Mon Oct 04, 2004 10:43 am by athena
Part Two
Tau 23 system, Border Worlds space
Three BMM Hawk light fighters, their chassis similar to the graceful yet deadly bird-of-prey that was their namesake, glided and dipped between rock formations while on patrol through the galactic east Beryllium field. The ships reached one waypoint, slowed their engines to a crawl, then engaged them again as they turned to face a new direction. Moments later the ships had disappeared into the field, golden trails fading into the distance.
Somewhere hidden in the dense field lay an Outcast base, the main source of problems for the Bretonian corporation and their main competitors, the Independent Miners Guild (IMG). Rumours of a new Outcast very heavy fighter known as the 'Sabre' were circulating at the BMM-owned, Tau 31 Gate Construction Site. Patrols had been stepped up and the results were varied; either the ships came back with nothing to report, or they didn't come back at all.
A month ago, an IMG Large Space Station had been destroyed in Tau 37 with all three hundred hands lost. The tragic event caused major changes in the Guild, the members clamouring for better protection, insurance against attacks and of course, a bounty to be placed on the culprits. A large number of Bounty Hunters were hired to both bolster the defences in Tau 37 and neighbouring systems as well as increase the number of 'search and destroy' raids on Outcast installations and convoys, to no avail. The Outcasts were persistent and always deadly. It was as though the cartel was making a statement: "Do not trespass in our space".
Travis Carter was one such Bounty Hunter. He'd been in the Tau systems for two months since his last assignment, that took him from LPI Sugarland, to Sigma 19, then to Omicron Theta, then to Omega-41. The red-headed pilot had been a Hunter for over ten years, his boyish good looks often made him appear much younger than the experienced veteran he was. Travis took advantage of this whenever he could.
The Hunter didn't consider himself an evil man, just one who did the job no matter what the cost. 'Brutal', some softer members of his trade had called him. Travis preferred pragmatic. His last job was probably his toughest, most rewarding yet also the most troubling. Travis was approached by an unknown source to track down a member of a mercenary group. He never asked many questions, in fact, this mission was ideal, no questions, hunt and bring in, dead or alive. Yet, he found that with each success, or the death of his target, it led to another member, and another, and another. By the fifth member, he asked how many there were. Nine came the reply. Six men, three women.
His last assignment was the most difficult and not because she was a hard target, but because he couldn't find it in himself to set up the ambush and deal with her. Travis was particular about his methods, he would build a profile of his target, habits, preferred travel routes, stop-off locations, behaviours, allies, enemies. If his client wasn't fussy about how or when, it would cost less but be more public. Travis was a specialist in covert 'retrievals'. Most of the time his contracts were of the latter type, something he had built a reputation for.
It was for this reason that Travis took longer than normal to set up the trap. Even his regular team of hired mercenaries had noticed the delay. Over the last nine months they had tracked down eight members of the 'gang', yet the last target was still at large. When questioned about their lack of movement they were stonewalled. Travis said it was 'need-to-know'. The truth was, Travis was beginning to fall for the girl; Tanya Williams, aka Tanya Ramirez, Outcast assassin and wanted felon for the murder of a dozen House diplomats and military personnel. Her dossier read she was an unbalanced, remorseless and cold-blooded brutal killer. An unfriendly sociopath who took pleasure from the torture of her victims before killing them in the most inhumane way possible. Travis enjoyed missions like this, he would be doing Sirius a favour, just one more scumbag to add the list.
Strange then that after a month of tracking her movements, joining her circle of Orbital Spa & Cruise pilots, he discovered Tanya was nothing like her dossier. In fact, she was the total opposite, a warm, generous, cheerful person who clearly wore her heart on her sleeve. The beautiful young woman, twenty-three on the file, was like a ray of sunshine wherever she went. Only one thing on the file was accurate; she was an extremely skilled pilot. Travis had been paying a contact on the inside of Orbital Spa to ensure they were in the same wing as often as possible, he noted she was an extremely good shot, knew her weapons and always pushed the envelope with her ships. It was for this reason alone he continued with the contract as Tanya didn't fit the remainder of the profile at all.
When he challenged his client, he received more answers and information than he needed, or wanted to know. Apparently, Tanya was the last remaining member of a black ops, House assassin squad. Genetically programmed and highly trained to be the best in her business. The kills his client told him of were for real, but her alignment was clearly not Outcast. He was told, under no uncertain circumstances, she was a time bomb waiting to go off, her 'mental conditioning' was in a state of flux and Tanya needed further treatment. The alternative was death, there was no way the Houses would let such a dangerous uncontrollable weapon exist.
So Travis did as ordered. He studied Tanya's behaviours and contacts until a clear weakness presented itself, Kenji Nakamura, the son of a famous Kusari Bounty Hunter clan based at Deshima Station, close to Planet Junyo in the Shikoku system. The pair had a very close relationship, built slowly over the course of a year due to intense training. Travis felt the pang of jealousy occasionally, he wasn't able to get too close to Tanya but always maintained a presence to observe. In any case, Kenji was the key to a flawless strategy.
Using a Corsair informant, he first spread the rumour that a large cargo of Pharmaceuticals would be escorted from Luxury Liner Hawaii to Freeport 9, of course, the Vanguard would need to be taken care of. Travis smiled as he recalled the conversation with the Corsair man. He emphasised that the Kusari should be spared if possible. In any case, with Kenji now off the map, a simple message to Tanya would be enough to lure her where she would be vulnerable. Travis had tried other means first, a space battle would be risky and his client had requested her alive first, dead second. He first paid for a loose gang of Corsairs to rough her up and bring her to his ship. They failed spectacularly, Tanya's deadly skills proving his client was at least partly right. Travis then 'bumped' into Tanya, and given recent events knew she would welcome the change of scenery.
His team were already in place by the time they reached the diner, yet somehow she managed to elude them again, purchasing a ship and leaving the station.
Still, the message proved most successful and was always the main plan. Lured into open space and tired, Tanya flew on auto until it reached the jump hole to Omega 41 where a series of cruise disruptors disabled her engines and sheer numbers forced her to eject. Travis flew her in stasis to Omega 41 and unloaded her at an unmarked station. He was paid. He left. The rest was history.
Travis sighed when he thought of Tanya, her bright eyes and energy always made his heart leap.
Stuck out in Tau space with a group of four green rookie Hunters made him wish he was back on the Hawaii, with her.
Being an experienced veteran he was asked politely by BMM to take out a group of youngsters on a training mission, a routine patrol with limited chance of an encounter. Travis always assumed an encounter was possible.
"So Travis, what do you make of all the attacks by the Outcasts? Think they're after something? I can't wait to take a shot at one," said one enthusiastic youngster. Travis was even-handed with his reply, though he would have preferred to shoot him instead.
"Kid, take it easy. The last thing you ask for, is to be in combat at all, let alone the Outcasts."
"But Travis, surely that's what we do? We hunt people? Kill them?" continued the lad. Travis sighed.
"Not everything we do results with death," he lied. Death was the ultimate goal. "Sometimes you're asked to do a pod retrieval."
"But that's as good as death?"
"Shut up, Justin," said another rookie. This one was Clare O'Neill. A sharper rookie with good pilot skills from Liberty. Travis had some time for her. "Focus on your flying and stop harassing the wing leader," she suggested.
"Bah," dismissed Justin. "We're in formation, nothing is going to happen out here."
At the end of the patrol, Travis' wing docked at Tau 31 Gate Construction Site station, much to his relief. He wasn't sure how much more naive prattling he could take. The veteran hunter had taught the lad a lesson though, a group of ships appeared on their sensors, the young pilot raced off in pursuit only to find he was alone after three klicks. He flew back to his wing and demanded an explanation. Travis outlined the ships were Zoner fighters and the last thing they wanted to do was pick a fight with them.
Travis wondered to the bar and ordered a Sigma Blue. He leant back in his chair and watched the crowd gathering by the monitors. Another race, thought Travis.
The race was a straight line through the asteroids, from the Construction Site to an asteroid miner, back to the Construction Site. Travis could make the run in his sleep. The Hunter got up from his chair and walked over to the growing crowd and stood near the back.
Suddenly something metal and solid poked into his back sharply, Travis stifled a grunt of pain.
"If you want to live, say nothing and move to the stairs. Keep your hands in front of you holding your drink and don't communicate with anyone," breathed a woman softly in his ear. He recognised the voice and instinctively turned his head to see. The barrel of the gun, Travis assumed was pressed harder into his spine forcing his head to move forwards sharply. "If you do anything but what I tell you, I will blow a hole the size of your head where your stomach is. Now, move!" said the woman.
Together, Travis and his unseen assailant stepped through the crowd. He reached the stairs and tentatively walked up them, the gun was still a burning sensation in his back.
"Faster," said the woman. "I know retired freighter pilots that walk faster than you."
"Harsh," he replied sarcastically. A sharp prod of the barrel sent another wave of pain lancing into his body, the woman knew how to hurt him, he thought. A professional.
They reached the top of the stairs.
"Turn left, round the corner, end room. Quickly." Travis did as he was told, and walked around the corner. When out of sight the pressure lessened slightly. He pretended to trip, then lashed out with his foot but managed to hit only air, the gun was cracked across the side of his head forcing him to fall and drop the drink in his hand which smashed on the ground. Travis was roughly hauled up to his feet.
"That was stupid and foolish," said the woman coldly. "And predictable. That room over there, now," she hissed pointing to a door nearby.
Travis gingerly rubbed the back of his head and walked into the room, the doors hissed open, then found himself pushed inside hard where he again, fell to his feet.
"Hey! What the hell was that for?" he demanded angrily. He turned round then froze, his mouth open and eyes wide. "You? But, you're dead!" he said.
The woman's green eyes pierced the darkness of the room and she levelled her gun at Travis, quickly adjusted a setting on the weapon, then fired at Travis' groin. The taser stun wouldn't kill, but Travis felt the pain of a thousand needles at once. The Hunter dropped to his knees holding himself in total agony, tears welled up in his eyes.
"That, is a small fraction of what they did to me," said the woman. She stepped out of the shadows and the door closed behind her.
"Tanya," whispered Travis through the cloud of pain that threatened to black out. "I never wanted to do it. It was just a mission. It wasn't personal," he said. She glared at him saying nothing.
"Where is the disc they gave you on me?" she asked. Travis pointed slowly at a jacket hanging up. Tanya walked over to it and searched the pockets and swiftly found the datadisc. "Did you make copies?"
Travis shook his head.
"You're lying." Tanya fired again causing Travis to fall over where he screamed in pain, this time clutching his shoulder. "Tell me everything. Who hired you to track me down?" she asked coldly.
"I swear it," said Travis trembling now. "I haven't made copies, and I don't know who hired me."
"You lie!" Tanya levelled the gun again but Travis quickly out of desperation put his hands up.
"I'm not lying! I swear it! You have to believe me! The contact made comms through an encrypted channel. We never met."
"If you read my profile, then you know my history," said Tanya.
"Yes, yes. I know. I'm sorry. If I knew in the beginning I wouldn't have taken the contract!"
Tanya's eyes blazed.
"You lying bastard! How dare you! You killed eight people that volunteered for the training. Volunteers, Travis Carter. People willing to sacrifice their lives for the Houses and what do they get? Someone like you!", Tanya raised the gun and adjusted the setting. Travis noted the power level humming in response, the next shot would be to kill. "You even got my friend Kenji killed! You tried to kill me!"
"Wait, wait" he began. "I can help you. I know how to reach them,"
"You said you've never met your contact. Why would they talk to you now?" she asked angrily. Tanya levelled the gun at his head. He swallowed then spoke again.
"Believe me. If I tell them the mission went wrong they will do something. There is no way they could let something, you, pass without minimum investigation. Right now, you don't exist. You're..dead. No-one even knows what you look like, I heard about the destruction of your station. All files relating to you were destroyed. Even Orbital Spa think you're dead." The words came out in a stream. "But why do this? You're effectively a nobody, just disappear!"
Tanya considered this.
"Fine. You have one chance. Get me closer to your contact and I'll consider letting you live. Until then, remember me. Remember what I can do. I'll be watching. When you're ready to talk, leave a message on the main message board at Planet Hamburg. Don't betray me again, or I will make you very sorry indeed, Travis. You've already tricked me once. There is no second."
The young woman watched the Hunter who nodded slowly in response, then adjusted her gun again as he spoke.
"Yeah. Okay. I'll help you. But I ask again, why do this? Just disappear! Kill me, be done with it," he said through gritted teeth.
"Why am I doing this? For the others in my team. For revenge on the people who make these terrible decisions. For Kenji." Her voice trembled as she spoke, a tear rolled down her cheek. "Good night, Travis," and fired before he could protest. Travis fell for a final time, stunned unconscious by the force of the blast.
Tanya walked over to Travis with the gun now adjusted again to kill. She aimed at his head and placed her finger on the trigger. Tanya held the pose for a few moments, a tear dropped onto the prone man's face, then she sighed and sheathed the gun under her jacket.
"I am no monster," she whispered whilst wiping the tears away using her sleeve.
Tanya slipped out of the room.
Travis was left with his dreams, of a girl with bright green eyes and a dazzling smile.
Edited by - Athena on 10/4/2004 11:45:18 AM
Edited by - Athena on 10/4/2004 11:21:09 PM