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Fan fiction

Read, add and comment on excellent written stories by fans, set within the Freelancer universe

Post Sun Feb 01, 2004 7:09 am

Fan fiction

Well, i decided to write some fan fiction for Freelancer...

Time: Sixteen years after the Nomad Incident
Location: Manhattan, New York

Only a few people i knew had been away from Manhattan. The most of them had been working for different factions, mostly the Liberty faction LSF. Some of them had returned, some had not. A man i knew as Trent had returned, after he had defeted a race that was called the Nomads. Of what i had heard, the Nomads had taken over Rheinland. Today, Rheinland was very weak. The most of their capitol ships had been defeated. Only two had survived. Yes, the most just knew that the Westfalen had survived, but i knew better. They had built up a new battleship, called the Düsseldorf. It was a new breed of ships, and in Rheinland it was not called a battleship, it was called Flagship. It was this Flagship that yesterday had jumped out of the Colorado Jump Hole, and wiped out the Rochester. And even one hundred fighters was with it, blocking the Docking Gate from Manhattan. Two cruisers also came with it, and the had borded the Newark and Trenton Outpost. The Trade Lanes had been disabled with EMP's and every non-Rehinland ship coming to Manhattan was shot down. But the Rheinlanders didn't give any clue to what the wanted, they had just landed on Manhattan, and was searching every home for something. The whole Sirius was chocked.

Post Sun Feb 01, 2004 7:29 am

Time: Sixteen years after the Nomad Incident
Location: Manhattan, New York

I was sitting in a transport ship. My parents had just been shot by a Rheinlander, when they where trying to protect me from him. The Rheinlanders had invaded New York, but the didn't shoot fourteen year old boys. No one in Sirius would do that, maybe exept the Outcasts or the Corsairs. The Rheinlanders had decided to take me to the Düsseldorf, along with other people the didn't shot. They thought they maybe could make us into pilots, or guards. The person in front of me, had presented himself as Juan Ruiz. He was a Outcast, he had said, and the Rheinlanders hadn't shot him, because they dont wanted to mess with the Outcasts. Strange. What was a Outcast doing in Liberty? Why hadn't the Rheinlanders shot him?
We felt that the transport docked, and a door was opened. We got chains around our feets and they took us out of the transport in pairs if two. I and Juan was nearly the last persons out. We was lead to a big room, where a fat man yelled to us, that we were usless dogs, and if we began to mess, they would randomly pick two persons and shoot them in the head. After that we were put into cells in the same pairs, and the chains was taken away.
Suddenly, Juan took up a walkie-talkie, and said something i could only define as some sort of old spanish.
"Hey, Roderigo, where are you? You should be here now."
"Yes, but we've encountered some... difficulties."
"Okay, but hurry up!"
I wondered who Roderigo was, and if he also was with the Outcasts. I shoud find out soon.

Post Sun Feb 01, 2004 7:31 am

Send It To Microsoft, They Clearly Cant Be Bothered Wrighting a Sequal, Infact, Maybe We Should All Just Team Up And Make The Game Ourselves!

Either Way, I'd Like To Hear What The Rheinlanders Where Looking For In Liberty?

The Mercenary Navy - Power Is Everything
Vist The Mercenary Navy Online .

Post Sun Feb 01, 2004 7:50 am

Time: Sixteen years after the Nomad Incident
Location: Flagship Düsseldorf, New York

The cell didn't had windows, so i couldn's see what was going around out there, but i could hear it. I heard shooting, and people screming everywhere. I was sitting with my ear pressed to the door, to hear. I heard footstepes outside, and people talking in spanish again. Juan was sitting quiet in a dark spot of the cell.
Suddenly, someone was breking the door up, and a Outcast looked in the cell. At least i think it was a Outcast, since i heard him talking old spanish.
"Juan, get over here now!"
The man throwed me a gun, and a rifle to Juan.
"Thanks, Roderigo."
Juan got up, and told me to stay close. I did. We ran against the docking bay, where three ships i identified as "Sabres", the legendary Outcast ships, stood. Juan jumped up one of them with "Ruiz, J." painted to its hull, and jumped into it, then helped me up.
"Okay, don't touch anything, ok?"
Juan began to power up the ship, as two of his friends jumped into their ships and powered up them to. One of them blasted a hole into the docking door, and we all flew out.

Post Mon Feb 02, 2004 2:59 am

Time: Sixteen years after the Nomad Incident
Location: Buffalo Base, New York

Juan told me to find a ship and get back to me as fast as posssible. The Rheinlanders where warping in more and more fighters, while Liberty couldn't do anything about it. The Liberty Roughes where organising a attack squad, to try to take back Manhattan, or the areas around it.
"Ok!" I replied to Juan.
I found a damaged Dagger, that could be good for now, and told the robots in the area to fix it for me. They did, and even outfitted it with some Outcast and Roughes weapons. The ship had seen better days, but i could fly with it. I got back to Juan, just before he left. He told me to start the engines and follow me. I had no experience in flying a ship, but i should just defend Buffalo. And so i did. But it was far more worse, that i tought it would be...

Post Mon Feb 02, 2004 3:02 am

Time: Two days after the Rheinland invasion
Location: Outside Buffalo Base, New York

I heard Juan in the radio, he told me that a Rheinland Gunboat was en route to Buffalo. The Outcasts around me began to organise, and i charged my weapons, in case of. Far away i spotted the gunboat...
The Guunboat was a moddified one. What i could see, it had only one turret, four engines, and something that looked like a radar, and even torpedo bays.
"Oh my god!" an Outcast in a Sabre behind me said, "Everyone, get out of here! Buffalo Base, there is a incoming Nomad Gunboat, get out of..."
The GUnboat was begining to fire, but the shots wasn't the average green Rheinland ones. They where alien ones, that took down a ship in one or two shots. My old Dagger just managed to get away from a torpedo, before a torpedo hit Buffalo Base.
"Mayday! Mayday! Incoming torpe..." Buffalo exploded.
"Everyone, get to waypiont 5 dash 7!" The Outcast said again.
"Roger that!" I replied, many did the same. We got to the waypoint, but what we saw, was the last thing we ever expected...

Edited by - Orillion v2 on 2/3/2004 4:30:31 AM

Post Mon Feb 02, 2004 11:47 pm

Wow. Pretty good. Of course, Liberty could have *****slapped them by ordering the people who make the gates and lanes to shut them down. TOTALLY. Like total shutdown. Only system-system travel by Jump Hoel then.

Post Tue Feb 03, 2004 4:32 am

Thanks Stormscape
No, the Liberty don't managed to contact Agiera, who manage the gates. They are to busy with Manhattan

Post Tue Feb 03, 2004 1:58 pm

Hey nice storie mate!, i think people should relece freelancer books, they have done it with lots of other games. keep up the good work!

Post Tue Feb 03, 2004 2:48 pm

Ugh Books? Man Micro$oft would love that.

It's alright but theres not enough detail if you want my opinionm what does this ship look like? what about the characters? Emotions are good too, little things like these and expanding it and not always using the date it's set it would improve it.

There is no Silicon Heaven! But where do all the calculators go ?

You could no more evade my wrath... than you could your own shadow!

Post Wed Feb 04, 2004 8:44 am

keep it going orillion. but don't turn it such that trent zooms in with a decked eagle[otherwise insert your best ship and takes out the entire rheinland navy and saves the day!

Post Wed Feb 04, 2004 5:23 pm

so what is is about this story u like heltak?
what did the aftermath lack of?

i personally like any book/story/anything about a game or something

this is my world; it goes round and round and round

Edited by - ):Wolf_Demon on 2/4/2004 9:35:31 PM

Post Wed Feb 04, 2004 9:59 pm

i want to try get hold of the starcraft series. starCRAFT starCRAFT i hope i made myself clear. not the trek or the wars series.

Post Thu Feb 05, 2004 12:12 am

Go speak to Blizzard you heathen barbarian of an RTS player and experince true balance

Um wow a fanboy of inferior products has come here to try to fight me with his words. LEARN HOW THE CAPITAL LETTER AND FULL STOP WORK FIRST.
There is no Silicon Heaven! But where do all the calculators go ?

You could no more evade my wrath... than you could your own shadow!

Edited by - Heltak on 2/5/2004 12:15:15 AM

Post Thu Feb 05, 2004 6:18 am

I must protest! Outcasts and Corsairs are *NOT* evil!

If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is nothing for you.

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