Sat Oct 16, 2004 12:24 am by Captain Picard
OOC:Because it seems everyone's making a bio about their main character, i'm gonna make one too.
First, my RL name is not James Redmond. I just got that name into my mind from somewhere. Anyway, here it is:
James Redmond was born in the industry planet of Houston in Liberty. His parents were workers and he had two brothers.
James was interested in in space and spaceships from his childhood, and he often spent his free time
reading about space travel and space combat and hanging at spaceport and watching for ships. Planet
Houston didn't offer much opportunities:you could either join the navy, LPI or BHG, go work in a factory
or join a criminal group. James chosed the navy.
When James turned 18, he walked to the nearest Navy recruiting station and signed up. James went to
West Point where he was trained as a fighter pilot. He was best of his class, and gained numerous
commendations during his training period. After four years of academy, Redmond graduated and he was
sent to Battleship Rio Grande as an ensign. He soon had his baptism of fire against Outcast pirates and
he gained reputation as an excellent tactician and fighter pilot. With his bravery and skills he gained
reputation in the navy, and by age of 32 he was a liutenant commander and in charge of navy cruiser
LNS Thermopylae's fighter wing.
After serving many years with the Thermopylae, Redmond was promoted to the rank of commander. He was
transferred to West Point academy where he was a in charge of fighter training. In age of 42, Redmond
was promoted to rank of Rear Admiral, making him the youngest admiral in history of Liberty Navy, soon
after that he was assigned to acts as deputy military advisor for the president of Liberty. After serving
4 years in advisor's position he was promoted to the rank of vice admiral and transferred in command of
2nd Fleet, based in New York system. Few years later, when Liberty Navy commander's position became open,
he applied for it and was chosen for the job.
Now Redmond is the youngest Liberty Navy commander in history. He is married and has three children.
He favours very strict attitude in dealing with criminals, and he is often engaged in arguments with
other Liberty authorities such as LPI, because he thinks navy should deal with space-based criminal
activity. During his era as the commander of Liberty Navy, the strike power of the navy has increased
and under his command the navy is efficient and powerful military force. He has recently relocated to
Planet Quantico in Virginia system, where he lives with his family in almost paradise-like conditions
of the planet.
OOC:Hispania and Ageira only ones with superheavy capitals?Hey, i have Liberty Command Carrier. Which reminds me, i'm gonna make a ship database thread?
OOC2:The guy with junkers. Has the message you mentioned(about the scientist) been sent to Liberty