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Privateer: The Reckoning MOD Beta 2.4 Feedback

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the Privateer / Wing Commander Total Conversion called ?Privateer: The Reckoning? and accompanying Mods

Post Sun May 02, 2004 7:39 am

warzog, ill fix the hardpoints on the talon and hit you with a fixed model soon

Who dares wins

Post Sun May 02, 2004 7:46 am

talons are away, check your mail war

Who dares wins

Post Sun May 02, 2004 9:12 am

For the heck of it I changed my start ship i Privateer to the Dagger. Things were going OK until Missin 7, flee to Tau 23.

After the Rheinland battlecruiser appears and I flee to the tradelane outside of Holman, the game crashes as I approach the others waiting to go to the tradelane.

Is it because I'm flying a Dagger?

Post Sun May 02, 2004 9:41 am

indy, we dont know 8( the CTD in mision 7 is probably our #1 bug were trying to kill, that and why gemini wont work.

Who dares wins

Post Sun May 02, 2004 9:58 am

Here's a workaround.

I tried running the mission by swapping out the broadsword back to a rheinland cruiser and that worked the trick. I had to change out both the cloaking loadout and the archethype for the broadsword with a regular rheinland cruiser one from the mission7 NPCs and that did the trick.

Edited by - Indy11 on 5/2/2004 10:58:36 AM

Post Sun May 02, 2004 10:20 am

indy, which files did you edit to fix it?

Who dares wins

Post Sun May 02, 2004 10:36 am

Looks like I should have read a bit more carefully...

So how'd you fix the crash in Tau23?

Edited by - Imprezzed on 5/2/2004 11:39:15 AM

Post Sun May 02, 2004 10:46 am

Indy11: I am getting the same crash when I'm in my Centurion, EXACTLY the same crash. I'm about to reinstall the mod and see if that helps at all.



Post Sun May 02, 2004 10:55 am

ok people, if you go into the i believe its npships.ini or something of that nature, there is one entry for a ship with broadsword as the ship archetype and broadsword_cloak as the weapons loadout. copy the corresponding entries from the rhineland gunboat above the broadsword entries and you should be alright

Who dares wins

Post Sun May 02, 2004 11:13 am

Sorry guys for being unclear. .

In Mission 7 folder, the npcships.ini. One of the Rheinland npc loadouts points to a broadsword for the ship archetype and the cloaking loadout also is for a broadsword

The entry that needs fixing is:

nickname = MSN07_Nomad_Rheinland_Gunboat_Tradelane
loadout = Broadsword_Cloaked
level = d10
ship_archetype = Broadsword
pilot = MSN07_Nomad_Rheinland_Gunboat
state_graph = GUNBOAT
npc_class = lawful, GUNBOAT

You need to swap out the loadout for a regular Rheinland loadout in the file, i.e.

loadout = MSN07_Nomad_Rheinland_Cruiser

and the archetype to:

ship_archetype = rh_cruiser


Post Sun May 02, 2004 11:17 am

Very awesome Black Phoenix & Indy11, something so simple causing me so much pain.

Well, I guess I'm back to kicking a$$ and taking name...



Edited by - Du7andal on 5/2/2004 12:17:59 PM

Post Sun May 02, 2004 11:21 am

Hey guys, I forgot to say what I wanted to say to begin with.

Awsome Mod. Am loving it so far. I've decided to keep the movies as is. I'm a lazy slob and sometimes I just want make a quick run and then buy whatever I want.

Keep up the good work. Can't wait for the other roll-outs you make on this one.


Post Sun May 02, 2004 11:25 am

Bob, the perry naval base looks great! However, I hate to spoil the party, but there are one or two nits I have to pick:

Comparing closely with this picture

The texture I sent you with the "vents" wasn't used! I see that you chose to use the texture without the vents, then stretched it over the surface of the ENTIRE sphere. Can you try applying the Perry 05 with the vents on the upper half of the sphere, and then the plain background texture on the bottom half? Should I make a 512x1024 size texture for you instead, with the vents on the top and the background on the other?

Maybe I am obsessed over my vents, but i like my vents. I am curious to see if the vents work. If not, I can re-do the 05 PERRY text so that it wont look so squished, if that happens when you use the vent texture.

Other than that.. good job on the model!

Also as a side note: I need a job. I am willing to relocate.

Edited by - lvxoccvlta on 5/2/2004 12:44:53 PM

Post Sun May 02, 2004 1:01 pm

Mission 7 is where you escort Quintaine to meet with Kress.

I'll try that.
(Sounds like another hard-coded problem.)

Watch your 6!

Post Sun May 02, 2004 1:17 pm

I'm not sure if anyone already posted this but the 2 outside guns on the Tarsus do not shoot to the far direction of the side they are on (eg the left one won't shot far left). Plus the infocard says the tarsus has a turret, but lo and behold it does not.

Is it possible to get rid of the "Shields failed" and "Shields restored" voice? It lately has be drowning out the more urgent "Incoming Missile" voice. Also, could you make the sheild restoration delay a little longer (even for the player) because I'm getting tired of having to shoot two missile at once to do any damage to a ship because the damage does not pass through the shields.

Warzog, what else needs to get done before you can release the next mod?

No rush...

EDIT: I noticed that some of the hardpoints (like the turret on the Centurion) float a little off the ship, but I only noticed this if I looked really hard head on to the ship. Don't worry, I know it's really hard to place the hardpoints just right.

Good job to all of you that are helping!



Edited by - Du7andal on 5/2/2004 2:26:49 PM

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