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** Tutorial ** - Making a new ship from scratch

Here you can discuss building custom ships, texturing and 3D modeling in Freelancer

Post Wed Aug 06, 2003 8:30 pm

** Tutorial ** - Making a new ship from scratch

I know the frustration involved in trying to dig out useful info from thousands of posts. Here's what I found in general for making ships from scratch.

-milkshape (3d modeling prog, needed to export ships to FL)
-milkshape to cmp converter (converts a 3d model into a .cmp file that fl uses as the ship model)
-bini.exe (you will need to edit some ini files, most of which are compressed. This file uncompresses them)
-utf_edit.exe (creates .mat file which fl uses as ship texture file. Utf edit also used for editing hardpoints)
-3d modeling prog of your choice (not needed if you model directly into milkshape)Here are some free ones:
Blender from
Doga from

**bini is here
utf editor is here
CMP converter is here
Milkshape (demo)can be dloaded from here. The demo is time restricted to 30 days though.

Ship mesh(skip this set if you already have your ship mesh):
-Since there are so many 3d programs out there, this intro to 3d modeling of a ship will be based on milkshape. The general guidelines given later, though, will apply to any 3d program.
-Ships and all 3d models are based on triangles. Combinations of triangles that make up the surface of the ship. Triangles themselves are made of 3 vertexes (vertices), joined by 3 edges, and have 2 faces. 1 face is texturable and shows up as white in the flat shaded/smooth shaded view. The other is black and cannot be textured. Never have any triangles with the black side visible once your ship is done.
-In milkshape, triangles can be easily made and joined together. To start, use the vertex tool to create 3 vertices. join them by using the face tool and clicking each of the 3 in order. If you have a triangle whose texturable face is on the wrong side, in the face menu hit "reverse vertex order". The side the texturable face is on is determined by how you join the 3 vertices (counterclockwise/clockwise)
-for your second triangle, you can just add 1 vertex and join it to 2 existing vertices. You now have 2 joined triangles.
-all 3d models are created with triangles on the fundamental level. What the ship looks like is determined by the size/shape/orientation of the triangles, how they're joined together, and how many there are. From here on, follow the general guidelines. Additional help for Milkshape can be obtained by going through a few of the tutorials on Milkshape's site.
General guidelines:
-leave no quadrilaterals/polygons on your ship. It must all be triangles. It you want to fix, for instance, a quadrilateral, join two opposite vertices together to form a new edge. Note that the surface may look slightly different depending on which 2 you join, leaving it either concave or convex.
-no holes in the model. The surface of the ship must be continuous.
-polycount is how many triangles/polygons you have on the ship. A good polycount is about 5000. However, I've worked with ships up to 12000 with no noticeable drop in game performance.
-Ship creation is 30% modeling skill, 68% imagination, and 2% chaos and insanity.

Ship in Milkshape:
-import your ship into milkshape if it's not there already
-texture entire ship using only 1 square (preferrably tga)graphic with dimensions that are some power of 2. Name that texture something different than any group on your model (groups discussed in a bit)
-create 2d triangles and place them at where you want hardpoints to be. (these act as markers for the cmp exporter, which automatically installs hardpoints on the average point between the 3 triangle verices, and orients that hardpoint as if it was on the ship surface closest to that point)
-note that when you can create 1 triangle and use ctrl-d to duplicate until you have the amount you need, ctrl-d is also good because each of the triangles will be put into their own group automatically

-milkshape lets you give names to groups in your model. Each 2d triangle must now be named after the hardpoint it is meant to be. They can be Hp/Fixed/* or Hp/Revolute/*, depending on whether or not you want them to be able to turn. The * is replaced by some hardpoint name: hardpoint names look like HpWeapon01, HpEngine01, etc. Ie: If you have 3 HpWeapons, they must be 01, 02, and 03. (For listing of hardpoint names, use utf_edit and open up one of fl's original ships and look around. Hardpoints can be such things such as weapon mount points, lights, where ship is mounted upon landing, contrail starting points, etc.) It doesn't really matter if you use / or the vertical-looking thing.

-size the ship and its triangles so that the entire ship cannot be seen even when 2d viewing windows are zoomed out to max extent. This is roughly the right size; you can adjust later after you have seen it in game.
-turn ship and triangles upside down
-make sure the front of the ship faces down in the view from the top
-your ship can be listed in the groups list as either a single entity or a bunch of parts. Make sure the first group shown in the groups menu is a ship/ship-part and not a hardpoint triangle. Name that first group the name of your ship. Cmp exporter probably uses this first group to name the ship for freelancer.
-once you are good to go, use cmp export and save the .cmp file somewhere you can find.


Edited by - Imagine on 20-10-2003 04:15:09

Edited by - Stinger on 2/14/2004 7:58:46 AM

Post Wed Aug 06, 2003 8:33 pm

-now for the texture. The .mat file must be created from scratch. Open up your utf editor, create a file that looks like this

(antioch is the name of my texture)
-in the dt_name branch, store a string with the name of your texture file, e.g. mine is "antioch.tga"
-in the type branch, store a string "DcDt"
-flip your texture file upside down
-in the MIP0 (MIP zero) branch, import the upside down texture file
-save this utf file with same name as your cmp file, except with extension .mat

-now for some ini editing. decompress your data\ships\shiparch.ini file with bini
-make a copy of shiparch and add to it a suffix like .bak (this will be your backup file in case something gets messed up)
-stick your ship cmp and mat in this location: data\ships\"yourgroup"\"yourship"\"group"_"ship".cmp, data\ships\"yourgroup"\"yourship"\"group"_"ship".mat
-Easiest way to test your ship is to replace one of the other ships, eg patriot. It's the first ship group in shiparch.ini.
-replace the entry for DA_archetype with the location of your ship cmp
-replace the entry for material_library with the location of your ship mat
-go to hp_type parts
-example: hp_gun_special_3 is ability to mount lvl 3 guns. The hardpoints listed after it are which hardpoints have that ability. Check out the other ships' hardpoint entries to find out what types there are. Hint: hp_torpedo_special_2 is torp/cd hardpoint while hp_torpedo_special_1 is cd only
-set LODranges to 0,2000 (change 2000 to something larger if you have a huge ship like a cruiser)
-delete all the [collision and [simple groups for the patriot

**That's it, you should be able to go to manhattan and buy your ship. But this is a bare bones tutorial, just enough to get your model into the game. Things this tutorial does not cover but which you can do anyway:
-change ship handling characteristics
-change ship price
-change ship hull stats
-change ability to mount diff lvl shield
-create icon gfx for your ship
-edit ship's info
-put ship in w/out displacing another ship
-letting ship have a hull collision box
-letting ship have shield collision box that fits it
-changing appearance of engine flame
-changing angle at which camera follows at
-changing internal appearance of cockpit

Good luck!

Edited by - Imagine on 04-12-2003 09:17:25

Post Fri Aug 08, 2003 7:54 pm

OMG - someone finally put it in a manner that even I can understand. Look forward to some props when I create the "Armored Battle Freighter" Class ship. So far the idea is:
Lvl 8 Shielding
5600 Armor
200 Cargo
2 Lvl 8 guns up front
2 Lvl 7 guns top mounted (one rear, one forward firing)
2 lvl 8 turrets each side
2 lvl 7 turrets each side
1 lvl 7 turret rear mounted
2 CD/T Hardpoints
1 CM
1 Thruster
3 Engines

Think Humpback, less manueverability, more aggression, same cargo.

On another note, do you know of some way to modify the time to reach top speed of both the engines and thrusters UNDER FULL CARGO LOAD to simulate mass vs. inertia? What about the time it actually takes the Cruise engines, once engaged, to push the freighter up to the full cruise speed?



Hail Ceasar! Leader of the Free Peoples of the Holy Roman Empire.

Post Fri Aug 08, 2003 9:05 pm

thanks, Justinian, glad it helps!
I've edited it a bit and made some corrections. Also I amd very weak at editing handling characteristics so I can't help you much with that

Post Sat Aug 09, 2003 3:36 am

Ach! I'll take what I can get. What do you think of the concept ship above - the Armored Battle Freighter? Good Idea, bad idea??? Think it will catch on or no?

I can't seem to find it, maybe you would help? How do I import EXISTING ships to modify them? I was thinking of some slight alterations to the Humpback (see above), and would like to use the model from the game.

Thanks either way - this has helped more than I can express!!!


Hail Ceasar! Leader of the Free Peoples of the Holy Roman Empire.

Post Sat Aug 09, 2003 6:19 am

To import a ship, dload cmp import and import the humpback. You will need to reapply the textures and hardpoints because the importer doesn't put those into milkshape. Your freighter sounds like a tank . Maybe it should handle like one too?
It would be really unique if you change the texture a bit, some ideas
-"Armored Courier Industries" or some name on the side
-little warning markers like "Danger: Flammable Substances"
-a license plate from Frankfurt
-"How's my driving?"

Post Sat Aug 09, 2003 4:57 pm

If the Eagle (according to some) is the Porsche of the Freelancer universe, I intend this to be the 1974-ish Dodge Aspen Station Wagon. It will fly in a straight line well enough, and should be able to turn around inside a Thanks for the information, I will post more hear as I go along.


Hail Ceasar! Leader of the Free Peoples of the Holy Roman Empire.

Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 7:26 am

How do i create 2d triangles?

Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 8:12 am

In milkshape, click on the 'vertex' button. Then click 3 times in top view to create 3 vertices. Then use the 'face' button and click eachh of those vertices et voila! You have a face/poly/2d-triangle.

Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 12:27 pm

Please? i need help with finishing my ship but i cant make it play able and ive asked many i have to move the progetct "my first ship" into the recycle bin?

Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 2:14 pm

whats a,

Con Trail



Tell me to Commit suicide and i'll do it.

Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 4:41 pm

Are u gonna answer my question?

The bullets in the back of John Chavez,priceless

Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 8:46 pm

sorry, I wasn't online. Cm01 is countermeasure 01
contrail is that jetstream' like thing that trails from the ends of your wings and such
mount is best described by example: if you put your mount triangle 3 feet under your ship, your ship will land and hover 3 feet off the ground. If you put triangle in your ship, it will land with bottom half in the ground.

Post Fri Aug 15, 2003 8:48 pm

donald please elaborate on your problem. No I don't think u move anything to recycle bin unless u don't want it anymore...sounds like someone was being sarcastic.

Post Tue Aug 19, 2003 10:18 pm


as i have not the time to sit around and work it out for my self..

i was woundering if there was some one who would be willing to make a new ship for me..

(it will be placed for every one to get but i would get it first and of course the person who makes it will have there name where its says maker)

but basicly what i want is for the ship to be a star battle ship.. (like the ones u see sitting around some of the trade lanes..)

ill give more specs if some one will do this for me


Space is big, so make the most of it..

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