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Privateer the Reckoning & WC Conversion Mod is BACK ON!!

Here you can find news, get help and comment about the Privateer / Wing Commander Total Conversion called ?Privateer: The Reckoning? and accompanying Mods

Post Wed Dec 31, 2003 6:40 pm

That's cool Warzog! BTW, ask them if they need any sound, voices and music from the original Privateer the original. I have a .voc extracter that can remove all the mus###.voc files in the .tre batches. Then from there you need either a .voc player or a voc2wav.exe file.

I have been a WC fan longer than Eraser and I can't wait to see it, but before I can do that I need this new computer I'm putting an order in for in 7 days. Then in 10-15 days after that I'll be all set to go.

Sir S

Post Wed Dec 31, 2003 10:49 pm

Sounds nice, but I don't think anyone on the team is an audio editor.
If you could put a mod together, I could add it in.
Music would be nice.
I doubt that the voices would be compatible as far as what's in FL.

BTW-The guns are finished!
I might change the colors, as most shoot red, the Plasma Gun shoots white.
I tried giving the Plasma Gun tracking, which worked great, but it switched to being a single shot, so I had to take the tracking out.

Gotta finish the Missiles/mines/torpedo next.
If the Plasma Gun's tracking is any indication, WHOA!!!
I gave it the FF Missile's tracking system, at 1/3rd power!
And it very seldom missed!
It hasn't been decided, yet, but we may reduce the number of missiles that the ships can carry. Maybe to 20, or so, like in the original Privateer. (not the 4-8 in the WC games.)

Once the weapons are all done, then comes the task of rearming everything.
Then I'll have to readjust everything to keep the game fairly balanced.

BTW-I'm having a BLAST!!!
I can't wait to get my hands on a Centurion again!

Watch your 6!

Post Thu Jan 01, 2004 3:52 pm

@Warzog, well .wavs can be converted to mp3s I believe and to speak of it, I actually have 3 mp3s that someone remade the music of several of the planet music from Privateer. Also, I know that has several mp3s of music from the WC games.

Just something to consider.

Sir Spectre

Post Fri Jan 02, 2004 10:10 pm

Well, I've never messed with audio, so I haven't got a clue, right now.
Perhaps when I'm finished with what I'm doing...
and waiting for more models...
I'll check into it.

As to the current status...
Weapons, and loadouts are finally done.
I just spent a couple of hours adding all the secondary thrusters...
I forgot that the Vindicator, Hellcat, Hornet, and Crossbow had them too!
(Already had the Thunderbolt's done.)
Kinda funny, it wasn't until I saw the Main Menu animation of some Vindicator's escorting a pair of freighters that I realized it. They looked kinda funny with the one thruster, on only one side, and not in the middle.

I've still got to adjust engines, generators, etc to get the ships to handle correctly.
Since there are several ships from WC games I don't have, it'll be a big guess.

Tolwyn said he's gonna try and get me a few more models next week.
I think he's going to add some hardpoints that are missing from the current ships, too.

BTW-does anybody know if there's a way to limit the number of missles a ship can carry?
The only limits I know of are for the nanos & shieldbatts.

Watch your 6!

Post Thu Feb 26, 2004 4:15 am

you should rename the title since it is rather confusing now

Post Thu Feb 26, 2004 5:16 am

I second that, because, I keep asking myself "What is going on here?"

I have been quivering in my britches ever since this project was mentioned.. I for one, would go merrily insane if this mod worked out. But reading the thread, it sounds like the privateer/reckoning mod is halted/suspended. But then warzog, another team member, says he is adding this feature and that..

My head is spinning, someone explain!

Post Thu Feb 26, 2004 6:01 am

warzog joined the team later.
before he did so, the mod *WAS* rather dead.

as you can see, it seems that this thread made warzog join the team and therefore save and greatly push forward the project.

i request this thread to be renamed to "...and then came warzog"

Post Thu Feb 26, 2004 11:22 am

Fine, I'll rename it, because apparently people can't read dates on posts.

Sir S

Post Thu Feb 26, 2004 10:22 pm


Post Thu Feb 26, 2004 11:50 pm


Well I hope then we can be a source of any further development.. creative input is probably the only thing I can offer.

In addition to this being like privateer only bigger, I think it would be fair to extend the Gemini Sector, adding still more systems, more bases, more places to go than even in Privateer: Righteous Fire. Wormholes, blackholes, surreal systems with strange sights to behold.. i think it would be pretty fantastic. And to do this, while bringing a certain feel to the game that wasnt there before, and in a finished, professional product.. man. You guys will hopefully do the game "right," where MS cut things short.

Looking foward!

Post Fri Feb 27, 2004 4:36 am


My back is getting sore from all the pats on the back.

Please remember...
If it weren't for the hard work of Bob McDob, Tolwyn, Stannum, and many others, none of this could've happened.
All I did was come along at just the right time, with the right drive, and the right skills, to help out.

And NO!
It's not an attempt at false modesty.
I'm just trying to remind everyone that an undertaking this large is a team effort.
Making the models, texturing them, modding them to work in FL, etc is just as time consuming, and probably more so, than anything I will do.

So, when you hand out your praise...
Please remember the rest of the team too!
Thank you.

Watch your 6!

Post Fri Feb 27, 2004 1:08 pm

I used to do 3d modelling back in the day with truespace 2 and lightwave 4. Being out of the loop for some years, I have no idea what Milkshape is, but I keep hearing talk about it. It can't be that different or hard to learn from the others. (man, truspace had one of most effective and fastest interfaces known to man, but lightwave had a more powerful renderer). How is milkshape anyway?

I think I'd like to get back into the hobby again if I could. Perhaps sometime in the future do some modelling.. if you guys need any more rendering/modelling talent, then I'd be more than willing to give it a shot.

Post Tue Mar 23, 2004 5:04 am

could someone compile a list with bugs on the models? Given that I might be able to conjure a bug fix very soon. On the side note: I will be on a business trip next week, so if you want me to fix anything, then post it now

Wing Commander Saga
Wing Commander Saga Forum
~Project Head of the "Wing Commander Saga: Battlegroup Serpent" Project
I still loveWing Commander. Given the right opportunity, I would definitely revisit it." - Chris Roberts.

Post Tue Mar 23, 2004 8:54 am

@Tolwyn, perhaps a pre-release of the mod is in order. To find all the new bugs, specifically to do with ship models. Because haven't quite a few been added since the last posted version?

Sir S

Post Tue Mar 23, 2004 11:12 am

well, there were a few... BUT: as far as I recall there were problems with Vaktoth, Hellcat, Saber and other craft.

Wing Commander Saga
Wing Commander Saga Forum
~Project Head of the "Wing Commander Saga: Battlegroup Serpent" Project
I still loveWing Commander. Given the right opportunity, I would definitely revisit it." - Chris Roberts.

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