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Size of texture files

Here you can discuss building custom ships, texturing and 3D modeling in Freelancer

Post Thu Oct 14, 2004 4:04 pm

Size of texture files

Hey everybody... I'm working on a ship's textures, and I have a basic/stupid question: what happens (if anything) if I make a ship texture that's 512/512, or larger powers of 2?

Does FL crash if you do this?

Any answer to this question would be appreciated... I'm used to building really HUGE UVmaps of things, so if FL will support larger sizes, I'm going to use them. At 8-bit color, one large map is still more efficient than multiple small ones, and I can work with the palette carefully, to ensure that it looks good.

Post Thu Oct 14, 2004 4:09 pm

Awww... nevermind. I've already found an example of a 512/512 texture, so now I can assume that if I work at 2048/2048 and shrink it down, that it'll be right. Sorry for wasting your time reading this, folks... the answer is, "yes, you can make larger textures than 256".

I'll have to go through the material talking about the limitations of the CMP Export plugin... I saw something about it not supporting certain types of UV maps... hopefully, this isn't the case... but if anybody knows what UV projections will cause it to crash, I'd love to hear about it before I put a lot of time into making a kewl texture...

Post Thu Oct 14, 2004 4:22 pm

...but this leads to yet another question... of course.

What is a lightmap, and how do I make one? I've tried to open the existing ones with UTF, but when I export them (as TGA files, since that's how they're labeled), Photoshop says that it "cannot parse the file". I assume that a lightmap is some sort of 8-bit grayscale that defines lighting... I'd really, really like to know what it is, and how to make one.

I assume that means that the files are either encrypted or that they're not really TGA files...

Oh, and while I'm asking stupid questions... does FL's engine care which way polys are facing, or does it draw them double-sided? I know it cares about flipping the UV textures and the ships, but if you can have a single face that's drawn no matter what angle the engine "sees" it from, then it'll be pretty easy to add greebles to things.

Post Thu Oct 14, 2004 4:33 pm

try exporting it with the DDS extention, some of the textures in FL us teh Direct Draw System for texture files.

fo rediting these however, you will need the DDS photoshop filter available at nVidia's website download area

Post Thu Oct 14, 2004 4:45 pm

Ah... I've gotten it... and yup, lightmaps are just glorified grayscales. Anything special about how they're named/called by the game? I saw something in the UTF editor that said Et_name, that seemed to be reference to the lightmap... do I have to add that by hand, to get these to work, or are lightmaps supported in the CMP Exporter? Just curious...

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