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Freelancer: Genocide---Fan fiction from Neuromancer (Final c

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Sat Dec 03, 2005 11:18 pm

Nice add, I have to agree that the cliffhangers are quite good, making me hang on the every last word in anticipation for more. Good job.

Post Mon Dec 05, 2005 2:29 pm

Yippee-ki-yay! an update!

Here is chapter 18 for your reading pleasure.

Chapter 18

It's the damned waiting that gets to me, Deckard thought to himself as he sat in the Osiris bar sipping at a Rheinland lager. He had just returned from patrol duty, and the Corsair battle group was still nowhere to be found.

de la Vega had been true to his word. He had sent out a squadron of Sabre heavy fighters to assist the Order in the coming action, and had reported that many of the cartel heads were now convinced of the impending assault and would be ready to assist should they be needed.

Deckard took a long pull at his drink and looked around. The bar was nearly empty, with most of the Osiris crew at battle stations. A few off-duty crew were escorting some Outcast pilots around and buying them a round of drinks, but for the most part the place was deserted. Orillion had ordered Deckard to take a few hours off, but be ready to fly if trouble brewed. Deckard still couldn't believe he was helping the Order, but he had to admit it brought a sense of accomplishment that he hadn't felt since he had flown for the Liberty Police years ago.

Deckard noticed a familiar figure walk into the bar.

"Well, well, well," Jun'ko Zane said as she noticed Deckard and walked over. "If it isn't the courier. Decided to help us after all?" she said as she sat down.

"It's the least I can do, after the Order saved my ass back on Malta. What are you doing here? I thought you had LSF duties to perform."

"I'm on a leave of absence, as it were. I'm needed more here."

Suddenly the alarm klaxon sounded.

"Red alert! Scramble all fighters!"

"I guess that's our cue, Mr. Deckard," Jun'ko said as they ran toward the hangar bay.


The Osiris had moved out of the dust cloud surrounding Carinea and had taken up station in orbit around the planet Mallorca. Deckard flew in a tight orbit around the Osiris, keeping a close eye on the scanners. He had been assigned to Beta wing, and their mission was to intercept any warheads that the Corsairs managed to launch through Alpha wing, who was awaiting the arrival of the Corsair fleet at the Omicron Theta jump hole. His Anubis, as well as the rest of Beta wing, had been outfitted with a special pod containing the antidote for Maddox's toxin. In the event Beta wing was not able to intercept all of the warheads, they would fly into the atmosphere and release the pods. It was hoped that this action would keep casualties to a minimum on the planet, but Deckard hoped the pods would not have to be used at all.

The comm system suddenly came to life.

"Here they come!" Alpha leader called out, and the battle was joined. Deckard could do little but wait for Alpha wing's signal, and he tightened the grip on his flight stick.

"Beta wing, heads up! We managed to get all the bombers, but they got off their warheads almost immediately! ETA to Malta is five minutes!"

Deckard glanced down at his scanner and saw the red marks indicating the warheads. The count showed nearly thirty long-range torpedoes approaching. Because of their small size and speed, they would be difficult to target with missiles, and even more challenging with guns. Even with the firepower Beta wing had, Deckard knew they would be hard-pressed to get them all.

"Beta wing, engage!" came the call from Beta Leader.

Deckard turned his Anubis so he was facing the incoming warheads. He armed his missiles and began targeting the torpedoes. He fired his first salvo while the warheads were still four minutes out.

The first wave of missiles from Beta wing managed to take out just seven of the warheads. Deckard was shocked to see the torpedoes had been rigged with numerous countermeasures which threw off the aim of most of the missiles. How in the hell did the Corsairs do that? he wondered as he armed the rest of his missiles, locked his targets and fired again.

The second salvo didn't do much better, only taking out five warheads. That left eighteen warheads left to take out with guns, and they were only three minutes from Malta.

Deckard couldn't believe it. Ten ships in Beta Wing, each having launched eight missiles, could only take out twelve warheads out of thirty? And now we have to dust eighteen more with guns in less than three minutes?

"Beta wing, engage and fire at will!" came the call from Beta Leader. Deckard wasted no time punching up his thrusters and charging his weapons. He targeted the nearest warhead and watched the distance close rapidly. He thumbed the trigger as the lead warhead entered weapons range.

The torpedo jinked up and out of the way of the incoming energy bursts. Deckard cursed and pulled up hard on the control stick. He had no time to wonder how the torpedo had sensed the attack. He twisted his fighter around to reacquire the target, aimed carefully and fired again. The torpedo tried to evade again, but Deckard was ready, shifting his aim just as the torpedo made its move. The warhead flew right into the gun barrage and detonated in a brilliant blue fireball. Another one down.

"Beta Five, copy."

Deckard keyed his comm system. "Go ahead, Beta Leader."

"I want you to take half the wing to Malta and start seeding the atmosphere with the antitoxin. I got a bad feeling we're going to get some leakers."

"Copy, Beta Leader. What's the count?"

"Fourteen warheads remaining and they're two minutes out. Get moving. We'll take out as many as we can."

"Roger, on my way." Deckard punched up his cruise engines and headed for Malta. He and his wing had a scant thirty-second head start on the warheads. There would be no room for error.

Edited by - neuromancer on 12/5/2005 2:30:13 PM

Edited by - neuromancer on 12/5/2005 2:31:16 PM

Edited by - neuromancer on 12/5/2005 2:32:05 PM

Post Mon Dec 05, 2005 5:03 pm


Never argue with an idiot, because they will bring you down to their level and win through experience

Post Mon Dec 05, 2005 5:13 pm

all i have to say neuromancer, WOW. Nice Story so far. Brabo, man Bravo.

me wants more, me wants more ....

Post Mon Dec 05, 2005 9:33 pm

I sense a climax/big battle, keep up the anticipation! Awesome add.

Post Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:06 am

Nice Job Neuro. You've said your not one for large battle sequences, but the suspence in this one is very nice!

Post Thu Dec 15, 2005 10:38 am

Update! Yay!

Chapter 19

"All right people," Deckard called to his wing, "here's the plan. Rodriguez, Hall, you guys seed the southern hemisphere. I'll take Johansen and get the northern half. Davis, you take as much of the equatorial region as possible. You've got twenty seconds. Go to it."

The pilots acknowledged the order and split up to deploy their antitoxin pods.

"Beta Five, be advised," Beta Leader called. "Seven leakers broke through and are coming your way. Revised ETA is twenty-six seconds."
"Copy, Beta Leader. We're dropping our pods now." Deckard thumbed the release switch for his pod, which dropped away from his fighter. The pod was actually a modified torpedo, designed for atmospheric flight. Deckard watched as the pod deployed its wings and began its flight, dispersing the neutralizing agent throughout the atmosphere. The winds in the upper atmosphere would then disperse the agent around the planet, or at least that was the theory. Deckard could only hope the theory was correct as he pulled out of the upper atmosphere.

"Beta Leader, the package is delivered. We're heading back your way."

"Roger. Be advised that Alpha Wing is calling for assistance. Looks like the Corsairs are making their move. We are to rendezvous and assist. Meet us at the Omicron Theta jump hole as soon as you can get here."

"Copy, Beta Leader. We're on our way." Deckard fired up his cruise engines and pulled away from Malta. He took one last look back as the incoming warheads detonated over the planet, spreading their deadly cargo.

The general comm channel came to life.

"Alpha Leader to all allied ships! The Corsairs are coming through! Oh my God..."

Deckard looked at his scanner as they closed in on the Omicron Theta jump hole, plunging into the dust cloud surrounding it. An icy ball materialized in his stomach as he watched the number of targets appearing on his scanner increase at an alarming rate.

The dust cloud began to thin out somewhat, and Deckard beheld a massive battle taking place, the likes of which he had never seen before. Flashes of cannon fire and explosions lit up the dust cloud as if it were daylight, and fighters engaged each other in a dance of destruction. Deckard dove into the battle, targeting a Corsair Legionnaire who had crossed in front of him. He aimed carefully, squeezed the firing stud and watched as the Corsair disappeared in a fireball. He circled around and searched for a new target, but as he did so he felt the jarring blast of energy weapons smashing into his shields. He looked behind him and saw a Corsair Titan on his tail. Deckard quickly activated a shield battery to recharge the depleted shield, then tried to shake of his attacker, but the Corsair was too good a pilot. The second burst tore through the shields and struck the hull. Sparks flew in the cockpit as Deckard cursed and threw his fighter into a tight loop and chopped power to the engines. The maneuver was enough to shake off his pursuer, and Deckard throttled the engines back up. He looked and found his target performing its own evasive maneuver, trying to find Deckard's fighter, but Deckard swooped in behind the Corsair first. He fired several bursts, each one finding its target. The Corsair tried one last desperate maneuver to escape, but Deckard fired again, and the Titan exploded.

As Deckard dealt with the Corsair fighters, the battle raged on around him. The Order and their Outcast allies had their hands full dealing with Corsair capital ships, which had never before been seen in the colonies. The Outcasts had never invested heavily into building capital ships, and so their fleet was limited to a number of small cruisers. The Order, in addition to the Osiris, had another battleship, which had helped somehwat, but the Order and the Outcasts still found themselves outmatched. They did have one advantage, however, and that was in fighter technology. Between the Order and the Outcasts, they were able to manage the numerous waves of fighter craft the Corsairs kept sending out.

Deckard had made his way to the Osiris, which was locked in a battle with what appeared to be a Corsair battleship. The Osiris looked like it had taken quite a pounding. The aft sections were on fire, but she looked like she would hold together. Deckard made a run at the Corsair capital ship, targeting the engines, and firing a full burst, draining the gun capacitors. He peeled off and prepared to come around again. He waited for the guns to charge, then fired again. Deckard looked up and noticed several Outcast fighters had joined in the attack on the Corsair, and in a matter of minutes the battleship was a floating wreck of smodering metal.

"Osiris, this is Beta Five," Deckard radioed. "What's your status?"

"We're still operational, Beta Five. The damage looks worse than it is. Be advised that Beta Leader and his wing have been taken down, which means you're in charge of Beta Wing."

"Understood, Osiris. What do you want me to do?"

"We think we've found the flagship for the Corsair fleet. You are to rendezvous with Colonel Zane and her wing at the waypoint I'm sending. Take down that ship."

"Copy that, Osiris. I'm on my way." He toggled a switch. "Beta Wing, this is Deckard. Rendezvous at the waypoint I'm sending you." The pilots acknowledged the order and made their way to the rendezvous point.

Post Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:41 am

Wow Neuro, All I can say is....



Nice chapter, btw.


My young kitten sleeps
Sleepy from overeating
Global Bunny lost

Post Thu Dec 15, 2005 6:11 pm

eh chupa? trent had it coming anyway
juni ran off with king and they got *whacked* by liberty rogues . . .

some people say that crime didn't exist before GTA

Post Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:15 pm

Just kill Juni, it'll be a big loss and another main character out of the way XD. GJ

Post Tue Dec 20, 2005 1:04 pm

Quick! Everyone! Gather round! It's an update!

Just FYI---This will be the last update until after Christmas, so I'll see you all after the holiday.


Chapter 20

Deckard and his wing arrived at the rendezvous point several minutes later. There were several Anubis fighters waiting there.

"Colonel Zane, this is Deckard, over."

"Roger, Deckard," Jun'ko replied. "We're getting ready for our run on the target. See it over there?" Deckard looked and saw a huge ship, bigger than any battleship he had ever seen. "We're carrying Sunslayer torpedoes to take it out. What's your armament status?"

"We used all our missiles taking out the warheads," Deckard replied bitterly," and some still got through. I can only hope the antitoxin we deployed will minimize the damage."

"Hmm," Jun'ko said. "Not what I wanted to hear, but we'll manage. I want you and your wing to fly point and take out the fighter escort so we can launch. Once we do, get the hell out of range because once that ship goes, it'll take out anything in the blast radius. Ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

"Go to it."

"Beta wing, form up," Deckard ordered. "Charge!"

Beta wing engaged their cruise engines and charged in toward the massive Corsair dreadnought.

"Incoming bogies!" Deckard's wingman called out.

"Break and attack!" The wing broke formation and began to engage the Corsair fighters. Deckard selected a Titan as his target and fired a barrage head-on. His shots slammed into the target, which peeled away from the incoming Order ships. Deckard turned to follow, aimed and fired again. The Titan shook under the barrage, and finally disappeared in a fireball.

"Deckard, we're making our run now," Jun'ko radioed. "Keep the fighters occupied until I say so."

"Copy that." Deckard took out two more fighters, assisted in three more kills, and was ready to engage another fighter when Jun'ko called in.

"Beta Wing, break off! Torpedoes are away!" Deckard pulled away and activated his thruster, putting as much distance between himself and the Corsair battleship before the torpedoes hit.

The warheads struck the battleship amidships. There was a series of blinding explosions, and when the smoke had cleared they looked in horror at the battleship, which not only was stil there, but appeared to have suffered only minor damage.

"Dear God," Deckard murmured. "Now what?"

"Looks like all the torpedoes did was take the shields down, so we open fire with all we've got on the hull," Jun'ko replied.

"That's your plan?"

"You got a better one?" JUn'ko snapped back.

"Good point. Beta wing, close and fire at will!"

The fighters closed in and fired, at the same time avoiding fire from the flak guns defending the battleship. The flak made it difficult to target any one area of the ship for any length of time, and as a result the fighters could not inflict much damage.

"Beta wing, try to take out the flak guns! They're killing us here!"

"Copy." Deckard targeted the nearest flak cannon and blew it clean off the ship. Suddenly he had an idea.

"Beta wing, focus on the flak cannons at the rear. Colonel Zane, we're going to take out the flak cannons around the engines. Maybe we can knock the engines out and go from there."

"Very well, Deckard. go to work."

Deckard and his wing began to take out the rear flak cannons. It was a costly task. Deckard lost two of his wing to the guns, and his own fighter suffered moderate damage, but he stuck to it. Finally, they managed to take out enough of the guns to clear a path to the engine section, and Jun'ko and her fighters attacked, firing everything they had at the engines.

"Heads up! Bandits at three o'clock!"

Deckard looked to his right and cursed. Another squadron of Corsair Titans was closing fast. He turned his fighter around and prepared to engage, but was hit by a flak barrage before he could engage. His ship shook violently and sparks flew through the cockpit as the hull took the brunt of the damage. Deckard checked the damage report and cursed again. His shields had failed. His weapon control system was blasted to hell, but miraculously his engines were still operational. He would have to bail out of this fight. Deckard opened the throttle and stopped suddenly as another warning siren went off, and he swore to himself as he saw that the power reactor was on its way to going critical. Deckard knew that once the reactor went, you didn't want to be anywhere near it, and decided his only chance would be to get as far away from the battle as possible, bail out and hope to high heaven that someone friendly picked him up before he became target practice for the Corsairs.

"Colonel Zane, I've got to pull back. My reactor's going critical and I've got to bail out."

"Roger. Get clear. We'll pick you up," she replied in a voice that didn't sound too confident. "Good luck."

Deckard punched up his thruster and was ready to pull away when he had another idea. Looking back on it, he never understood why he did what he did, but he turned his ship in a wide loop so that he was pointed at the engine section of the Corsair battleship. Maybe, just maybe, the force of the reactor explosion would be enough to disable the engines.

"Beta Leader, what the hell are you doing?" Jun'ko yelled. Deckard switched off his comm system and focused his attention on the battleship.

"Warning," said the voice of his ship's computer, "reactor overload in ten seconds." Deckard ignored the warning as his fighter closed the distance.

"Seven...six...five..." Deckard yanked on the eject handle and felt the sudden g-forces as the cockpit section was thrown clear of the doomed fighter. Through the force-induced haze he saw his ship plunge closer and closer to the Corsair battleship.

The reactor detonated mere meters from the battleship in a brilliant blue explosion which tore into the battleship's engine section, shredding metal as it were tissue paper. The structural integrity of the ship failed completely as the force of the explosion tore through the ship, ripping the engine section free of the battleship. The battleship's reactor, heavily damaged in the explosion, reached critical mass and detonated, adding it furious energies to the destruction. The shock wave slammed into the forward section of the battleship, tearing it to shreds.

Deckard watched in horror as the shock wave flew toward him, knowing he was unable to do anything about it now. He braced himself as best he could as the wave smashed into the escape capsule, flinging it about as if it were a leaf in a windstorm. His head slammed into the cockpit glass, and everything went black.

Edited by - neuromancer on 12/20/2005 1:10:51 PM


Post Tue Dec 20, 2005 7:43 pm

Nice stream of cliff hangers.
Merry Christmas


You always find what you're looking for.

Post Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:49 pm

Shades of SL here. Well done.

Post Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:18 am

Oooh, this is quite the tense moment, well anyways nice add and Happy holidays.

Post Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:55 am

Very nice, as usual


My young kitten sleeps
Sleepy from overeating
Global Bunny lost

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