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Privateer: The Reckoning MOD Beta 2.4 Feedback

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Post Mon May 03, 2004 9:54 pm

posted 5/3/2004 17:37 PST
More bug finds...When I reached Bretonia space, and started killing attackers, the Kilrathi faction now begins listing twice under Reputation

Apon landing on Cambridge with the Galaxy freighter, as the movie camera angle looks up just before the Galaxy lands, the ship disappears and only the weapons/addons show momentarily before touchdown

Alot of the stations/outpost in Bretonia space are only selling pets and wood, and not paying much for essentials like food items, pharmeceuticals etc. This is true more so near Leeds area

There are 2 Kilrathi, 4 Militia, and 4 Confed that will appear.
2 Kilrathi used to be: Outcasts & Corsairs
4 Militia used to be Liberty, Bretonia, Kusari, and Rheiland Police.
4 Confed used to be Liberty, Bretonia, Kusari, and Rheiland Navy.

As black_phoenix said, that's normal for non-Freelancer ships.

The commodities are based on Privateer Commodities.
You had:
Military Bases/Pirate Bases/Mining Bases/Agricultural Bases/ Refineries/Pleasure Planets.
The Pets, Wood, and low prices on everything else, are Militia/Confed bases.
(Police & Navy bases in Freelancer.)
Bretonia has a bunch of those.
Try a run from a Pleasure Planet (or Liner) and a Pirate Base.
Pleasure Planets pay great prices for a lot of the Pirate contraband.

Watch your 6!

Edited by - warzog on 5/3/2004 10:56:22 PM

Post Tue May 04, 2004 2:23 am

indy the delay on refire is due to the refire delay on the gun, which is pretty long as a torpedo should fire slowly. try setting the HP of the munition higher to avoid it blowing up before it gets where it is going

Who dares wins

Post Tue May 04, 2004 7:54 am

@ lvxoccvlta

well i uploaded all pictures of the ships... one by should (MUST!! ) be able to view them now.

here you go :

sry that the shots of the original ships aren't that big...i had to make them through DosBox 0.31 ... everytime i tried to make snaps without an emulator, both games crashed and i got no screenies :\ ... i hope the quality is good enough to work with

/ Life is a big sandcake... slowly crumbling - BoH_Havoc /

Post Tue May 04, 2004 8:23 am

Just as a suggestion, you could have the two Kilrathi factions to be from two different clans...

"The worst player has guns, and grenades, and vehicles, and all manner of damaging tools. Like a baby with a razor blade, he need not be skilled at all with his tools to cause terrible damage with them; a blind man can fire a tank and kill you."


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