Mon Jul 26, 2004 10:16 am by SmoothFlame
short and sweet...
“Jump initiated,” the computerized voice said.
The thing with jump gates is that you don’t feel any acceleration. The two linked jump gates form a tunnel that you go through at normal speed. There is a catch though. Your weapon systems are disabled for a few moments when your ship exits. Those few moments could cost you your life. And they almost took Trent’s as he came out of the jump hole. Outcasts were waiting. As soon as Trent came out of the jump-hole, the Outcasts attacked in force. They took out his shields in an instant, and then they attacked his engines. Trent felt a shudder as his engines chocked and died. He frantically tried to restart them, but there is only so much you can do when they are fried. He send out his nano-bots to try and repair them. He waited, frantically pushing the start button, but the engines wouldn’t start up. Trent waited motionless in space, unable to do anything. Or could he? Trent realized that they didn’t kill him because he had his PPC on board, and they Outcasts wanted it. Trent was surprised as his COM link chirped to life
“Freelancer, give up you cargo and you and your ship can go home. The Outcasts will always be very generous with your life. We WILL get that cannon in your cargo no matter what.”
“No matter what, huh? I’m a business man and I like credits. So let’s just say that the Liberty Navy wants it and there is nothing you can do. Unless you have four million in your pocket, I suggest you leave me aloe or I will blow this ship to bits.”
“All right, I can see you’ve made you decision.’ The pilot on the other end of the line pushed a button and the screen vanished.
The surrounding Outcasts made the ring tighter around Trent, and tractor locked him.
“Not again,’ Trent mumbled, but before he could start relocating the tractor beams his entire nav, weapons, engine management, and his com system turned off. Then the entire ship whined, as the power was lost and life support failed.
They were going to “smoke him out”. There was no way out. Trent felt as his lungs begin starving for oxygen and his vision start to swim. He was running out of time…fast.
Edited by - SmoothFlame on 7/26/2004 11:17:34 AM