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Freelancer: Genocide---Fan fiction from Neuromancer (Final c

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Thu Dec 22, 2005 2:13 pm

wow the suspense....

some people say that crime didn't exist before GTA

Post Wed Dec 28, 2005 7:17 am

Well, here it is. The end of the road. The final chapter to Genocide.

A big thanks to all who read it and posted comments.

Chapter 21

He was not sure where he was, but Deckard was sure he was still alive, as he believed that dead people didn't suffer from splitting headaches. He slowly opened his eyes, and found himself in what appeared to be a medical bay, but he could not tell where he was exactly, or in whose custody he was in.

The door to the medical bay opened and Casper Orillion walked in, much to the relief of Deckard.

"How are you feeling?" Orillion asked.

"Like hell, but I'll live." Deckard sat back and groaned as a wave of pain slammed into his head. "So what happened?"

"After the little stunt you pulled destroyed the Corsair flagship, things just seemed to fall apart from them. We were able to rout them, and they fled Omicron Alpha shortly after. We're still mopping up, but we've got them beat."

"What happened on Malta?"

"Fortunately, casualties were very minor. They have reported approximately five hundred deaths from the toxin and many more suffering severe effects, but our attempt to seed the atmosphere with the antidote looks like it worked for the most part. I'm told those that were affected can expect to make a full recovery."

There was still one question on Deckard's mind, and he decided that now was the time to ask it.

"So why did we help the Outcasts?"

Orillion looked at Deckard for a moment as if he was hesitant to answer. Finally he spoke.

"Mr. Deckard, the Order is a powerful organization, but even we need to have allies. The Outcasts are one of the most powerful factions in Sirius, and their help will be of great value to our efforts." Orillion made this statement in a tone that let Deckard know that this was all the information that Orillion would divulge on the subject.

"Now then," Orillion continued, "I'm told that you can be released from medical tomorrow. de la Vega has requested that you and I meet with him on Malta. I'll be back to get you in the morning." He turned on his heel and left.


The shuttle from the Osiris set down on the landing pad, where a small delegation of Outcasts awaited Orillion and Deckard. As they approached. Deckard noticed that one of the delegation was de la Vega's brother, the one who had sentenced him to death. He felt the anger grow inside him, and it was all he could do to keep it under control.

Ricardo Bautista de la Vega stepped forward to greet them.

"Welcome to Malta, my friends," he said as he shook their hands. He motioned to his brother to come forward. "This is my brother, Alejandro de la Vega. Mr. Deckard, I believe you two have met."

"Indeed we have," Alejandro said. "Mr. Deckard, I wish to ask for your pardon for our treatment of you."

Deckard hesitated, wanting to knock the stuffing out of this jackass, but also not wanting to ruin the recently created friendship between the Order and the Outcasts. What the hell, he thought to himself as he punched Alejandro in the face, knocking him cold. The other Outcasts drew their weapons and Orillion looked at him in utter shock. de la Vega, however, had a look of total amusement on his face. He motioned for the Outcasts to lower their weapons.

"Under normal circumstances, that would be an unforgivable insult to me and my family," he said, then he smiled. "I have wanted to do that to him for years." He motioned to two of the Outcasts. "Take him away and give him medical treatment if he needs it." The Outcatsts complied, carrying the limp body of Alejandro de la Vega off of the landing pad.

"Now then," de la Vega continued. "It is a tradition among the Outcasts to honor those who have performed great deeds that benefit us all." He motioned, and an Outcast brought him two objects wrapped in red cloth. de la Vega removed the cloth to reveal two swords, finely crafted, with a large red gem set in the pommel.

"These swords represent a bond of friendship and loyalty to those they are presented to. It is my wish to present these to you, as a token of our gratitude for your service in saving us from total genocide. We have never before presented these to outsiders, but you have proven worthy through your deeds. I present these to you, Orillion, because of your fine leadership and courage in battle, and to you, Deckard, for your sacrifice and bravery in singlehandedly turning the tide of the battle in our favor."

Deckard and Orillion accepted the swords and bowed in respect.

"I cannot thank you enough for what you have done," de la Vega said. "May the Gods watch over you always."


Orillion and Deckard landed back on the Osiris. Jun'ko Zane was waiting for them, along with two others that Deckard didn't know.

"We're almost ready to get under way," Jun'ko said to Orillion. "Oh, by the way, Deckard, I'd like you to meet Michael King and Edison Trent." Deckard shook hands with both of the men.

"What do you intend to do now, Mr. Deckard?" Orillion asked.

Deckard thought about it for a moment. He could go back to freelancing, doing the same old thing day after day, making good pay but not much else. However, he had really enjoyed his time with the Order and the sense of accomplishment it had brought, something Deckard had not felt in a long time and had never realized how much he had missed it.

"If it's all the same to you, I'd like to stick around for a while."

"Good for you," Michael King said. "Between our Outcast friends and your piloting skills, the Nomads don't stand a chance."

Jun'ko elbowed King hard in the ribs, but Orillion just smiled.

"Um...What's a Nomad?" Deckard asked.

"Why don't you three buy Mr. Deckard here a drink and tell him all about them? I'll be on the bridge." Orillion said. He nodded and walked away.

"Well, you heard the boss," Edison Trent said. "Come on, Deckard. Drinks are on me."

Deckard looked around the massive structure of the Osiris, and a feeling of satisfaction came to him. He smiled, and followed the three into the bar.


---"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast."

Post Thu Dec 29, 2005 5:44 am

Well, there you have it.

Thanks to all who took the time to read this and leave feedback.

Until the next story, farewell!

Post Thu Dec 29, 2005 8:13 pm

Pretty good ending, GJ on the story, looking forward to the next. There really should be a book with a compilation of all the good FL fanfics.


Post Fri Dec 30, 2005 3:29 am

"We're almost ready to get under way," Jun'ko said to Orillion. "Oh, by the way, Deckard, I'd like you to meet Michael King and Edison Trent." Deckard shook hands with both of the men.

WANS'T TRENT DEAD FOR LONG?!?!Or this is an indenpent story???

Post Sun Jan 01, 2006 6:51 pm

This is a story that is independent of my other ones. I always wanted to do one where the main Freelancer characters were not the focus.

Post Tue Jan 17, 2006 2:50 pm

Just got around to readin the rest ofit, good story, good ending

EDIT: aghk, wrong smiley

Edited by - Exodous on 1/17/2006 2:50:48 PM

Post Fri Jun 09, 2006 7:52 pm

wow the first story i read coming back from my (s)watery grave is sweet, now going back to work to stufy for my exams....

Post Fri Jun 16, 2006 6:28 pm

thought i would come and throw my weight in on this. Just read it from start to finish.

Neuro, you still have it mate. Brilliant fanfic and i just hope your still around to read this

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