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** Tutorial ** - Making a new ship from scratch

Here you can discuss building custom ships, texturing and 3D modeling in Freelancer

Post Wed Jan 14, 2004 2:11 pm

Another thing, it would be good publicity too, i know some people............

Post Fri May 21, 2004 10:55 am


Sweet job all the way around. My only remaining problem is:
-create icon gfx for your ship.

Search as I may, don't seem to find any thoughts on this one. Can you help? Thanks a ton.

Post Sun Aug 01, 2004 7:51 pm

I need help (don't we all hehe) I need someone to help me with a model I made.
I have a few faces that I can not get to invert without making another face invert . I can send the file to anyone who will help and credit will be given when model is complete, but I am just at such a headslap that it is driving me nutz. I may even have to redo it but it is only a couple faces on one wing that I can not get to invert.Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

P.S. BTW Great jobs on all the resources and Tutorials they have been a great help , Keep up the good work!!

Post Mon Aug 02, 2004 2:27 pm

@Xenium- Had the same prob with the faces. Try selecting the other faces (the ones you dont want to invert) and using ctrl-h to hide them. Also, If you're working on just one part of the model, hide the rest of the model to prevent other faces from being accidently selected. You can also delete the face, then create a new one using F6 and selecting the verticies. (before deleting, I'd back up a copy...) If that doesn't help, send to [email protected]. No prom, but I'll take a shot at it.

Post Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:50 pm

AWT, Thanks for the tip, I am a super noob to 3d modeling (as is obvious), so I am slowly learning all the little shortcuts (like control + h) to hide those faces. Thanks again for the help.

Post Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:22 am

Hi I want to start making ship models for FL and am just curious what the average poly count for a ship is.


Post Sat Sep 11, 2004 4:00 am


and if I have Maya 5.0 what should I use to import AND export 3D models to FL ?

Anyone already build a new station in FL ? (I want to make one, like Vice City for the cars, or build your own like Morrowind...)

Edited by - LeSnip3R on 9/11/2004 5:00:57 AM

Post Sun Dec 05, 2004 5:11 pm

I'm having a lot of trouble just opening the .cmp exporter. 'Lil help? You download the .zip but there is nothing to install?

Post Thu Dec 23, 2004 8:08 pm

why is my MS crashing every time i try to convert to cmp??JImmyBOB copy the dll to your ms(milkshape) folder..

Edited by - DRIVER on 12/23/2004 8:19:11 PM

Post Sat Dec 25, 2004 5:29 am

O.K. ...,

I'll try to help.. what do you mean there is nothing to install..?


Post Sun Feb 06, 2005 12:30 am

Hi Imagine, just like to take the opportunity to say thankyou for putting so much effort into answering the questions of those who aren’t sure of exactly what to do.
In Milkshape I've made a model using the exported Liberty Battleship and another custom Star Wars mod ship (Macer Ship Pack 2 - Starhauler). Due to my overactive ego, I'd like it to be a Uber Battleship of Destruction that would make The Emperor wet his pants in his pithy little Death Star.
I have the 'Complete Freelancer Ship Editing & Creating Tutorial V 1.4' but I am a little out of my depth.
I am familiar with hardpoints but not entirely. With the engine effects, I need to specify the Liberty battleship main engine, but how?
It has like 30 Weapon hardpoints at Level 10 (I know, shame on me) and 5 Torpedo hardpoints (The grave gets deeper) All other hardpoints are fine and my textures are ready (10 in total).
The creation of the Mat file is under control. (I hope)
Trouble starts at the INI editing (I have SDK V1.3), continues with the infocards and ends with the LOD ranges.
Is there a ship with a similar set up that I can leach off, like the actual Liberty Dreadnought.
What i ideally need is a good tutorial based on my needs.
I know that’s a very tall order but any help would be greatly appreciated.

Post Sun Feb 06, 2005 1:11 am


Welcome to TLR. I don't feel like typing a this tutorial will have to do. It is a very well written though long tutorial. Stick with it and you'll be fine.

Post Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:00 am

Thankyou kindly parabolix. I wasn't counting on such a speedy reply.

Once is Happenstance
Twice is Coincidence
The Third Time is Enemy Action

Post Sun Feb 27, 2005 3:19 pm

Hey! How do you create the 2d triangles? Hurry up and get back to me!

FreLancer 101

Post Sun Feb 27, 2005 6:00 pm

*Hurries up!*

Freelancer, are you using Milkshape? If you are, click the vertex button in the toolbox on the right, then set 3 vertices down in one box (not 3D box). Once the vertices are there select the Face button from the toolbox and click on the three vertices in counter-clockwise order. Voila, a triangle

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