“And then intelligence came back. Smaller and less bright, but still Intelligence. Awareness. The word comes back to us now. We are Happy. Yes that is it. We are Happy to be One again.
“Ah there you are”
“I was checking our waypoints Mr Chiyol”, Said Milo. “0.3 Space? When did you discover these Ruins?”
“Our Scanners picked them up about a Month ago.”
“How did you penetrate the Presolar Nebula?”
“With Difficulty Mr Straker.” Said Ozu “Now start your Autopilot and Link Formation with me. We are to meet Golding on Gas Miner Ogashawa”
“Isn’t that in Sigma 19?” Asked Milo.
“Yes, but the entire route is linked by Tradelanes. After that, we’ll need to use our Cruise Engines, Which is why-“
“We have Mr Golding” Cut in Milo “I’d worked that much out”
“There’s no need to be Rude Mr Straker, otherwise we may decide you are not to our satisfaction.” For some reason, the scientist’s voice sent a Shiver down his spine.
“Now Pay attention Mr Straker, we’re entering the Trade Lane.” The journey through New Tokyo was brief, and the advanced trade lane technology made their journey far shorter than it would’ve been several years ago. When they reached the Honshu jumpgate, Milo braced himself for the horrible Gut-Wrenching feeling that he got whenever he jumped between systems. He waited a minute, opened his eyes and relaxed. They Jumped. Travelling between star systems was not pleasant, even less so in a small civilian ship which isn’t big enough to support gyrostabilisers. Needless to say, what Milo felt when jumping from New Tokyo to Honshu was akin to being thrown in a catapult at a Castle wall, and then, at the last second being caught in a giant Net.
As they headed from the Jumpgate to the Tradelane ring that would bring them closer to their final destination, Milo noticed that several Kusari Gunboats and a Destroyer were cruising alongside them.
“Incoming transmission from: Naval Forces Alpha 5 dash 2” Droned the Ship’s Computer”
“Accept Transmission” replied Milo.
“This is Kusari Naval Forces Alpha 5 dash 2 to Civilian Beta 7 dash 1, I need to check that you have a permit for those weapons”
“Affirmative, I’m sending the Data Now.” Replied Milo
“Data received, everything seems to be in Order” came the reply
‘good’ thought Milo, ‘Ozu wasn’t giving me fake weapon permits after all, I still don’t trust him though’
A blip on Milo’s Radar broke his train of thought. It was red. That meant hostiles.
“Blood Dragons” came Ozu’s voice though his earpiece “Ignore them an carry on to the next waypoint” A Moment later, several successive hits drained Milo’s shield. He prayed to whatever Gods there were that it lasted until they reached the Tradelane.
“Shield Energy at 40%” Intoned the Ship’s computer “Incoming EMP Missile, Advise evasive action” Trying very hard not to panic, Milo flicked a switch on his left. A panel slid back at the top of his Starblazer, and a Jet propelled EM Countermeasure flare shot upwards, drawing the Missile away.
“Shield Energy at 30%” Damn, He’d left it too late, and had been caught in the explosion Radius. “Incoming EMP Missile, advise evasive action” To his horror, Milo realised that he hadn’t restocked on countermeasure. He was going to be hit, and when his shield was drained he would be ripped apart by Flak. Then they were away, Hurtling along the Tradelane to the Sigma 19 Jumpgate.
“That was too close” gasped Milo, Slumping into his Pilot’s chair.
“Nevertheless, we survived” replied Ozu, who’s ship seemed to have sustained minimal damage.
“Yeah, but another few seconds and I would’ve been sucking Vacuum “ Ozu did not reply. After another Gut wrenching Jumpgate Experience, Milo found himself engulfed by the blueness of the Hiryu cloud.
“Do the GMG have a strong presence here Mr Chiyol?”
“Yes, I believe so, they mine the H-Fuel found within this cloud. Why do you ask?”
“Because they’re all over my scanners.”
“Civilian Beat 8 dash one and escort please state your business in sigma 19” came the GMG pilot’s voice through Milo’s earpiece.
“We have an appointment with some ‘friends’ on Gas Miner Ogashawa.” Said Ozu Smoothly “I’m sending the Data Now.” A few moments later, the GMG pilot replied.
“Everything seems to be in order, you may proceed. Travel away from Tradelanes in this system is Not advised, as Corsair activity has doubled in the past two weeks”
“What did you send them?” asked Milo as they sped down the Tradelane towards gas Miner Ogashawa.
“That is for my colleagues and myself to know, and is none of your business” replied Ozu.
‘By the way your acting, it probably wasn’t legal.’ Thought Milo to himself.
“This is Civilian Transport and Escort requesting permission to dock with your station, over” Came Ozu’s voice though his earpiece.
“Affirmative, Proceed to dock 3” Came the reply
“Meet me in the bar Mr Straker, I will see you in about 10 minutes”
“Ok will we be meeting Golding there?”
“Yes and then we will be going, I want to get off this station as soon as possible.”
“Why ’s that?”
“That is also none of your business Mr Straker” Roughly 10 minutes later, Milo found himself in the bar off Gas Miner Ogashawa. It was surprisingly empty. Milo counted 6 people including himself. There was the Bartender, Ozu, Golding and two figures talking over a drink in the corner.
“Ah, Mr Straker we must go now Before-“
“Hey, you there” boomed a voice from behind them.
“Move, Now” commanded Ozu, but before they could reach the door a huge figure moved in front of the doorway.
“You owe the Boss Money Mr Ozu, came the voice from the figure looming above them. “You’re coming with me”
“ No I really don’t think so” came another voice. There was a flash and a thud. Milo opened his eyes. There was a huge figure lying across the floor, there was a small hole in his back, and standing over him, was the figure of Golding, with a smoking pistol in his hand.
“ We need to go, Now! If we act fast we can disappear into the nebula before the Authorities can discover the Body” Came the voice of Ozu.
“C’mon move!” came the voice of Golding. He gave Milo a sharp kick in the Ribs, “Move! or you’ll end up like the big one.”
“No, don’t kill him, we need him for this he can go in the hold of my transport”
“ Fine, but you’ll regret it later” Milo felt a jolt as he was hoisted onto the shoulders of Golding. He was too terrified to resist. He was in 0.4 space with some crazy scientists and a trigger happy bounty hunter who were planning to take him to an illegal Installation in Uncharted 0.0 space. He passed out.
What seemed seconds later he woke up. It was pitch black, he couldn’t move, and he could hear the low hum of an engine. Realising what had happened, he passed out again.
“Ah Mr Straker, are you awake?” came the voice of Ozu Chiyol. “ Ah yes, it seems you are fine, One of my scientists went as far as to suggest that you had entered a shock induced Coma.
“What is this?” Asked Milo Groggily
“You wish to know Mr Straker? Of course, you are a journalist. I neglected to tell you that you are part of an experiment, which will change and benefit the human race. The Alien Ruins discovered, I also neglected to tell you that there are signs of activity there Mr Straker.” Milo’s eyes Widened.
“But that would mean-“
“Yes Mr Straker, that Humankind would have been sharing Sirius with another Intelligent Race. What we could learn from them would be tremendous. Even if the ruins are empty, then the material they are made from would sell for trillions. It is practically invisible on every EM wavelength with the exception of visible light, It Absorbs everything we throw at it, Solids, Concentrated Laser fire, why it even swallowed one of our research staff when he flew too near it. If we could use this Material, we could Observe the cores of stars close hand, Drill Into the cores of planets to tap untold amounts of energy, we could even return to Sol and re-colonise the planets there. This Mr, Straker will affect how Humanity Thinks and behaves, in more ways than one. Will you join us Mr Straker, and Help us in our cause?”
“Do I have a Choice?” replied Milo as they hurtled towards the Kappa 8 Jumphole.