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Fan fiction by Neuromancer

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Mon Jul 12, 2004 5:45 am

hello? i guess you are busy writing it. anyway, me want fan fiction!!!

"Go Neuromancer!!! Keep righting that fiction man!!!"

Post Mon Jul 12, 2004 9:55 am

i got a name for it. freelancer the battle for freedom.
based on the hit game freelancer

Post Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:35 pm

thats a good name.

"Go Neuromancer!!! Keep righting that fiction man!!!"

Post Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:48 pm

This is a great story Neuromancer. Keep it coming. I've had to delay my fanfic as mine wouldn't actually be read!

Post Mon Jul 12, 2004 12:58 pm

I copy-and-pasted the whole thing into WordPad, makes it easier to read.

Post Mon Jul 12, 2004 3:36 pm

thank you

Post Mon Jul 12, 2004 4:46 pm

Keep it Coming, Keep it Coming!

Post Tue Jul 13, 2004 2:35 am

freelancer: battle for freedom ?? they sirius is not yet invaded .. ..i think the name freelancer 2 , is much better than that !!

Cheers, Im A NEWBIE ^-^

Post Tue Jul 13, 2004 9:59 am

freelancer 2 is a overated name jackass

Post Tue Jul 13, 2004 1:18 pm

This is Degenerating into flaming, cool it dude, it's an increadably pathetic thing to Argue over.

Post Tue Jul 13, 2004 4:45 pm

Chapter 13 is here for your literary pleasure.

Chapter 13

The briefing room was silent once again.

"Colonel King, you will be leading the strike team against the jump gate, designated Alpha Wing. Colonel Trent, you will be leading Beta Wing, the strike against the Nomad shipyard. Beta Wing will be armed with the cardamine missiles and torpedoes. All but two of the gun mounts on your ships will be replaced with missile and torpedo launchers. I know this leaves you more vulnerable to attack, but since you are the best pilots in the colonies, I assume you'll find a way to manage.

"Also, all ships have been outfitted with a small hold containing a sample of pure cardamine. We hope that this will act as a shield of sorts to keep Nomad ships away from you. Please resist the urge to smoke it." This drew a laugh, easing the tension.

"Any questions? Good luck, and God help us all." Everyone rose and filed out of the briefing room. As they walked out, Von Claussen approached them. Juni accompanied him.

"Juni! How are you feeling?" Trent asked.

"I'd feel better if they would let me fly, but that's not to be. Anyway, I wanted to come down and wish all of you luck." She shook King's hand, then turned to Trent.

"Come back alive." She kissed him on the cheek, turned and left.

"I trust that was for luck?" King asked with a sly grin on his face. Trent smiled back sheepishly.

"So, once more into the breech, my friends," Von Claussen said, "perhaps for the last time."

"Well, at least we'll go down fighting," Trent said.

"And with a fistful of cardamine, too," King said. The three men laughed.

"So, von Claussen, you're coming with us, then?"

"Yes, I will be flying with you, Trent. I hope that is satisfactory."

"No need to ask. Since you're already dead, that will make you pretty hard to kill."

The Osiris's comm system came to life. "All pilots please report to your ships. Flight crews report to stations. Prepare for launch.

"Well, that's it then. See you in space."



The Osiris had jumped into Omicron Gamma and was operating cloaked, positioning itself near the Omicron Zeta jump hole. Every space-worthy fighter the Order could find, scrounge, build, steal and purchase was now in space awaiting the final signal to begin the operation. Orillion had even managed to send world to President Jacobi, who had secretly dispatched two heavy cruisers and several fighter wings to assist in the battle. "It's always nice to have friends in high places," Orillion had said.

Trent had taken up position at the front of his wing. Von Claussen had insisted he act as Trent's wingman, and accompanied him to the front.

"All ships, report in."

The wing began to report in.

"Alpha Three, standing by."

"Alpha Seven, ready to go."

"Alpha Nine, ready."

"All ships show ready," Von Claussen said to Trent.

"King, how's your wing?"

"We're ready to go."

"All right. Beta Leader to Osiris, Beta wing reports ready."

"Alpha Leader to Osiris, Alpha wing standing by."

"All wings, this is the Osiris," Orillion said. "Operation Sirius Hammer is a go. All wings, proceed through the jump hole."

The fighter wings turned and headed for the jump hole. In minutes the fighters and heavy cruisers had gone through and were beginning to assemble on the other side of the jump hole.

"Beta Leader, this is Alpha Leader. All my ships have reached the rally point and show ready."

"Copy, Alpha Leader. Beta wing shows ready."

"This is Liberty Wing Gamma, we're at the rally point. Standing by."

"All right, gentlemen, this is it," King said. "I've uploaded the jump gate into your neural nets. Stand by to engage cruise engines on my mark.!" King and hundreds of ships kicked in their cruise engines and headed for their appointment with destiny...or doom.


When life gives you lemons, add alcohol.

Post Tue Jul 13, 2004 4:50 pm

Just an FYI to all you dedicated readers of my fan fiction... I will be out of town for the next week without access to a computer, so the next chapter will be a little delayed.

Second, a big thanks to all of you fo your support and feedback. It means a lot to me. So much, in fact, that I have actually begun the process of attempting to turn the fanfic into a full-length novel. It will probably involve jumping through quite a few hoops with Microsoft and Digital Anvil (if they're even still around), but I hope I can pull it off. If anyone has any experience in this area (copyright laws and stuff please let me know, as I've never done this before.

Thanks again for all your support and support the cause to legalize medicinal cardamine!

When life gives you lemons, add alcohol.

Post Wed Jul 14, 2004 11:29 am

NOOOO!!!! I will miss you man.

Good. You will finally start a novel. Thats awsome!

"Go Neuromancer!!! Keep righting that fiction man!!!"

Post Wed Jul 14, 2004 12:30 pm

hey . @ daredevil(Dickdevil) .. im not ur ass, jack.. .. so Fuk off.. and by the way read my signature u dumb ass

Cheers, Im A NEWBIE ^-^
@ Twitch .. thats a great name for neuromancer's fiction ..
Freelancer:battle for sirius.. that could be one of the sequels of freelancer.

Edited by - joeydawolf on 7/14/2004 1:34:09 PM


Post Wed Jul 14, 2004 1:38 pm

Very impressed -- believable and well written.

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