Post Sat May 27, 2006 1:53 pm

Level 2 version 2.0 Dev Team Needs Help.

Hello all.

I don't usually post here looking for mod development help. Normally i bug the C&^* outa my friends whom some are very accomplished modders. But with them rather busy in RL i am being forced to ask for assistance.

CUrrently i am working on a New Version of the LEvel 2 mod, originally developed by a Frost-Works. But ever since FW & Samurai Studios teamed up all actuall mod work is done by Samurai Studios. WIth FW doing the promotions and server stuff.

Currently my team is small and consists of only a couple people. WIth me doing all the actual mod work. while the other sole member is more so for the rules and RP development part.

About the mod

First and formost, Level 2 is a Hardcore RPG mod. those familiar with it know what i mean. Those that are not, visit the link at the end of this post to read the current beta set of the rules that will govern our server.

Level 2 has been around the FL community for a long time. the most recent version being version 1.44. Well for 2.0 we are taling the mod even further. All Previous verisons of the mod only went as far as new ships, the odd new weapon, revamping some of the vanilla systems, and making some of the originally non flyable ships flyable. Well the new version is adding in new factions, a plethoria of new systems, a truck load of new ships ranging from the lightest of fighters to the most powerful of capital ships. Factions are being revamped is a major way, meaning that a few factions are being merged, some are being made stronger than before, some weaker.

Here is a breakdown of what i am needing help with:

Mission creators (meaning anyone who knows how to get new/custom factions to offer missions at thier bases, this is a very important item as there is a new house faction being added to the mod.)

Ppl whom have experience creating encounters that won't mess up the server and crash it, this is somethign i fumble on.

Ppl whom have system creation experience who can look over the newly created systems, pick them apart and fix them.

Ppl interested in coding in all the new ships that will be added to the mod.

Ppl whom can put some time in to intigrating a few weapons packs. Details provided if your interested.

one or 2 people soley dedicated to creating new commodities.

and that is about it, i know the list is large. But i feel that by having people dedicated to a specific modding task we will be able to produce a fairly bug free mod.

I am also looking for some one who can take the rains of the mod development team when i am unable to be around. This person ideally would have extensive mod development experience (does not need to be from FL) and running a mod development team.

If you are interested in joining our dev team, or just want to jopin the commun ity for some great RPG fun. visit the link below to visit our official forums. I am hoping some of ht eformer hard core level 2 players will see this post and come join us once again.

Cheers all,

Visit: (the official Level 2 forums)

Edited by - Hobbes78 on 5/27/2006 2:57:40 PM