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MILkshape crashes when trying to export to cmp or mat.

Here you can discuss building custom ships, texturing and 3D modeling in Freelancer

Post Mon Sep 20, 2004 2:02 pm

MILkshape crashes when trying to export to cmp or mat.

My latest ship model causes MS to crash when I try to export to cmp or mat. I tried so many things, putting all hradpoints on the end of the list, even have first all fixed then all revolute, not mixed etc. and I cannot see any cause. I tried opening a different model and it worked just fine, so neither MS nor the exporter are broken.

Any suggestions of other possible causes?

Post Mon Sep 20, 2004 2:59 pm

I'm no expert by any means but judging from this post as well as your posts in other theads, I'd check to make sure your MS files aren't corrupted. I have trouble with MS myself on other fronts but nothing even close to the size of what you're talking about. If not that then I'd check the polycount of your model. I'm told that after the polycount get to a certain size (@20k-25k), that it can cause MS to crash. I guess the program just isn't made for super, super detailed models with high poly counts.

"we wish for one last landing on the globe that gave us birth, to rest our eyes on the fleecey skies, and the cool green hills of earth" - 'Noisy' Rhysling

Post Mon Sep 20, 2004 11:59 pm

Well, it has only 4135 vertices and 4580 faces, and I had already exported a different model with a bit more faces and the same Milkshape sucessfully, and I tried it again and that one still works, so it has to be the model.

I am wondering if all parts would have to be editable polys in gmax? Because I think I did not convert a circle into an editable poly because there was no need to... But on the other hand, Milkshape shows ther circle correctly...

Post Tue Sep 21, 2004 4:30 am

Try using the menu option Tools->Model Cleaner before exporting. It should remove any zero sized triangles causing a divide by zero exception.
The only side effect I have noticed is that any vertices unwelded by the program may be moved apart slightly leaving gaps. If this happens undo the change or reload the model and unweld all vertices before using the model cleaner and saving.

Post Tue Sep 21, 2004 10:26 am

Milkshape crashes, too, when I try using the model cleaner.

And I tried the model cleaner then on a different model, and it worked just fine.

Edited by - Mephistopheles on 9/21/2004 11:27:10 AM

Post Tue Sep 21, 2004 2:58 pm

Have you tried reloading the model into MS and redoing the model? I had one model that for some reason wouldn't act right, then I reloaded it into MS and it worked. don't know why.

"we wish for one last landing on the globe that gave us birth, to rest our eyes on the fleecey skies, and the cool green hills of earth" - 'Noisy' Rhysling

Post Wed Sep 22, 2004 5:23 am

I tried that, I even re-exported it several times from gmax to Milkshape, every time with the same result. I think I am going to try to remove all texturing and UV in gmax and see if it works then. Then I know it's the UV mapping or textures, if it does not work either it's the model itself.

EDIT: Still crashes, but ithe exporter did not produce the "no UV mapping data was found" message on the main parts, only on the hardpoints as usual. SO how can I totally get rid of all UV map data in gmax?

Edited by - Mephistopheles on 9/22/2004 6:45:42 AM

Post Thu Sep 23, 2004 2:45 pm

You got me there. I'd try asking Harrier or Giskard or Drizzit on the Drizzit's modeling tutorial 1.5 thread. they know ALOT!!!!!! more about this than I do.

"we wish for one last landing on the globe that gave us birth, to rest our eyes on the fleecey skies, and the cool green hills of earth" - 'Noisy' Rhysling

Post Fri Sep 24, 2004 4:12 am

Ok, got rid of all textures and UV maps in gmax, exported blank model, cmp exporter didn't crash.

ewww, somehow Milkshape does not like some kinds of UV maps. Well, I use mostly planar mappings, and to get the engines of a ship looking like Bretonian engines, I used cylindric mapping for the exhaust nozzles... And some few places with face mapping. but those are really rare.

I am wondering which of those did it, or maybe somehow data got corrupted or whatever. *grumble*

And now I gotta retexture it all again. *sigh*

Post Fri Sep 24, 2004 10:15 am

too bad ..

don`t know but i have a guess: it maybe cylindrical mapping

good luck

Post Sun Sep 26, 2004 3:24 am

well, but how the hell did DA then make some engine textures for bretonian ships? I tried it with planar mappings, and the result was rather... crappy.

Post Sun Sep 26, 2004 8:40 pm

they used smoothing...

FIREBASE Technologies

Post Sun Sep 26, 2004 9:50 pm

That's not what I mean. When I map the image planar on the exhaust nozzle cone from above and below, it gets messed up on the side of the engine. I looked at the original Bretonian ships and the textures weren't such a mess there. Maybe FL can handle cylindrical mapping, just not our cmp exporter???

Edited by - Mephistopheles on 9/26/2004 10:50:22 PM

Post Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:41 am

I was just about to ad a new topic and found this lol...

I have the same problem (Quiting to desktop when using cmp exporter), but i think it might have somthing to do with regerstration or somthing...

Post Fri Oct 22, 2004 2:15 pm

Got it!!!!

you have to have a texture for it before you export it and you have to have it applied

Edited by - NightHound on 10/22/2004 3:32:05 PM

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