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Freelancer: Beyond---A new fan fic by Neuromancer (Chapter 5

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Wed Jan 18, 2006 3:51 am

We're reading it, Neuro... it's just that it's so immersive it takes us time to absorb what's going on and frame our responses to it.

Post Wed Jan 18, 2006 7:53 am

Well Neuro, this is shaping up to be another epic. Too bad they don't have text podcasts.

Despite all the good cheer all around, I take a bit of issue with this sentence:

It was a rather good life, but Juni couldn't help but wonder if something was missing from her life.

While this is technically correct, I'd suggest trying to not use the word 'life' twice in the same sentence. With a double usage such as this, the text doesn't flow as well as it could, so I'd suggest replacing one instance of life with a synonym, or just dropping it entirely:

"It was a rather good life, but Juni couldn't help but wonder if something was missing."

Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 3:51 pm

You're right, that was crap writing.


Post Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:44 pm

Chapter 3 is up. Start warming the syrup!

Chapter 3

The voices are beautiful.

It was amazing to hear the endless voices, the ethereal song that permeated every fiber of being. Comprehension was still beyond grasp, but the raw emotions were there, freely felt and experienced.

There was one voice, however, that brought discord to the music. A voice that was a stranger, and yet not so. A voice that was familiar, even though it was not known how, or even why. Nevertheless, it was there, and there could be no doubt of who it belonged to. The voice grew stronger, and if it were allowed to continue, would bring an end to the ethereal music. And what would happen then?

This must not happen.

Orillion...find Orillion!


Juni walked slowly down the dark corridor, alone with her thoughts. A strange sense of deja vu accompanied her. Where had she seen this before?

A ghostly figure suddenly materialized out of nowhere and she stopped in her tracks, feeling no fear, only a sense of curiosity.

The figure beckoned to her and she approached. As she did so, she became aware of a strange yet beautiful sound which seemed to fill her entire being with soothing warmth. Was this being trying to communicate? She approched closer, and as she did, she heard a faint whispery voice:


Blackness and cold overtook her.


Juni sat straight up, bathed in sweat and breathing heavily. The strange dream had retuned yet agin to rob her of precious sleep. She groaned and stood up slowly, waiting for her balance to return, and then made her way to the washroom. She splashed some cold water on her face and looked in the mirror. What did it mean? Was it just a stupid dream? What should I do?

Several hours later there was a knock at her door.


Lord Hakkera walked in.

"Jun'ko, I just received your message. Are you all right?"

"I...I don't know," she said. She then related the dream to Hakkera. His face betrayed no emotion, but his eyes narrowed slightly.

"I'm sorry," Juni said after she had finished, "I'm probably wasting your time over a stupid dream."

"No," Hakkera replied, "you have nothing to apologize for, Jun'ko. I find it strange as well. Strange enough, in fact, that I would like to contact Herr von Claussen. With your permission, I would like to tell him about your dream also."


"I believe that there is a deeper meaning to this than just a dream, and I feel that von Claussen may be able to shed additional light on this."


King sat in the bar, unwinding after another long day of sitting down and not flying. He took a long pull at his drink and sat back. At least he had not had to deal with another call from Orillion. He found that situation very uncomfortable. Jacobi had been right. Orillion was a good friend, and King had never been one to turn his back on friendship. But on the other hand. he had a duty to protect and serve Liberty. Hell, King thought to himself, what's a guy to do?

"Commander King?"

King looked up to see the bartender standing there, a little uncomfotably, with a standard datapad in his hand.


"Someone left this for you. Didn't say who he was, just to give it to you." He handed the data pad to King.

"Uh, thanks."

"Can I get you another drink?"

"Yeah," King said, "I could use another one. Thanks."

The bartender nodded and went back to the bar, returning a minute later with a fresh Sidewinder Fang, which King promptly drained. He looked at the datapad with a sense of apprehension. Who would leave me this? Will it explode when I turn it on?

Come off it, King thought to himself, that cloak-and-dagger stuff will give you ulcers. it's a damn data pad. He turned it on.

"This pad has been encrypted with Encryption Protocol Zeta-Gamma One-Seven. Please provide the decryption protocol."

Damn, King thought to himself as he tried to remember the sequence. Only the Order used that protocol, and only for high-priority stuff that King rarely saw. Not even Orillion used that protocol when he would request information. Finally he remembered the sequence.

"Decryption Protocol Epsilon-Delta Two-Nine. Execute."

The face of Herr von Claussen appeared on the screen, to King's surprise.

"Greetings, Commander King. I hope this message finds you well." King suddenly realized that in his surprise that he had forgotten he was still in the bar, and messages from von Claussen were not idle talk. He quickly paused the message and left the bar. He walked out onto the landing pad, found a spot away from prying eyes and restarted the recording.

"There is a matter of the highest importance that we must discuss. I request that you meet me in the Freeport 2 bar in twelve hours. I am unable to provide you with more detailed information, but let me assure you that I would not be taking such precautions if it was a trivial matter. I await your arrival in twelve hours. Until then, my friend, farewell."

King turned off the pad and looked up. Now what do I do? He knew he would have to report this to Jacobi. He cursed to himslef. What have I done to deserve this today?


"And he didn't say anything else?"

"No, Madam President. Just to meet him on Freeport 2."

"I really don't like this turn of events, Commander. It stinks of a conspiracy."

"I know," King replied, "but von Claussen has always been trustworthy. I think I should go and meet him. If nothing else, it will be good to get some juicy information."

Jacobi considered this. "I agree. However, I expect a full report of the meeting when you return. Is that clear?"

"Perfectly clear. I'll be leaving shortly."

"Good luck, Commander. And please don't do anything stupid."


Post Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:00 am

very good as usual....

1 thing though, if Von Clausen encrypted it to stop Orillian (if thats who the subversion is about) then why did he use an Order code?

Post Tue Jan 24, 2006 5:10 pm

Hmmm...Why indeed?

Post Thu Jan 26, 2006 6:56 am

NEURO! I hate your question answers! :-@

Post Fri Jan 27, 2006 1:16 pm

Well...Another one, it certainly is interesting. Although it might seem like people aren't reading it there are usaully a good amount of "silent" people that read it but do not post. Anyways, Good job, can't wait for the next chapter.

Post Sat Feb 18, 2006 3:28 pm

To my valued readers:

I apologize for not updating for so long. I've been involved with several major projects at work that have eaten up a lot of my free time as well as battling a nasty case of pneumonia. Hopefully I'll have a new update in the next week or so.

Post Tue Feb 21, 2006 3:33 pm

damn... pneumonia really sucks!

Post Wed Feb 22, 2006 11:09 pm

Three words:

pneumonia vaccine rocks.

Best of luck with your healing neuro. I've seen that make people miserable many a time. Take care of yourself.

Post Thu Mar 02, 2006 12:30 pm

Sweet merciful God in heaven above! It's an update!

Sorry for the long wait, but I hope you like it.

Chapter 4

King had never actually been to Freeport 2, and after fighting his way through three attack groups of Xenos, he knew why. He had never been a fan of the Independent and Border Worlds like Trent had been, but his time in the Order had forced him to broaden his horizons. Even so, he preferred to spend his time in Liberty space, as there was more than enough to do there. He had to admit, though, that it had been wonderful to fly and fight again. The Defender Mk II flew as good as ever, making short work of the Xeno fighters. He smiled to himself as he set the ship down in the docking bay.

Freeport 2 was run by the Zoners, whom King had heard about but never interacted with. They were a strange lot, preferring to live outside the House boundaries where they were beholden to no one. The Freeports were open to all, criminals and law-abiding citizens alike, which should make things interesting, King thought to himself as he climbed out of the cockpit, He strapped his sidearm on, deciding that this was, after all, the Sirius equivalent of the Wild West.

He made his way to the bar and looked around. The bar was mostly empty, but the few who were there turned to look at him, some with indiffrence, and some with sheer loathing. It was then that King realized he was still wearing his LSF uniform. He cursed his own stupidity as he moved quickly to an empty table in the corner and sat down. Von Claussen was nowhere to be seen, and King began to wonder if he had been tricked. Don't be an idiot, he thought to himself.

A large meaty hand grabbed his arm and yanked him out of his chair and onto his feet, and King found himself looking at a large man, built like a tank, who was clearly not pleased to see him.

"I'm gonna enjoy smashing your face in, you Liberty bastard," the man said as he raised a fist.

"Don't do it, Xeno scum," a voice said behind them. The man shoved King aside and turned around to face a Zoner holding a blaster pistol.

"That's right, pal, move it along," the Zoner said, motioning with the pistol. The Xeno slowly lowered his arms and turned to King.

"I'll deal with you later," he grunted as he walked out of the bar.

"Commander King, I presume?" the Zoner said, holstering his sidearm.

"Yeah, that's me."

"You're not very smart wearing that uniform here out in the open."

"Thanks, I've already berated myself for that. Thanks for the help, by the way."

"We Zoners prefer to stay neutral, but I'll be damned if someone's going to mess up my nice clean bar. Anyway, I'm here to escort you. There is someone waiting to see you."

Hopefully von Claussen, King thought to himself. "Lead the way."

The Zoner took him to a small storage room. King entered and shut the door behind him.

"Ah, Commander King. It's good to see you," Herr von Claussen said as he emerged from the shadows. "I'm glad you have come. There is much we must discuss."

"Like what?"

"First of all, I am going to assume that you have been in contact with Orillion."

"On occasion. Why?"

"Have you noticed anything different about him?"

King thought back to what Jacobi had told him. "A little. He asked me recently about Liberty ship deployments without consulting President Jacobi first."


"What's going on?" King asked.

von Claussen was silent for a moment. "There is much happening in the Order that you are not aware of, and not all of it is good. You should know that Orillion has branded Lord Hakkera a traitor and has ordered his termination."

"What!? What for?"

"I do not know, but Hakkera has gone into hiding and Orillion has put a bounty on his head. There are other things that have happened which I will not go into now, but know that the Order is once again becoming fragmented."

"Do you think he suspects you of anything?" King asked.

"No. I was the first person he confided in when he ordered Hakkera's termination, so I believe he trusts me. Naturally, I am shocked that he would order the death of someone who has been a loyal Order operative longer than I have. That is what leads me to believe that something has happened to Orillion, and we must find out what. Commander, I am in need of your help."

"You're asking me to turn on Orillion?"

"I am asking you to help me bring the Orillion that you and I know back."

"And just how do we do that?"

"I have some, friends, shall we say, that may be able to help us. They are awaiting us on New Berlin. Perhaps they can provide additional answers."

"Is it safe for you to travel in Rheinland? I know of your reputation there."

"Don't worry my friend, I have taken all the necesary precautions. Come, they are waiting for us."


Post Thu Mar 02, 2006 12:44 pm

Likey. Likey very much... Just returning the praise

But seriously I like this fic a lot. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Post Mon Mar 06, 2006 4:08 pm

Ohhh, "Xeno Scum"

A new insult to call my brother.....

bIleSmeh DaH DuDorjaj yo' qij Dujmey!


Post Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:59 pm

i agree



"When life gives you lemeons, find someone with some vodka and have a party!"

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