man from the Netherlands, grabbed his drink and left the table. I watched as he headed out the front door. The rest of the day and early evening blurred and night came.

Journal entry two :

Edited by - Finalday on 9/10/2004 8:11:59 PM

Post Fri Sep 10, 2004 7:33 pm

ooooooooo treasure !! pieces of FD is my bet no ordinary treasure right ?

Post Fri Sep 10, 2004 7:35 pm

That is for sure. But it will be a longer and deeper story this time. I moved back here as I get the feeling the other will become a spaming ground more so and didn't want to get the story buryed in it.

Post Fri Sep 10, 2004 7:40 pm

LOL Very wise move Fd. I grew concerned for a moment but then saw that you were way ahead of me.

Post Fri Sep 10, 2004 7:42 pm

wwhy did you move the topic???

Post Fri Sep 10, 2004 7:51 pm

Because, DSQrn, Tring to raise your rank with usless posts and the like, is spam. The ranks have no importance.

Post Fri Sep 10, 2004 8:09 pm

i only just noticed.. you're rear admiral

Post Sat Sep 11, 2004 1:03 am

lol I like it
Who wen through my things? I'll get ya for it !!!

Post Sat Sep 11, 2004 6:14 am

One man near the middle group, Zlo, Mustang had said his name was, was getting a bit loud. From the sounds of it, he was bragging about something he found. Another near him told him to just shut up and sit down. The other man, Eraser, was a young man from the Netherlands, grabbed his drink and left the table. I watched as he headed out the front door. The rest of the day and early evening blurred and night came.

Journal entry two : I woke with a start. A knocking at my door brought me to the present and wide awake. I asked who was there, but no answer. I reached over next to the door and got the walking stick, As quietly as I could, I unlocked the door and then snatched it open, but no one was there. Only an envelope lay on the floor. I looked both ways down the hall, no one. Reaching down I took the envelope back into the room and lock the door. There was no name on it as to who wrote it or to whom it was intended.

I lit a candle and held it up to the light and could only see writing inside, nothing else. So, taking a pocket knife, I sliced open the envelope and opened the letter. Your visit is known. Certain parties would like to meet with you to discuss. If you are interested, meet near the pier just before dusk, and come alone. A strange note to say the least. Who else would know I was here, and I still don’t even understand what it is all about anyway. One thing for sure, I would not be meeting any one alone.

The letter gave me a lot to think about as I dressed and headed to get something to eat. I decided not to tell Mustang about it yet, but to wait and see. I still had the mystery of who went through my things on the ship to solve. I do love mysteries, but this was getting strange. I wondered it the two could be related. Something to consider.

The restaurant was just opening up. As I entered, I noticed Mustang sitting at a table near the kitchen. He had not seen me yet, so I took a table to one side to see what was up. About five minuets later, a man entered, looked around and headed straight towards Mustangs table. Looking up, mustang pointed toward a chair opposite of him and the stranger sat. I was so into watching the meeting, I failed to notice when the bar maid approached. Startled, I look up at her and asked for coffee and toasts. As she left to get my order, I noticed Mustang looking at me. His face a little red. The other man had not looked my way yet.

After half an hour, both Mustang and the stranger left. I did not know what to make of it. After I finished eating and paying my bill, I left and headed back to my room. After all, this was Mustangs call, and as I had no idea where to go next, I had to wait for his next move.

As I turned down the hall, a man facing away from me was just leaving my room. “Hey, what are you doing there!” I called out. He only glanced back a second, but took off running and was out the door before I reached my room. I looked inside to see all that I had turned upside down and inside out. Who ever that was, was looking for something and thought I had it. I started look through things as I put them back into place. Nothing seemed to be missing, but still....

Mustang knocked on my door at about ten o’clock and asked if I wanted to take a walk. I took it that he wanted to talk, just not here at the hotel, so I said yes. We headed off towards the rise we had climbed the last trip to reach the town. After reaching the other side and looking around he handed me a letter. I looked at his face, but the expression was blank. Glancing back at the letter it read - Friend, you should not have invited the woman here. This discovery is to be ours. Get her to leave or just send her away, but tell her nothing of it or us. This is just a friendly warning!

I asked Mustang what was going on. He just stare at the ground for a moment. Then looked me in the eye. “It’s about a discovery that I think has been made” he replied but added no more. It was as if he was wondering how much to say. “It’s about something called the Golden Star” he finally added. The Golden Star. I had never heard of it . I turned away for a moment.

“What is this Star and why would someone want me gone or go through my things?” I asked. A look of surprise came over Mustangs face.

“Someone’s been going through your things?” he asked. I nodded. I told him about the ship experience and then the ransacked room. He looked upset and then spoke. “ You need to stay somewhere else. It may not be safe to stay in town anymore”. A look of concern was on his face now. “Look, I may know someone who you can stay with, I trust him and he can look after you” he said. I gave him the I don’t need looking after, look. His reply changed things though. “You know him, he was on our other trip.” This left me wondering a bit.

By late afternoon, I had all my things packed and Mustang had them loaded on a truck. I payed my bill at the hotel, but before I could leave the desk, the man asked where I would be staying. A strange question to be asking, so I said, I was heading into the back country. His eyebrows lifted in surprise. But he said no more. I turned to leave grabbing my walking stick and headed for the door.

Journal entry three : Mustang drove for about two hours until we reached a house in the middle of no where. I was still not all that comfortable until I saw a man come out the door of the house. I knew him, but I had to dig in memory to recall him, Yes, Finalday.

Edited by - Finalday on 9/11/2004 8:06:30 AM

Post Sat Sep 11, 2004 6:27 am

Now don't tell me ff's at it again.

Post Sat Sep 11, 2004 8:06 am

its good, I really like it

Post Sat Sep 11, 2004 8:25 am

Hey .. be carefull with sw .. I'll personally come and shoot the guy trying something.

Post Sat Sep 11, 2004 11:28 am

Hey .. be carefull with sw .. I'll personally come and shoot the guy trying something.

i wondered how long it would be before u had something to say about this lol

Post Sat Sep 11, 2004 5:09 pm

By late afternoon, I had all my things packed and Mustang had them loaded on a truck. I payed my bill at the hotel, but before I could leave the desk, the man asked where I would be staying. A strange question to be asking, so I said, I was heading into the back country. His eyebrows lifted in surprise. But he said no more. I turned to leave grabbing my walking stick and headed for the door.

Journal entry three : Mustang drove for about two hours until we reached a house in the middle of no where. I was still not all that comfortable until I saw a man come out the door of the house. I knew him, but I had to dig in memory to recall him, Yes, Finalday. I could not believe my eyes. I had never got to thank him before I left for home. In fact, he had disappeared. But, now, here he was. I completed what I had left undone till now. I gave him a hug and my thanks. He blushed a little and said I was welcome. He turned and went into the house with Mustang and I in tow. He led us down the hall to the bedroom on the end and said that I had the use of ir and the adjoining bath and study for as long as I needed it. No one would bother me here.

Mustang and I walked behind the house. My thoughts on the Star. “What is this star we’re chasing?” I asked, my attention now on Mustang. For the next hour he told me what he knew and what he had heard. He explained what was said in town about Zlo finding something and that this was it, only Zlo couldn’t remember where he saw it. He was rather forgetful. Eraser had been near but not at the site, so he didn’t know either, which is why he was angry at Zlo for running off at the mouth. Too many interested parties and now, intrigue.

I headed for my room to regroup. A pleasant surprise to enter a room and all be where it’s suppose to be. There was a book open on a reading table and I moved to see what it was. Then read, it provided insight into the current problems. I turned in for the night. Much to think about, much more to do.

Journal entry four : Morning came, and the heat with it. Like a furnace outside today. Mustang was just pulling up in his truck. He gestured for me to hop in. He put in reverse and headed further away from town. Towards what looked like a hill area south of the house. He pulled a map out and I opened it and had a look at the markings on it. I surmised we were headed towards the cavern listed on the map.

We arrived in a little over two hours after leaving the house. As he pulled to a stop, I noticed a dust cloud on the horizon. “Trouble” Mustang said. We headed for the opening of the cavern and stopped. There on a stone to the right of the opening, were what looked like letters. I sat back on my heals, thinking that I had seen them before, then it hit me, Hebrew. They were Hebrew letters. I wrote them down and we left before who ever was making the other cloud of dust arrived.

Back at the house, I made use of the study final had provided. I got out the research book and one on the Hebrew language. The translation took just a few moments. Mogen David! Or the Shield of David. Why would that be here, in this country and at the cave? What connection could it have to the Golden Star? A mystery indeed. Now to solve it, without getting killed. I tried other books Final had in the study. Then I found what I was looking for. This is what they were searching for?

Mustang game back near dinner time and had brought food. Final was out some where, but Mustang didn’t know where. He seemed to have a habit of this. I have seen him but two minuets since arriving. Mustang was a little wound up as he unloaded the supplies. I asked what had him upset. He said talk was going around in town of a treasure with great power and many were wanting to find it for there their own use. Something with power to heal or kill, it was being said.

I sat back thinking so deep, I did not hear Final knock on the door. He startled me a bit. He wanted to know if I needed anything. I said no, but quickly added a thank you for the passage he had left open. He nodded and left. It was time I turned in as well.

This morning, we would be headed back to the cave with Final and freighter, as the equipment needed would require all to carry. We would head into the cavern, to hopefully find the item we seek, and understanding as well. When I went to climb into the truck I stopped in shock. Someone was asleep in the back. Mustang banged on the back and said, “Viator, wake up”. Mustang explained he was hired on for his experience in caves. He also explained Viator was from the west coast.

The area around the site was clear this morning, no new tracks and no dust on the horizon. I grabbed my pack and put it on. And picked up a couple of torches. Flash lights would not be of too much help here. The interior was large, about eighteen feet high. The path led downward into the ground. It looked like there were stairs at one time, but had been worn by centuries of walking the path. Our destination lay down there, somewhere. We were headed into the unknown. Armed only with rumors as to what was here and what the treasure truly was.

Mustang took the lead with ff bringing up the rear. We each had rope and torches incase we got separated. Mustang estimated it was at least five hundred yards under ground. Further than I was comfortable with, add to that another person, Viator, to which I knew nothing about. It was a little unnerving to say the least. But, still, I was getting my wish of adventure.

Edited by - Finalday on 9/11/2004 6:36:59 PM

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