Great, whose gonna do the battle then. I'll do it so there are hardly any losses on either side. Since you seem to have more forces, i'll let you have Theta. ok? trust me, i got a way to solve the battle with hardly any losses. Just say you accept and i'll write the account of the battle.
Outcast Spies have reported that Rheinland has 14 Battleships built and 17 under construction. The situation is getting desperate. All resources have been thrown into Rapier Fighter and Battleship production. All 3 Shipyards have been expanded again. New Battleships Constructed are:
Heavy Battleship Majorca + 3 crusiers
Battleship Avila + 3 crusiers
Battleship Lerida + 3 crusiers
Battleship Malaga + 3 crusiers
Another Wave of Rapiers has been built.
New rule: Each faction can only have 1 new fighter better than their original VHF or best fighter these are super or advanced heavy fighters.
New Fighter under construction:
Based on the Rheinland Bomber design, The Outcasts have built the Bourder Worlds Claymore Bomber. It has 2 configurations, EMP and High Explosive. The EMP variant is armed with 2 Wyrm EMPs, 8 Vampire EMP Missiles and 2 Jackal EMP torpedos. The High Explosive version is armed with 2 Wyrm type 2s, 8 Cannonball missiles and 2 Sunslayer Torps.
Edited by - Outcast 1-1 on 9/8/2004 9:08:14 AM