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Lancers Forever: A story by Timster

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Wed Aug 04, 2004 11:38 pm

OH. I just noticed this fanfic, sorry Timster. But I have to say, this fanfic is incredible. Apart from a few spelling and grammar mistakes here and there, there's nothing to wrong with it. It's always fun to read fanfiction that starts off with characters aside from the ones we've already seen, like Trent or Juni. Keep writing that fanfiction, Timster.

Post Thu Aug 05, 2004 8:33 am

I can't believe what happened. I was half way done with the chapter today, and I hit the wrong button, and it closed my story. So, I don't feel like rewriting it. I guess I'll finish it tommorow

Post Thu Aug 12, 2004 2:25 pm

- -Chapter 5: Flying Solo- -

William awoke to the sound of thunder and lightning roaring out his window. The storm had lasted all night, and had not died down at all. He got out of the bed and walked into the lobby. Upon looking at the clock,and seeing that it was 5:00 A.M. He decided to go back to sleep. Another hour passed, and William got up this time startled by noses coming from the lobby. He stepped outside and saw two large men holding a pistol at the clerk. "Hey! What the hell are you doing!" William yelled. Intantly the two men spun around and fired at William. He jumped behind back in his room for cover. He heard the two men yell to get the money faster, and then the noise seemed to stop. William looked out and saw no one, except out the lobby window he could see the two men running into thier startrackers. "Crap!" William yelled as he ra outside, firing blindly at the ships. Knowing his small blaster wouldn't penetrate the ships shields, he ran to one of the cavaliers he bought for escorts. "C'mon, hurry up you peice of junk!" HE said as the Cavelier's systems came online. He contacted the Bretonian police and told them a ship with stolen goods was trying to get out. The startrackers were weaker but much faster than the cavelier. Luckily, it seemed the authorites had shut off the docking ring, because the startrackers turned around heading for William. They opened fire and flew past him at breakneck speed. William spun the ship around and fired, instantly destroying one of the startrackers. He knew it was dangerous to engage enemies in the atmoshpere, any piece of ship could rain down upon the cictizens of Leeds. None the less, he continues to chase the other startracker firing seldomly, hoping to steer the enemy toward the waters. But it was no use.He continued deeper into the city areas, and began to fly downward. William knew what he was going to do.He was headed straight for the city!

Unfinished, coming soon the rest of this chapter

Post Thu Aug 12, 2004 4:53 pm


again, im not trying to advirtise, but i relly need someone to post on my new fanfic forum Chaos Theory, i relly want to get the next episode up tonight before I have to go to bed.

Post Thu Aug 12, 2004 5:23 pm

Use a new line on each new conversationalist

You have called down the Thunder. Now reap the Whirlwind.

He that humbleth himself wishes to be exalted.
Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man.
Friedrich Nietzsche

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