Post Fri Mar 02, 2007 2:15 pm

Converting Ships

I know how to script the ships into freelancer I know how to edit textures and so I just dont know how to take ships from other games and make them work with here;s my question....what programs do I need to extract some ships from X3 reunion...I kinda need a tutorial so I can follow a few steps in order to get the job done...I'm all alone in this ione and I want to make a very cute X3 conversion for freelancer...I am mostly interested in the capital pls help...I have wanted to do this for some time now but I had to learn about other important stuff like how to create scripts and harpoints and resizing of ships and stuff....I actually enjoy making the mods more than playing far I've heard that I need ms3d and 3dsmax i have both and some import export plugins I just need a good old fashion tutorial...a few steps and hints on how to....