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Fan fiction by Neuromancer

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Tue Jun 15, 2004 3:20 pm

Fan fiction by Neuromancer

Here is a compilation of all the chapters of my as-yet-untitled fan fiction. This is also where I will post all future chapters. Hope you like it.


When life gives you lemons, add alcohol.

Edited by - neuromancer on 7/7/2004 7:33:29 PM

Post Tue Jun 15, 2004 3:21 pm


One year later...

Edison Trent sat alone, slowly sipping at his Sidewinder Fang. He had finally convinced the bartender to stock some of the fine liquor, and the bartender had finally obliged. Trent had lived on Manhattan for the past year after accepting Orillion's proposal to be the "eyes and ears of the Order in Liberty". Trent was not one to develop loyalty to anyone, but he felt that he owed this to Orillion after what they had been through together.

He had not heard from Orillion in six months.

Trent had been a busy man since that final battle with the Nomads. He had become one of the most well-known freelancer pilots in Liberty, with a track record unmatched by anyone else. But along with his success as a law-abiding freelancer, he had also found success working underground for some of Sirius Sector's most dangerous criminal agencies. Orillion had suggested that Trent, being a freelancer, may be able to develop working relationships, or at least contacts, with underground organizations that may have useful information for the Order. Trent saw an opportunity to make some big money, and had made a name for himself in criminal circles, going by the name of Carter Logan. Trent found it amusing that many of the acquaintances he had made in the LSF spent a lot of time hunting for Carter Logan, never realizing that many times he was flying on their wing.

He had money. He had fame. He sill had the reliable Anubis that he had been given on the Osiris. There was only one thing that Trent's fame could not give him:


Edison Trent and Jun'ko Zane had discovered that after the Nomad war, their feelings toward one another went beyond mutual respect and friendship. There had even been talk of marriage, but she had discovered Trent's double life working for criminal organizations in Liberty and had confronted him about it. She refused to believe his explanation that he was doing it for the Order, which even though Orillion had given him the suggestion, he realized that it wasn't his primary reason. He was in it for the money. Oh well, he thought at the time. C'est la vie.

And now, six months after she had left him, the LSF and moved to Kusari, he realized that for the second time in his life, money had cost him someone he held dear. The first time had been the deal for a million credits' worth of Boron that went up in smoke with Freeport 7, and now, his links with the criminal element.

He had to admit, though, that his contacts with crime had paid dividends that were more than mere credits. During one of his excursions outside of Liberty he had made his way to the Omicron Alpha system, home of the Outcasts, who because of his criminal contacts regarded him with indifference. He had learned of a place the Outcasts used as a burial ground of sorts for their finest warriors, believing that they would be protected by "the Spirits." He had originally decided to go to this mysterious place to do a little "grave robbing", as it were, because the Outcasts always left valuable possessions with their deceased warriors. When he arrived, he discovered a jumphole that took him to a previously uncharted system surrounded by Nomads who apparently didn't like his presence there. He fled back through the jumphole and had returned to Manhattan to transmit his findings to Orillion.

Trent downed the rest of his drink and turned to leave. He felt a slight vibrating on his wrist from his wrist alarm, indicating he had an incoming message on his neural net. He turned and made his way to one of several privacy booths along the wall made specially for neural net calls.

"This is Trent."

"Trent, this is Orillion."

"Orillion! It's been a while."

"Yes it has. I have a new assignment for you if you're interested."

"Of course."

"Do you remember the information you transmitted to me six months ago?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Trent, you've uncovered something that could change the way we deal with the Nomad threat. I will explain everything later. Meanwhile, I want you to meet King on Pittsburgh. You'll be escorting a...guest to the Osiris. King will brief you further."

"Wait a second, Orillion. Who is this 'guest'?"

"I can't reveal any details right now, but King will fill you in. He's waiting for you now. Good luck."

Trent switched off his neural net and walked out of the bar. It would be good to see King again. They hadn't seen or spoken to one another since the Nomad battle a year ago. Trent had tried to contact him several times, to no avail. Must've been on duty somewhere secret, Trent thought to himself as he strapped himself into his Anubis.

Chapter 2


Trent eased his Anubis toward the trade lane entrance that led to Pittsburgh. He was ready to engage the trade lane when his comm system activated.

"Carter Logan, this is the Liberty Security Force. You will power down your ship and prepare to be taken into custody!"

What the hell? Trent thought to himself. Had his cover been blown?

"LSF patrol, this is Freelancer Alpha 1-1, Edison Trent. I am not Carter Logan!"

"Freelancer Alpha 1-1, you will transmit your neural net file to us fo verification. Hold your course or we will open fire."

Trent transmitted the data and waited. What was going on? Trent was ever so careful about covering his tracks when working for criminal organizations and had always masked his neural net transmissions.

His comm system activated again.

"Freelancer Alpha 1-1,we have verified your identity. We apologize for the inconvenience, Mr. Trent. You're clear to proceed."

Trent slowly let out the breath he had been holding and entered the trade lane.


Trent made his way to the docking ring of Planet Pittsburgh. The encounter with the LSF still weighed heavily on his mind. Why had they suspected him of being Carter Logan? Sure, they were right, but what had happened? Trent had not used his alias for several months, deciding that he wanted to take life easy for a bit and enjoy his fame.

Trent forced his attention back to reality. The mining facility where he was to meet King was coming up. He activated the landing sequence and set the ship down on the landing pad. Ten minutes later, he was in the bar.

"Good to see you again, Trent."

Michael King sat at a table with a man that Trent could only assume was the 'guest' Orillion had told him about. The man looked strangely familiar to him.

"Good to see you, King. How's things?"

"Oh, you know. Same old thing. Have a seat."

Trent sat down across from his old friend and noticed that King looked a little worse for wear. A rather large scar ran across his forehead. Trent wondered what King had been up to.

"Oh, Trent, allow me to introduce you to Ernesto Chavez. He is our guest, as it were." Trent and Chavez shook hands.

"It's good to meet you, Mr. Trent. I have heard many stories of your exploits. According to Mr. King, most of them are actually true."

"Speaking of which," interrupted King, "I heard you were actually mistaken for Carter Logan."

Trent felt a twinge in his stomach. He actually felt guilty lying to King, but he couldn't let his guard down now.

"Yeah, I thought it was a little weird myself."

"From what I hear, he's got a pretty good bounty on him. He's raised quite a bit of hell around here. I'd like to take him down, I could use the credits."

Trent wasn't sure he liked where this conversation was going, so he decided to change the subject."

"Orillion said you would tell me what's going on."

"All right," King replied, "business it is. We'll be escorting Mr. Chavez to the Osiris. She's currently in Sigma-13, doing a little surveillance. Mr. Chavez has some information he has agreed to share with the Order."

"I see. It must be pretty important information to warrant an escort and a direct meeting with Orillion."

"It is," replied King. "It is information that is as significant as the discovery you made. Am I correct, Mr. Chavez?"

"That is correct. You see, Mr. Trent, I am an Outcast. And I know why the Nomads leave us alone. Shall we be off, then? Orillion is awaiting us."


When life gives you lemons, add alcohol.

Edited by - neuromancer on 6/23/2004 7:37:37 PM

Post Tue Jun 15, 2004 3:23 pm

Chapter 3


Trent flew the lead, as he had in countless missions before. King followed closely behind, flying a brand-new Liberty Defender Mark II. Chavez flew between them in a Border Worlds Stiletto. Trent had often thought about purchasing a new ship, but he had been so successful with the Anubis he thought if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The trip so far had been relatively uneventful. Usually on a trip of this length, it ws safe to expect a pirate attack at some point. They had kept a low profile, speaking very little to one another except when needed. It was King who broke the silence.

"So tell me, Trent, Where did you get your information about the Nomads from? Orillion said it's going to make a big difference."

Trent was silent for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "I'm sill a frelancer, King. I hear rumors. This one just turned out to be a good one."

"Well, I guess everyone gets lucky now and then. Hold on...Trent, I'm picking up unknown contacts. Looks like they're on an intercept course. Heads up."

Trent watched his scanner as the number of contacts increased. Finally his computer identified them.

"Outcast Sabres! I count at least ten!" Trent called out.

"Damn! Trent, keep these guys away from Chavez! My gut says they're after him!"

Ten Outcast Sabre fighters emerged from the dust cloud spraying cannon fire at the three ships. The three broke formation and prepared to engage.

"Chavez, this is King! Get to the jump gate! We'll try to hold them off!"

"Negative, I will stay and fight!"

"Dammit, Chavez, this is no time for pride! Get the hell out of here!"

"King, you listen to me. I'm not going anywhere! Deal with it!" And with that, Chavez destroyed one of the Outcast fighters.

Trent had his hands full with another Sabre that he couldn't shake off his tail. Whoever he was, he was good. Trent's shields were taking a beating, and his shield battery supply was getting low.

"King, get this guy off of me!" Trent called out as he dropped several mines. Two of them, luckily, scored a hit, severely damaging the fighter. King came out of nowhere and finished him off with a well-placed gun volley.

"Trent, Chavez, we've got to make a run for it! Let's go!" King punched his cruise engines and made a beeline for the jump gate. Trent noticed smoke and gas pouring out of King's badly damaged ship

Trent's scanner beeped again, and an icy ball materialized in Trent's stomach

"Holy God! I got more contacts coming in!" Trent punched his cruise engines. Chavez did the same.

The Outcasts turned to follow and launched a volley of cruise disruptors at the fleeing ships. One found its mark.

"Trent! Chavez is hit! Cover him!"

"Trent, King. Take Mr. Chavez and head for the gate. We'll cover you," a familiar voice said over the comm channel.

"Von Claussen??? Is that you??"

"Ja, it is. Get Chavez out. We will hold them off. Go!"

Trent looked out his cockpit window as a squadron of Anubis fighters appeared and began to engage the Outcasts.

"My cruise engines are back online," Chavez said. "I suggest we do as he says."

"Fine with me," King replied. "Let's go. Thanks, Von Claussen."

"You may thank me later. Now go!"

The three ships engaged their cruise engines and headed for the jump gate.


When life gives you lemons, add alcohol.

Post Sat Jun 19, 2004 7:25 am

Chapter 4


Trent, King and Chavez approached the Osiris.

"Osiris, this is Escort Group Alpha, requesting clearance to dock. Over."

"Escort Group Alpha, you are cleared to dock. Welcome back."

"Trent, go ahead and dock. I'll meet you and Chavez in the hangar."


"Welcome back, King. Ah, Trent. Good to see you again."

"Good to be back, Orillion."

"And this must me Mr. Chavez. I'm Casper Orillion." The two shook hands. "Come to my office. We have a lot to talk about. I'll see you gentlemen later." Orillion and Chavez walked away.

"Come on, Trent. I could use a drink. My treat."

Trent and King went to the bar and sat down with their drinks.

"You know," King said, "Chavez must know something pretty damn important for his own kind to want to take him down. Obviously something they didn't want us to know about."

"Yeah." Trent replied. He was still wondering why Chavez looked so familiar to him.

"Ah, gentlemen. Do you mind if I join you?" Herr von Claussen asked.

"Not at all," replied Trent. "But aren't you dead?"

von Claussen laughed. "No, but it it sometimes advantageous to let everyone think you are. After all, we all have our secrets, don't we?" von Claussen gave Trent a knowing look that didn't make him feel all that comfortable.

"You are full of surprises, von Claussen, " King said. "Listen, I gotta make a pit stop. Don't steal my drink while I'm away." King rose and left.

Trent waited until King was out of earshot and asked, "So you know?"

"Yes, Mr. Trent. Or should I say, Mr. Logan?" Trent had to smile at that. "Orillion hyas many ways of acquiring necessary information. As my name is still considered poison in Rheinland, being a dead man has its advantages. And who wouldn't want the best pilot in Liberty working for them? Even criminals, I would wager."

"Well, they pay pretty good."

"Yes, that they do. And the rumors, I hear, are also quite informative. Orillion seems to put a high premium on the information you provided to him."

"so I'm told."

King returned to the table. "You still talking smack about me?"

"Someone has to do it. Your head's big enough already." Trent retorted.

The Osiris bartender walked up to the group.

"Orillion would like to see you in his office."



"Ah, Gentlemen, sit down," Orillion said. "I have some very interesting information to give you." Trent noticed that many of Orillion's top agents were also in the room.

"As many of you now know, we have received information regarding the Nomads and the Outcasts. Thanks to the information provided by our newest member, Ernesto Chavez, we now have a new perspective on the Nomads, and possibly a new strategy to fight them.

"Several months ago, Edison Trent received information regarding a jump hole in the Omicron Alpha system that reportedly leads to an uncharted system populated with Nomads. Apparently the Outcasts use the area around the jump hole as a burial ground of sorts for their greatest pilots, believing that "the Sprits" will protect their remains.

"Now, one would think that with a jump hole leading right into the Sirius Sector, the Nomads would be attacking en masse through the hole. But they don't. And now, thanks to Mr. Chavez, we now know why. People, we now have a new weapon in which to fight the Nomads."

"And what would that be?" asked King.



When life gives you lemons, add alcohol.

Post Sun Jun 20, 2004 6:02 am

CARDAMINE??????????????????????? INTRESTING!!!! good story

Post Sun Jun 20, 2004 7:21 pm

This is expertly written fan fiction, I didn't even guess cardamine would be the "trump card" in this story, but the connections to the open jump hole to Nomad-land clear up a few loose ends about the absence of a nomad onslaught sweeping through Sirius like the Black Plague. Please, continue this story, you have undoubtedly the praise of all of your intellegent readers, but you can rest assured that you have my praise and support behind you as you craft this endeavour through the uncharted expanse that is fan fiction for freelancer.

Don't let us down, we're hanging on the edge for more!

--VrmlBasic (K. Lang)

Post Tue Jun 22, 2004 4:15 pm

CHapter 5, hot off the press.

Chapter 5


Silence permeated the room. It was King who finally broke it.

"Um, excuse me, but could you say that again?"

Orillion smiled. "I thought that would get your attention. Apparently, cardamine is a deadly poison to the Nomads. They won't come through the jump hole into Omicron Alpha because the cardamine buried with the Outcast derelicts repels them. It's kind of like the old mythological belief that garlic repelled vampires. Well, I believe that we have found our garlic for the vampires, as it were.

"We intend to figure out a way we can turn cardamine into an offensive weapon. Doing so will inevitably turn the tide in our conflict with the Nomads. That is all the information I can provide at this point. Any questions?"

The room was still silent.

"Very well. Dismissed. Trent, King, would you please stay?"

The room emptied, leaving Orillion, Chavez, Trent and King.

"Gentlemen, we have to move quickly on this. We need to get cardamine samples here to study. Trent, I will leave that in your hands." Trent nodded.

"What?" King said, a little surprised.

"I'll explain later." Trent said. Looks like the gig was up, he thought to himself.

"Good. Meet me in the hangar in one hour. Secondly," Orillion continued, "we need to find Colonel Zane. Trent, do you have any idea where she is?"

Trent winced. "No, she left the LSF and went to Kusari six months ago. I haven't seen her since."

"Hmm, that's an odd move for her. I will contact Lord Hakkera and see if he can locate her. King, I want you to fly to Kusari and meet Hakkera. See if you can help him find Jun'ko. I'm going to take Mr. Chavez down to meet our scientists and brief them. That's all, gentlemen."

Trent and King left the room.

"So, what's with you and the cardamine? You're not a junkie, are you?"

"No, I just have...connections."

"You know, I'm getting kinda tired of hearing about your 'connections'. No more bull, Trent. What are you really doing?"

"Look, King, it's better if I keep it under wraps for awhile."

"Trent, are you a criminal?" King asked bluntly.

Trent exhaled slowly. Well, might as well tell him.


The two men looked at each other in an uncomfortable silence.

"Sometimes? What the hell does that mean?" King asked testily.

"What is this, an interrogation?"

"I want to know what it is you're not telling me. You're hiding something. And if you don't tell me I'll take it up with Orillion. We need to have people we can trust here."

Trent finally snapped. "You do that, King, because he already knows. You want the truth? I'm Carter Logan! I've worked for the Liberty Rogues, the Corsairs, the Outcasts, and a lot of others. You want me to go on?"

King stared at trent with a menacing look in his eyes.

"Damn, you think you know someone." King turned and walked away.


"Trent, I want you to take this ship with you on your run." Orillion had met Trent in the hanger and led him over to a Border Worlds Sabre. Trent looked and liked.

"I can live with that. But why?"

"It's better you go incognito rather than as Edison Trent in one of my Anubises. You think you can dust off Carter Logan again?"

"Do I have a choice? Besides, I think everyone here knows now," Trent said, shooting a dirty look at King on the other side of the hangar. Orillion saw the look and the man it was directed at.

"King knows?"


"Trent, I know you and King are friends, and I'm sorry that I had to put you in such an awkward position. I felt that we could benefit from some criminal perspective, and a freelancer like you seemed the best way to do that."

"It doesn't matter now. I've got to get moving."

"What's your plan"

"Probably Ruiz Base. It's not too far from here."

"Good. Trent, it is vitally important that we get the cardamine, but it is even more important that you use your contacts to get in good with the Outcasts. We may need a lot more cardamine in the future, and they will probably deal much better with a group of so-called terrorists than anyone else."


"Trent, no one in the colonies except for us and President Jacobi know anything about the Nomad incident. The Order is still considered a criminal organization in the Houses. That may work to our advantage."

"I got it. I better get going. See you later."

"Good luck."


When life gives you lemons, add alcohol.

Post Wed Jun 23, 2004 11:01 am

Very nice story. I want

oh hello king, what are you here for?

Post Wed Jun 23, 2004 6:35 pm

Here's chapter 6. Kinda short, but what the hell.

Chapter 6


"Roger, Mr. Logan. You are cleared for docking. Welcome back."

"Thank you, Ruiz Base. Out."

Trent eased his Sabre into the docking portal, now convinced he would have to convince Orillion into letting him have this ship. It had performed flawlessly, easily handling a Corsair surprise attack in Sigma-19. And, being the top-of-the-line ship of the Outcasts, that certainly couldn't hurt, either.


"Ahh, Mr. Logan! What a surprise! It's been a long time!" Commodity Exchange Manager Pedro Gallardo exclaimed as Trent walked into the exchange.

"How have you been, Pedro?" Trent asked.

"Ahh, business has been a little slow as of late. Don't know why. Must be just one of those things."

"Well, maybe I can help change your fortunes a little bit. I happen to be working for an individual who's looking to establish a route for trafficking cardamine, and I recommended you. He would like to have a sample before he makes an offer, however, and I am the courier. If you please, I need a hold full of your best stuff."

"Anything for my kind of scum. I'll have it loaded for you within the hour."

"Fine. I'll transfer the payment then."

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Logan. If you're interested in making some serious credits, there is a two-million-credit bounty on the head of one Ernesto Chavez. He's a traitorous bastard that has apparently sold the Outcast's most inner secrets to the highest bidder. If anyone can terminate him, it would be you."

Trent smiled. If only you knew, you Outcast weenie. "I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the tip. You can contact me in the bar when you're ready to settle up." Trent turned around and headed for the bar. Suddenly his neural net silent alarm went off. He walked to a dark corner of the bar and activated it.

"Trent here."

"Trent, it's Juni."

Trent's jaw dropped. "Juni? Where the hell have you been?"

"Trent, I can't talk for long. I need to speak with you in person. Meet me on Ogashawa in Sigma-19. And don't tell anyone else. Please."

"Juni, what the hell is going on?"

"I have to go. Just meet me on Ogashawa and I'll explain. Juni out."

Trent turned off his neural net. What was that all about? he wondered. His neural net alarm for Carter Logan chimed.

"Mr Logan, your cargo is ready."

"Ah, thank you. I'm now transferring payment. Thanks Pedro. See you soon."

"Good luck my friend."

Trent made his way to the hangar, wondering what he should do. Ogashawa was on the way back to the Osiris; should he stop and see what was up with Juni?

He launched his Sabre into space and decided that he needed to deliver the cardamine first. Orillion needed to hear about this.

When life gives you lemons, add alcohol.

Post Wed Jun 30, 2004 5:15 pm

Grab a beverage and enjoy Chapter 7.


Chapter 7


"And she didn't say anything else?"

"No," Trent said. "She said she wanted to speak to me and me only. Has Lord Hakkera said anything about her?"

"No," replied Orillion, "you're the only contact we've had with her. Something doesn't seem right."

"She sounded downright freaked about something to me. There's something strange about all this. I don't speak with her for six months, and all the sudden she calls me. I think she's in trouble."

"That's not behavior I would expect from Jun'ko. I think you may be right. What are your thoughts?"

"If she's in trouble, we have to get her out of there. We owe that to her. I think I should go. Alone."

Orillion was silent for a moment. "My instincts are against it, Trent. However, she seems to have a lot of trust in you, or else she wouldn't have contacted you first. All right, go to Ogashawa and find out what's going on. Be careful out there. If there's trouble, I want you out of there. Understood?"

"Got it. I'm going to take the Sabre again. It's best if I do this as incognito as possible."

"Very well. Get going."



Trent walked into the bar and looked around. There was no sign of Juni anywhere, and Trent didn't want to ask around fo fear that it may cause suspicion. He sat down and asked the bartender if he had a Side4winder Fang. Surprisingly enough, he did.

"Excuse me, are you Trent?" said a man behind him.

Trent turned around to face the man. "Maybe. Why?"

"I was asked by a Jun'ko Zane to relay a message to a Mr. Trent. You match the description she gave."

"I'm Trent. What's the message?"

"She would like to meet you on C-deck, at the equipment dealer. That is all she said."

"Hmm. Thanks." Trent got up and turned to walk away. The man watched him for a moment, and followed him out.


Trent entered the equipment dealer shop and looked around.

"Trent? Is that you?" a familiar voice said.

Trent turned and saw Jun'ko Zane standing by a rack of ship cannons. He noticed that the rack was out of the view of most of the shop. Trent walked over and looked at her.

"It's been a long time. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Were you followed?"

"I don't think so. Now what the hell is going on?"

"We shouldn't talk here. Come on." Juni led him out of the equipment dealer toward a small storage room. She shut the door behind them.

"All right, Juni. Now what is going on?"

"Trent, I wanted to tell you that you and the Order are in grave danger. The Nomads know that you have the knowledge that may destroy them, and they are preparing to invade Sirius and render it desolate before you can use it against them. We won't be able to stop them this time."

"Juni, how do you know this?"

"I have my sources."

Trent was starting to feel a little uncomfortable. There was something slightly unsettling to all this.

"Why didn't you tell Orillion this. Why tell this to me?"

"Because I knew that if I contacted you, you would come without hesitation. After all, you still have feelings for me."

Trent looked down at the ground, not sure what to say.

"You humans are so predictable," Juni said.

"What?" Trent looked up to find Jun'ko Zane pointing a gun at him.

"Whoa, Juni. What the hell are you doing?"

"Taking advantage of an opportunity. What better way to destroy the Order, the one obstacle standing between us and domination of Sirius than to send back their top agent as one of us?" Juni walked toward him. Her eyes suddenly glowed with bright blue light.

"Good God, you're a Nomad!" Trent exclaimed.

"Very good, Mr. Trent. Now, Prepare to be enlightened. The pain will only last a moment." Juni walked toward him with eyes blazing with dazzling blue light as Trent backed up with nowhere else to go.

Suddenly a loud blast rocked the room as the door was blown from its hinges. Instinctively Trent threw himself to the floor. He heard several shots, then silence. He picked himself off the floor and saw Juni on the ground. King and the man who had delivered the message in the bar were standing in the doorway. King held a stun pistol.

"Come on," King said, "we need to get her into stasis fast! You okay, Trent?"

"I'm fine."

"Good. Let's get out of here!"


When life gives you lemons, add alcohol.

Post Sat Jul 03, 2004 8:25 am

Chapter 8

Trent, King and the as-yet-unnamed man ran toward the hangar. King carried Juni to his ship as several people in the hangar watched with inquisitive looks.

"Uh, King," Trent said, "What's going on?"

"Not now, Trent. I'll brief you in space."

Trent nodded, ran to his ship and engaged the launch sequence. In five minutes the three ships engaged their cruise engines and headed for the Sigma-13 jump hole.

"Now are you going to tell me what's going on?"

"Yeah," King replied. "First I need to introduce you to Mr. Yamato. He's an agent with the Order."

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Trent. I have heard much about you."

"Pleasure's mine, Yamato. Thanks for the help back there."

"Right," interrupted King. "Yamato sent a message to Orillion after he ran into Juni. He said she was acting very strange and kept saying that she had to meet Trent. Orillion diverted me here to make sure everything was all right. Looks like we got here just in time."

"What about Juni?" asked Trent. "What happens to her now?"

"We're going to put her in a stasis chamber on the Osiris. Word has it that we might be able to remove the Nomad parasite from her without killing her. But it's too early to know for sure. At least the stasis chamber will keep her alive until we can figure it out. And for what it's worth, Trent, I'm sorry I blew a gasket at you. Orillion told me that it was his idea."

"It's all right, King. Let's worry about Juni right now."

"All right, here's the jump hole. After you."


Trent looked at Juni, enveloped in the soft blue glow of the stasis chamber. Juni, or whatever she was, had been right. He did still have feelings for her, and he hoped that the Order scientists would be able to find a way to save her.

His thoughts were interrupted as von Claussen walked into the room.

"She is tough and defiant, Mr. Trent. She will pull through."

"I'm really trying to believe that, "Trent replied.

"Your belief may not be in vain, my friend. I have news for you. Our scientists are ready to try to remove the Nomad.

Trent exhaled. "I want to be here when they do it."

"Come, my friend. They must prepare her for the extraction."


Juni lay on a surgical bed that was covered in an unbreakable glass shield. This was done in case something went wrong and the Nomad parasite tried to escape.

Trent, King, von Claussen and Orillion were in the room along with Dr. Reinhardt, the Order's chief medical officer.

"Doctor Reinhardt," Orillion said, "Please begin your briefing."

"Gentlemen, what we are about to attempt has never been tried before. We will be attempting to remove a Nomad parasite from a human host body.

"As you know, everyone who has been 'infected', for lack of a better word, has eventually died from the parasite. Most were killed when we activated the Hyper Gate in the Dyson Sphere. We believe that we can now safely remove the infestation without killing the host.

"Since the narcotic cardamine is a deadly poison to the Nomads, we will attempt to weaken, and possibly terminate the parasite by administering a small dose of the drug, and gradually increasing the dose. Once the parasite has been sufficiently weakened, we will then surgically remove the parasite from the host body.

"Please be aware that this is a procedure that has never been attempted, and that we are unsure of the potential consequences. We are confident, however, that this is the best solution."

"What about cardamine dependence?" asked Orillion.

"Since dependence is based almost exclusively on repeated use, that shouldn't be a problem. With your permission, we're ready to proceed."

Very well, Doctor. Proceed."

Dr. Reinhardt walked over to the surgical table. "Stand by. Administering initial dose. 20cc's."

Trent watched as the drug was injected into Juni's body. Suddenly she began to twitch.

"Looks like it's having an effect. Life signs?"

"Colonel Zane's are stable," replied his assistant.

"Increase dosage. 30 cc's."

Juni's body continued to convulse. Suddenly the blue neck of a Nomad parasite emerged from her mouth. The parasite was thrashing about in agony.

"LIfe signs are starting to fluctuate!"

"Increase to 50 cc's!"

Juni's body gave one last heave, and the Nomad turned a sickly gray and flopped limply to the bed.

"Nomad life signs are flatline! Colonel Zane's are critical!"

"Let's get this thing out of her! You four, "he said, addressing Trent, King, von Claussen and Orillion, "I must ask you to leave now. I will keep you appraised on her condition."

The four men got up to leave. Trent took one last look at Juni as the surgical team prepared her.


When life gives you lemons, add alcohol.

Post Sat Jul 03, 2004 3:38 pm

im very impressed and would like 2 hear more cant wait for your next installments

(never enlist in SoD)

Post Mon Jul 05, 2004 6:00 pm

Good Fic, Look Forward to Reading More!

Post Mon Jul 05, 2004 11:50 pm

damn this is some kick @ss story

oh and *BUMP*

I don't suffer from insainty,I
enjoy every bit of it.
I have finnished Freelancer in a hawk.

Post Tue Jul 06, 2004 5:15 pm


This is by far the best fanfic i've read to date. Only one thing though- (minor spoiler) i hate to burst your bubble but what about the Omicron Gamma Unknown? Has the same benefits to the nomads- but no cardamine.

Give a man fire and he'll be warm for the night. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.- Terry Prachett

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