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Control your faction #2 OOC and discussion thread.

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Sun Oct 31, 2004 7:45 pm

Ok, you guys, just CALM DOWN!
Take a deep breath, and slow down a bit.

I would have to side with Code and DS on this.

Rich, you're a good guy, and I like having you in this game, but you have streched the rules a bit too far this time. I have warned you before, and I will not again. Either follow the rules that I have laid out, or you can't play. I was reluctant about letting you create a new faction, but I let you anyways. Now, I am starting to regret that descision. However, out of the kindness of my heart, I going to give you one final warning. Follow the rules as clearly stated on the first page, or suffer the consequences. One more step out of line, one more breach of thr rules, and you will be banned from the RPG.

Also, I will not defend you from being attacked. DSQrn and Wilde can do as they wish, so you will have to suffer the consequences of angering them.

I hope you continue to play this game, and follow the rules.

Thank you.

Post Sun Oct 31, 2004 7:49 pm

Also, in case you didn't notice, they are no Freelancers, except Trent, in the game! It is assumed and suggested at that there are more, but you will never encounter another Freelancer (unless you're online) if you look for a year!

Post Sun Oct 31, 2004 8:09 pm

your lucky jacobs in charge, for people like you i have a very short fuse

Post Mon Nov 01, 2004 12:41 am

the commodities work now, just about. although i still need food for my base....

Post Mon Nov 01, 2004 8:08 am

hey all a history lesson. this is how it all started. Original CYOF thread

Post Mon Nov 01, 2004 8:51 am

By now, most of you should know that I think we should start over now that we've worked all (most) of the kinks out of the RPG system. I haven't heard anything from Jacob yet but if enough people want to start over I'm sure he'll support such a move.

Who's with me?

Edit: Hmmmm... It seems we have another problem. Since most systems are home to more than one faction (more that one base in each system) we need to have some way of dividing up te resources. I would suggest that in the case of house systems the resources all belong to the given house and any organization wishing to mine (or gather resources in some other way) must pay a fee that is decided by the house. Non-House systems will be less regulated and, as such, the resources must simply be divided equally amongst all who are present. If it is impossible to divide the resources perfectly equally the faction with the most strength will get the largest portion. In the case of a specialist organization (like the GMG) they will get all of a certain resource in systems where they are present.
I think that should work nicely.

Edited by - Codename on 11/1/2004 9:19:59 AM

Post Mon Nov 01, 2004 12:25 pm

I agree. We won't really lose anything by starting over at this point but if we continue on things will get messy. I know that I at least still don't have the updated calculator ( anyone who could send it to me or post a link my adress is [email protected]). I propose that we put a halt to all further Rpg posts until ww2jacob makes a final decisison.

Post Mon Nov 01, 2004 1:19 pm

I strongly disagree with any ideas that Houses should get better shares of resources. Why do you think that corporations like BMM and Kruger are so successful? Because they are better at acquiring resources than the Houses are.

And... I can't really think of a better system. Economics are complicated. I'd say something involving technology and the like. You know, so Sirius's market economy can go back to the way it's SUPPOSED to work.

Post Mon Nov 01, 2004 2:15 pm

@Codename- Why start over? No one has been affected by the commodities, since the 1st day just ended.

Here is my opinion on the system problem.

In the house situation, the corp should mine most, if not all of the metals, and then sell them to the houses. In FL, you never see houses mining at all, the corps mine for them, and then sell to the houses. Most of the details should be worked out between the corp and the house.

If there are two competing, non-house factions, then it should be split 50/50. There is no other way. (ie-Omega-5, Magellan)

In the case of pirates in a house system, ie Buffalo Base, the pirates are alloted ONE of any of the avaliable commodities in the system.

Hope this works.
If anything doesn't fit into one of these, then ask me. I will figure something out.

Post Mon Nov 01, 2004 2:58 pm

Okay, can we go to day 3 yet?

By the way, when I get the day 3 turn, I'm moving the freelancers to attack islay base of the gians in edinbugh.

It's an npc faction, which is why I chose them and the location to attack. I also need to find a way to get myself h-fuel. Drat the stuff.

Edited by - richardson on 11/1/2004 3:07:20 PM

Post Mon Nov 01, 2004 3:11 pm

Well rich, you need a BASE to get any resources!

Turn 3 will start tommorow afternoon. (My time)
1 turn per day.

Post Mon Nov 01, 2004 3:20 pm

Which is why I'm taking down the gian's base, as well as (Just now decided upon)
the gc base Ainu Depot in hokkaido.

We'll hit the gc base first for the fuel, and then strike the gian's base.

My plan? I'll sneak the freelancers into the base in our freighters (Packed in the cargo holds) and then, when I get all the freighters in, begin an assault with whatever is left of our VHF and hf squads to distract the defenders from the internal threat, as well as to deplete the soldiers onboard the stations so that the assault squads can come out and attack.

Have you considered takeover by hostile boarding before an assualt?

Captain of the Kep Salu

Trekkie and proud of it!

Freelancer Guild Master-Control your own faction RPG #2!

Post Mon Nov 01, 2004 3:27 pm

Well, it is the same as a regular attack, except if your fighters fail, then all the attackers die as well.

Post Mon Nov 01, 2004 4:05 pm

Yeah, ut the thing is, with the internal forces, it would undermine the capibilities of the station, making it easier for me to stike at it.

So, it would be wiser, strategicly speaking.

Oh, and don't bother trying to hunt down my forces on the way out, remember, we can basicly blend in with the normal traffic, plus just call ourselves normal freelancers under diffrent call signs, thus making you have to physicly stop, check the pilot, and then try to stop all the rest of the traffic going through. Not an easy task. near impossible to get many more than a squad or two of my guys. (By the way, I'm planning to have 4 of my vhfs destroyed, as well as a couple of freighers and lfs on the way out to the base, to whittle my forces down to what you want me to be limited to. Or at least something closer to it.

And when you calculate my strenght, remember to take into account the diffrent fighter types my people use.

Captain of the Kep Salu

Trekkie and proud of it!

Freelancer Guild Master-Control your own faction RPG #2!

Post Mon Nov 01, 2004 4:45 pm

Jacob said:

Why start over?

That way we can get rid of all of the clutter.

Edit: First stuff no longer relevant perhaps. Resources as a per in-system base thing? Now there's a genuinely good idea.

Edited by - Codename on 11/1/2004 4:54:46 PM

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