Heh Just Wanted to post this
The Intro Is When The Nomads Came Into a Secret System unknown to even their leader, This system was The Terrence System Run by 2 secret factions, The Terrence Team and the Saiya-jins Those too teams wanted revenge because the last people that "owned" the sirus system did the same thing that happened to the Nomads so doese teams teamed up to distroy the Exact thing that holds the Sirus System togeter, the core of it, The New York System
(3 Months Later)
The Order Has Gotten Bored Since they had to wait so most of them went in to check if the Nomads are doing good in there because their scanners have picked up somthing unknown and weird then it looked like they where in a Jump Gate and then the next thing they know is alot of new ships, a Nomad Bomber, Someone Flying in space with a Yellow Arua Covering then Bang their in the Freelanceing World in the sky Orillion Servived and went off to tell trent and the others
Mission 1:
You start with a Anubis because you are part of the order
Oriilion Comes and tells Trent What Happened And The Mission /is To Find The Cloaked Planet to find the cloak Device
Part One, Getting Blowen Off By Nomads
Part two, Nomads Still Coming
Part 3, To To trade Lane
Part 4: Distroy the Nomad Fleet
Part 5: Dock
Mission 1 B:
Part 1: Cloak
Part 2: De Cloak And Fire Super Misspitos
Part 3: Blow Up The Nomad Base
Par 4: Defend Juni
Trent told Orillion that he distroyed their super base but Orillion said they are more but you have to get stronger Because They have a whole other system from that hole you made and they have gotten stronger since last time Then Trent Said So When is the next guy who will somehow come here and show me an artifact... then sombody did have an artifact that had electisity and Red Arua around it
Mission 2:
Orillion Wants Trent, Juni, and King to Come To Mannhation For a mission to distroy the Red Bomber and the fleet Shild Covering it
1: Run From The Saiya-jins
2: Zap Their Heads Off
3: Beat The Whole Terrence System Fleet
4: Eat
5: Use The Bathroom
6: Sleep While Enimies Blow Your Ship Off
7: Distroy The Red Bomber
Mission 3:
Anoter Mission To Distroy a Fleet So Orillion Knows This is The End so He Will Help, Then Trent Goes Out Side and then almost gets blasted 16 times by a nomad and then some one comes out from nowhere then kicks him in the sky then ran up to him but then trent smacks him back into the building then said NOT THIS TIME!!! Then sombody came and said "Zaker!" Then Trent Was Electrocuted Again. the next thing he knows is getting woken up by a Nomad, The Leader Of the Terrence Team, and the Strongest Saiyan, Goku. Then Trent Said What The??!?! A Nomad?? a Saiyan?? a Terrence??? then the Nomad said You Can call me Solo then Terrence said that is my brothers name then Trent said so your here to help right? then they said yes then Trent said why does the weird stuff always happen to me... then the Nomad Solo said I have a plan to get passed the rest of the Nomads but it is Tricky
Objective 1: Launch to space
The Nomad Leader said "this is Nomad Alpha 16 to Nomad Beta 4 is your mission compleate" then the Nomad Solo said "Yes Edision Trent has been controled" then Nomad Leader said "ok you are Cleared to dock" Then Every one Starts Shooting Every Body Else exsept Goku and Terrence They use Ki energy "WARNING WARNING SECTOR BREACHED BRING REINFORCEMENTS THESE PEOPLE ARE STRONG AND ARMED THEY ARE OURS WORKING WITH TRENT WARNING WARNING" Then Nomad Leader Said "so you think you can tri... augh" Trent Said: JUNI!! KING!! ORILLION!!! What are you doing here? then Juni said "We didn't see you for so long that we went in space our selfs then we saw a Nomad Bomber Base that Decloaked like it was offline and distroyed then We Heard the Alarm then we knew you where in there But you Where with a Nomad??" then trent said "yes this time someone just Zaped me again then they woke me up" then the Solo Nomad said "we can use this base as out own home base I can build a Cloaking device
To Be Comtinude