/=ARE=\ Allied Rebellion Empire
Planet "Gaia" is our home and "Giga" is our faction ship!!!
"Asgard Racing Escorts is no more, now we have become the Allied Rebellion Empire"
Here's the story: Ever since the beginning of the foundation of the Asgard Racing Escorts, Gateway had agreed to allow for a base on Gaia, the condition was that no Housing development could be established on the planet other than Gungan Prime. So weesa agreed and Gungan Prime became a reality...
It had only been a few weeks when the problems began with our faction members, one of them wanted to build a house outside the city and of course Gateway opposed even if that would have been only one house. Then another member wanted the same, and then another, even B.A Crusher fell to the temptation of building a house outside the city, out there where parasise is, minutes away, eventually even meesa fell to Gaia's charm, but still Gateway would not budge...
A few more weeks later members started leaving Gaia, for other factions sometimes even without saying a word, some of them even lost interest in Asgard and left to explore space and establish colonys, outside of our bureaucratic society...
Then meesa really snapped and forged and alliance with the Corsairs, meesa was asking only for one thing and that was to force Gateway to abandon Gaia's control and leave Edinburgh forever, after all meesa bought Gaia and considered it to be mine.
The Corsairs saw dissa as an opportunity, for 300 years had they been waiting for someone to offer an opportunity such as dissa, so their condition was, and meesa agreed, to allow them to build a base on Gaia, and infiltrate Britonia...
So now a state of war exist between the Corsairs and Gateway, and weesa have to maintain a certain neutrality on our base because weesa are friendly with the Corsairs...
What these changes imply: for 300 years they have been waiting to infiltrate, and now thank to a stupid Gungan they will, infiltrating Edinburgh means more confrontation between Corsairs and Outcasts, and Britonia, more pirates as well, now the pilots of Asgard will have to make an effort to make new lawful factions in Britonia or it will become the new scum paradise in Asgard, a lot of new RP potential I hope yousa can see dissa as a good thing...and as an opportunity.
Members list:
My main caracter is /=ARE=\~JJ~Sith~Raider~
Jar-Jar (Leader)
B.A. Crusher (Wing commander, delegate and faction weopon dealer)
Shadow (Faction Recruiter)
There are few rules or regulations in this faction, simply good times.
/=Goals=\ 1:Get rid of Gateway's control of Gaia.
Note: They will be history by the time v3 arrives...lmgao.
2: Smuggle things to make moolah.
3: Do smuggle convoys when possible.
4: If yousa feel like destroying trains and battleships, okiday go ahead.
5: Members are not to take hostages, and are not allowed to take contracts out on people, weesa are not guns for hire.
6: No taxation of any form.
7: Last but not least evade or confront our ennemys, check our rep for details.
For those of you, who's character is your first, you'll get a $1,000,000 or $2,000,000 loan
to start your game if you need it.
/=Corsairs=\NPC, get ready for they will come to Edinburgh and start a second colony in Britonia...
/=BDF=\ Bretonia Dark Forces=/=Corsairs=\ - Corsairs=/=FC=\ Farmer's Coalition=\
/=ASG=\ Asgard Server Gard=/=D=\ Deity (The Gods Of Asgard)=/=The Mob=\
/=Asgard Freelancer Combine.=\ (no tags)
/=FedEx=/=GUILD=\ Bounty Hunters Guild=/=l<=\Knightshift=/=I-DF=\ /=YI-OC=\ The Independants=\
/=LPD=\ Liberty Police Department=/=TRF=\ Team Red Fox Piratehunters=/=RHS=\Red Hessian Stormtroopers=/=Rouges=\The Liberty Rouges=/=SBO=\ - Starfleet Black Ops=/=SFG=\ Sirius Frelancers Guild=
/=Ennemy mine yousa=/=APOC=\ The Apocalypse=/=BAF=\Brionian Armed Forces=/=GR=\- Grossrepublik Rheinland=/=LAW=\ - Lawful Asgard Warriors=\
/=SC =\The Smugglers Coalition=/=SF-K=\, /=SF-P=\, & /=SF-C=\: Shogunate Forces of Kusari.=/=The Horsemen. and .Prophet.=
For those interrested in joining: reach meesa Jar-Jar aka JJ in game or PM me or B.A Crusher: http://www.gamer-forums.com/asgard/
"A special thanks to BA Crusher who
helped in finding a title for thissa faction"
~JJ~ Swamp Thing...safe journey...come fly with us...
Edited by - Swamp Thing on 2/18/2005 5:52:33 PM
Edited by - Swamp Thing on 2/18/2005 5:54:39 PM
Edited by - Swamp Thing on 2/18/2005 5:56:42 PM
Planet "Gaia" is our home and "Giga" is our faction ship!!!
"Asgard Racing Escorts is no more, now we have become the Allied Rebellion Empire"
Here's the story: Ever since the beginning of the foundation of the Asgard Racing Escorts, Gateway had agreed to allow for a base on Gaia, the condition was that no Housing development could be established on the planet other than Gungan Prime. So weesa agreed and Gungan Prime became a reality...
It had only been a few weeks when the problems began with our faction members, one of them wanted to build a house outside the city and of course Gateway opposed even if that would have been only one house. Then another member wanted the same, and then another, even B.A Crusher fell to the temptation of building a house outside the city, out there where parasise is, minutes away, eventually even meesa fell to Gaia's charm, but still Gateway would not budge...
A few more weeks later members started leaving Gaia, for other factions sometimes even without saying a word, some of them even lost interest in Asgard and left to explore space and establish colonys, outside of our bureaucratic society...
Then meesa really snapped and forged and alliance with the Corsairs, meesa was asking only for one thing and that was to force Gateway to abandon Gaia's control and leave Edinburgh forever, after all meesa bought Gaia and considered it to be mine.
The Corsairs saw dissa as an opportunity, for 300 years had they been waiting for someone to offer an opportunity such as dissa, so their condition was, and meesa agreed, to allow them to build a base on Gaia, and infiltrate Britonia...
So now a state of war exist between the Corsairs and Gateway, and weesa have to maintain a certain neutrality on our base because weesa are friendly with the Corsairs...
What these changes imply: for 300 years they have been waiting to infiltrate, and now thank to a stupid Gungan they will, infiltrating Edinburgh means more confrontation between Corsairs and Outcasts, and Britonia, more pirates as well, now the pilots of Asgard will have to make an effort to make new lawful factions in Britonia or it will become the new scum paradise in Asgard, a lot of new RP potential I hope yousa can see dissa as a good thing...and as an opportunity.
Members list:
My main caracter is /=ARE=\~JJ~Sith~Raider~
Jar-Jar (Leader)
B.A. Crusher (Wing commander, delegate and faction weopon dealer)
Shadow (Faction Recruiter)
There are few rules or regulations in this faction, simply good times.
/=Goals=\ 1:Get rid of Gateway's control of Gaia.
Note: They will be history by the time v3 arrives...lmgao.
2: Smuggle things to make moolah.
3: Do smuggle convoys when possible.
4: If yousa feel like destroying trains and battleships, okiday go ahead.
5: Members are not to take hostages, and are not allowed to take contracts out on people, weesa are not guns for hire.
6: No taxation of any form.
7: Last but not least evade or confront our ennemys, check our rep for details.
For those of you, who's character is your first, you'll get a $1,000,000 or $2,000,000 loan
to start your game if you need it.
/=Corsairs=\NPC, get ready for they will come to Edinburgh and start a second colony in Britonia...
/=BDF=\ Bretonia Dark Forces=/=Corsairs=\ - Corsairs=/=FC=\ Farmer's Coalition=\
/=ASG=\ Asgard Server Gard=/=D=\ Deity (The Gods Of Asgard)=/=The Mob=\
/=Asgard Freelancer Combine.=\ (no tags)
/=FedEx=/=GUILD=\ Bounty Hunters Guild=/=l<=\Knightshift=/=I-DF=\ /=YI-OC=\ The Independants=\
/=LPD=\ Liberty Police Department=/=TRF=\ Team Red Fox Piratehunters=/=RHS=\Red Hessian Stormtroopers=/=Rouges=\The Liberty Rouges=/=SBO=\ - Starfleet Black Ops=/=SFG=\ Sirius Frelancers Guild=
/=Ennemy mine yousa=/=APOC=\ The Apocalypse=/=BAF=\Brionian Armed Forces=/=GR=\- Grossrepublik Rheinland=/=LAW=\ - Lawful Asgard Warriors=\
/=SC =\The Smugglers Coalition=/=SF-K=\, /=SF-P=\, & /=SF-C=\: Shogunate Forces of Kusari.=/=The Horsemen. and .Prophet.=
For those interrested in joining: reach meesa Jar-Jar aka JJ in game or PM me or B.A Crusher: http://www.gamer-forums.com/asgard/
"A special thanks to BA Crusher who
helped in finding a title for thissa faction"
~JJ~ Swamp Thing...safe journey...come fly with us...
Edited by - Swamp Thing on 2/18/2005 5:52:33 PM
Edited by - Swamp Thing on 2/18/2005 5:54:39 PM
Edited by - Swamp Thing on 2/18/2005 5:56:42 PM